
Academy News Archive

July 2024

10 Jun 2024
AOM 2024 Program Highlights, 2024 AOM Fellows Inductees, Upcoming PDWs
Academy of Management

Sponsored by: University of Exeter Business School

July 2024

Browse the 2024 program , and register for the meeting for full program access—including building your personal itinerary, viewing meeting highlights and more!

The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management is less than a month away in Chicago, Illinois from 9-13 August 2024. If you’ve already registered, and begin creating your personalized schedule. If you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time to register before the 17 July registration rate increase!


With more than 2,300 sessions to choose from, there is something for everyone. View the , or check out the following DIG-recommended featured sessions:


Sponsor, Exhibit, or Advertise with the Academy of Management


AOM offers year-round advertising and sponsorship opportunities that keep you top of mind with our readers. Connect with the world's top influencers in the field of management.






Annual Meeting Career Fair

AOM Career Services is proud to host the Annual Meeting Career Fair from 9-13 August as part of the Annual Meeting in Chicago. This year, we provide more options to connect employers and job seekers in a reserved space to establish that critical first exchange. Questions can be directed to: .


More information and sign up information can be found via the buttons below:

Featured Job Posts

California State University, Long Beach

Participating in the Annual Meeting Career Fair

NEOMA Business School

(all ranks) in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, OB, OT and Information Systems

Participating in the Annual Meeting Career Fair

UNSW Business School














13 Inducted into AOM Fellows for 2024


The Fellows Group of the Academy of Management recognizes and honors AOM members who have made substantial contributions to the science and practice of management.


In addition to celebrating achievements in management, the Fellows Group fosters a strong community and provides a forum for discussion among its distinguished members. For 2024, thirteen members have been selected for induction:


  • Alfonso Gambardella, Bocconi University
  • Derek R. Avery, University of Houston
  • Talya N. Bauer, Portland State University
  • Steve W. J. Kozlowski, University of South Florida
  • Sandra Waddock, Boston College
  • Sharon Parker, Curtin University
  • Elizabeth Morrison, New York University
  • David B. Audretsch, Indiana University
  • Maurice E. Schweitzer, U. of Pennsylvania
  • Linda Putnam, University of California-Santa Barbara
  • Jeffery LePine, Arizona State University
  • John Antonakis, University of Lausanne
  • Melissa Emily Graebner, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Learn more about the 2024 AOM Fellow Inductees .

AOM Call for Editors

Nomination Deadline: 15 September

Nomination Deadline: 15 September

Nomination Deadline: 15 September

AMD Discoveries-through-Prose

Academy of Management Discoveries invites you to submit your empirical research to


Submission deadline: 30 September


Registered Reports

In cases in which results (whether present or not) may have important theoretical or practical implications, scholars are encouraged to follow a submission approach.

AMJ expands Manuscript Portfolio to include
Research Methods articles

Academy of Management Journal announces a new manuscript type for submitting authors. .


Academy of Management Learning & Education is delighted
to invite special issue proposals for an issue scheduled for publication in 2027. One special issue will be selected for the year.


The process of selecting the successful special issue proposal will be competitive—all submitted proposals will be discussed by the AMLE editorial leadership team who will make the final decision. Learn more .


Business schools teach students at a scale often larger than other subject areas, meaning that the potential for impact through research-led teaching is enormous. AMLE is happy to enable AMLE authors to share teaching slides based on their research published in AMLE.

AMR Special Topic Forums


Submission deadline: 1 October


Submission deadline: 1 June 2025

Members in the News

AOM Member and Clayton State University Assistant Dean of Strategic Initiatives for the College of Business Leon Prieto has been appointed to serve as a professional speaker and expert for the


This program recruits dynamic experts to engage international audiences on topics of strategic importance to the United States, such as innovation and entrepreneurship, workforce development, and social and corporate sustainability.


Leon said, “I am excited about this opportunity to give back to this nation as an expert and professional practitioner,” he said. “I am passionate about the power of social innovation and entrepreneurship to make a positive impact in the lives of people and communities, and it will be an absolute pleasure to spread this message across the globe.”


