Authoring an Academy of Management Collections Article
The Academy of Management is home to an archive of 50,000 previously published journal articles. In August 2022, AOM introduced Academy of Management Collections with the mission of publishing carefully curated collections of these articles, tied together by an original essay. Since then, various AOM scholars have authored articles as part of a Collections volume.
“Writing an article for the Academy of Management Collections is truly rewarding. It allows authors to not only find common threads but also point to directions for future research and implications for practice. You are forced to be concise and write in a way that will reach out to a very broad readership.” -Herman Aguinis, co-author of Collections Vol. 3, No. 1
When authoring articles of Collections, scholars can take part in memorializing the past to make sense of the future. The most recent issue of Collections was co-authored by Deborah E. Rupp, Herman Aguinis, Donald Siegel, Ante Glavas, and Ruth V. Aguilera. “Corporate Social Responsibility Research: An Ongoing and Worthwhile Journey” tells the story of corporate social responsibility (CSR) research by presenting a curated collection of 19 articles published from 1973 through 2022 in all Academy of Management journals.
Read the full story here.
Registration and Housing for the 84th Annual Meeting
of the Academy of Management is open!
Sponsor, Exhibit, or Advertise with the Academy of Management
AOM offers year-round advertising and sponsorship opportunities that keep you top of mind with our readers. Connect with the world's top influencers in the field of management.
Contact us for a media kit.
The AOM Career Services Committee is in search of multiple volunteers from 9-12 August to assist with Career Fair Registration and career coaching during the Annual Meeting Career Fair. Our general volunteers greet job seekers and recruiting teams while our career coaches are more experienced AOM members who provide career advice primarily to those on the job market. For more information or to volunteer, send us an email.
View a very special edition of the President’s Corner, as AOM President Sharon Alvarez shares the impact of AOM’s community during her recent panelist appearance at the African Academy of Management’s Conference, held at Stellenbosch Business School in Cape Town, South Africa.
All-Academy Awards
Have you noticed the leadership of a colleague or peer who is regularly engaged in advancing scholarship to the field of management? AOM invites you to share your recognition for these distinguished individuals and their accomplishments with a 2024 Career Achievement Award nomination. Read more here.
Division and Interest Group Nominations
Thank you for submitting your Division and Interest Group nominations. Please remember to vote in both DIG and Board of Governors elections in mid-April.
NEW! AOM Journals Available for Download
All AOM Journals now contain a new, environmentally friendly feature to allow members to download and print the entire journal issue in PDF format.
Simply access any 2024 journal issue table of contents page and click on the ‘Full-issue PDF’ link directly below the Vol/Issue/Date notification on the TOC page.
The PDF is the full version of the issue and is a great tool for those interested in the print format.
For examples of this new innovation, please see these latest published issues:
Academy of Management Annals
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Review
We invite you to join your scholarly community to take advantage of this member-only benefit!
Annals Proposals
The deadline for Annals proposals for the next issue, Volume 20 Issue 1 is 1 April 2024.
AMJ expands Manuscript Portfolio to include Research Methods articles
Academy of Management Journal announces a new manuscript type for submitting authors. Learn more.
NEW: Ask an AMR Associate Editor Session Series
Each session begins with a short presentation by one or more associate editors on a specific topic related to publishing in AMR. After the presentation, the featured AE(s) will answer participants’ questions. These sessions will help authors who are considering submitting their work to AMR and who seek guidance on navigating the publication process. Learn more.
Call for Submissions
AMR Special Topic Forum - Artificial Intelligence in Management
AMR Bridge Reviewer Program
An innovative program with a goal of expanding the pool of potential reviewers. Participants in this program complete self-guided learning modules on topics such as writing highly developmental reviews, observing the ethics of reviewing, and avoiding bias while reviewing. Learn more.
Members in the News
Asia Business School’s Professor and AOM Member Michael Frese, a leading figure in the field of entrepreneurship research, has been awarded the prestigious Global Entrepreneurship Award in Stockholm, Sweden.
Established in 1996, the Award celebrates exceptional research that has profoundly shaped the field, and acknowledges Professor Frese’s ground-breaking research and significant contribution of psychology to entrepreneurship theory and to small business development as well as training research for entrepreneurship.
“I am absolutely delighted to accept the Award,” said Professor Frese.
His research delves into the psychological factors that drive entrepreneurial actions and success. He pointed out that his personal motivation for his life’s work stems from his desire to use entrepreneurship research as a powerful tool for poverty reduction: “As a psychologist I wanted to contribute to the economic growth of less-privileged countries. I envisioned empowering individuals through entrepreneurship to actively participate in their country’s economic development."
Read more here.
Photo: Asia School of Business
AOM Scholars On...2024 Webinar Series
AOM's Subject Matter Expert panel discussions bring together AOM Scholars from around the world to discuss the latest, trending topics within the management and organization field.
Join us for the first panel of 2024:
19 March 10:30 EDT (GMT/UTC-5)
Register Today
Upcoming AOM Scholars On...Webinars:
How to pursue work-life balance without sacrificing career ambition: 7 May 2024
How to Win at Work: Using Technology for Productivity and Innovation: 11 August 2024*
Employee training and development in a changing world fostering workforce proactivity: TBD
Exciting news for current Academic and Student members—access CARMA resources as part of your AOM Membership benefits! Learn about the New 2024 AOM-CARMA Affiliate Program here.
Registration and Housing are OPEN!
The 84th Meeting of the Academy of Management will be held in Chicago, IL USA 9-13 August. Join us to examine the interplay of innovation, policy, and purpose as a lens for rethinking conventional ways of leading, managing, and organizing.
Student Room Rates
AOM students attending the Annual Meeting qualify for reduced room rates. Student rates sell out quickly and are on a first-come, first served basis. Student membership is required and reservations will be validated.
Annual Meeting submission decision (accept / reject) notifications will be sent in early April.
Annual Meeting DIGs by Location
Annual Meeting DIGs by location is now available to view, showing where each Division and Interest Group will be hosting their sessions in Chicago. This can be useful when planning your personal agenda and making your hotel reservations.
Visa Alert
There is a significant backlog of visa appointments for some countries. If you plan to attend AOM 2024. It is recommended that you apply for your B1/B2 visa early. Wait times may change daily, and appointments are not guaranteed. Please refer to the US Department of State website for additional information.
Sponsoring the Annual Meeting
Interested in sponsoring items for the Annual Meeting? For more information, contact us.
AOM members connect with colleagues around the globe through online and in-person networks, communities, and events.
Networking through AOM offers new opportunities to share your research, meet peers, and discuss everything from the latest theories, to the best teaching practices, to top management and organization issues of the day.
Did You Know?
Connect@AOM is the Academy’s interactive online community, keeping you in-the-know with news, announcements, and shared information from your AOM networks all year-round!
- Get Started: Check out the Connect Quick Start Guide for tips on how to navigate Connect@AOM.
- Find your professional home among the DIGs: You are automatically subscribed to discussion digests for your select DIGs, and can personalize your email delivery preferences for each one.
- Join the Conversation: Do you have question to ask or information to share? Participate in your community discussions by posting a new thread or contributing to an existing conversation.
Academy of Management Directories
Directories allow members to identify and connect with current members, volunteer leaders, and contact AOM staff for assistance.
Membership Maximizer
Your AOM profile serves as your introduction to others so be sure to update your information under your Contact Info & Professional Profile tabs. Click on the pencil icon within each section to begin.
Volunteering with AOM
Contribute to the collective future of AOM by serving in both short and long-term volunteer roles for students, early career scholars, and seasoned academics and practitioners.