AOM Member and Northwestern Engineering’s Noshir Contractor has been named executive director of the


He is the Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences in the McCormick School of Engineering, the Northwestern School of Communication, and the Kellogg School of Management, and director of the Science of Networks in Communities (SONIC) Research Group. He is a leading researcher of network science, computational social science, and web science, explicitly examining how social and knowledge networks form in business, scientific communities, healthcare, and space travel.


"As someone who has dedicated their career to studying the Web and its profound impact on our world, I am honored and excited to take on the role of executive director of the Web Science Trust,” Contractor said. “Over the past 15 years, we have witnessed how the Web has served as the foundation for the meteoric rise of social media, transforming the way we connect, communicate, and share information on a global scale. We are deeply indebted to Wendy Hall for her visionary leadership of the Web Science Trust as we engaged with these momentous developments. We now have an extraordinary opportunity to shape a future where the Web and AI can synergistically benefit an equitable and inclusive humanity.”


The 84th Meeting of the Academy of Management will be held in Chicago, IL USA 9-13 August. Join us to examine the interplay of innovation, policy, and purpose as a lens for rethinking conventional ways of leading, managing, and organizing.

Student Room Rates

AOM students attending the Annual Meeting qualify for reduced room rates. Student rates sell out quickly and are on a first-come, first served basis. Student membership is required and reservations will be validated.


Annual Meeting Hotel Locations

Division and Interest Groups', committees', and affiliated and associated societies' meeting locations are , showing where each group will host their sessions in Chicago. This can be useful when planning your personal agenda and making your hotel reservations.

Visa Alert

There is a significant backlog of visa appointments for some countries. If you plan to attend AOM 2024, apply for your B1/B2 visa as soon as possible. Wait times may change daily, and appointments are not guaranteed. Please refer to the website for additional information.

Annual Meeting Career Fair

This year, a variety of opportunities have been created to best meet the needs of our participants. From a walk-in style meet and greet to limited private space, the Career Fair continues to support your recruitment efforts. for more information.

New for 2024! Professional headshot booth in the Exhibit Hall

Saturday, 10 August, 13:00-17:00 and Sunday, 11 August, 8:00-12:00. Stop by for a complimentary headshot courtesy of AOM and Caught in the Moment Photography.

Sponsoring the Annual Meeting

Interested in sponsoring items for the Annual Meeting? For more information, .


First Time Attendee and New Member Orientation Webinar

Held Wednesday, 24 July as a pre-conference webinar, you'll learn more about your Academy membership benefits and how to navigate the Annual Meeting prior to your arrival in Chicago. Reserve your spot .

18 July

MSR: Management, Spirituality, and Religion

24 July

IM: International Management

25 July

IM: International Management

25 July

MED: Management Education and Development

2 August

CMS: Critical Management Studies

10 August

In-person, AOM Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA


7 September

In-person, University of Tennessee, USA

Submission deadline: 5 August

9 September

In-person, IMD Business School, Lausanne, Switzerland

Submission deadline: 5 August

16 September

In-person, Florianópolis, Brazil held in conjunction with EnANPAD

Submission deadline: 2 August

8 October

In-person, American University, USA

Submission deadline: 3 September

3 December

In-person, Universidad EAFIT in Medellin, Colombia

Submission deadline: 8 October


Annals : |


Collections :


AMD : |


Insights : | |


AMJ : |


AMLE : |


AMP : |




AMR : |


AOM members connect with colleagues around the globe through online and in-person networks, communities, and events.


Networking through AOM offers new opportunities to share your research, meet peers, and discuss everything from the latest theories, to the best teaching practices, to top management and organization issues of the day.

Get Connected about AOM 2024!

Connect@AOM communities are buzzing in advance of the Annual Meeting in Chicago! to browse discussion posts to learn more about exciting sessions being planned, calls for award nominations, or advance application deadlines required for specific consortia and workshops. Keep the conversation going on Connect before, during, and after the Annual Meeting by tagging your discussion posts with #AOM2024

Academy of Management Directories

allow members to identify and connect with current members, volunteer leaders, and contact AOM staff for assistance.

Membership Maximizer

Did you know when you join just one more Division and Interest Groups (DIG), you expand not only your network for potential research collaboration, but you also increase the opportunity for valuable cross-disciplinary connections.

Volunteering with AOM

Contribute to the collective future of AOM by serving in both short and long-term volunteer roles for students, early career scholars, and seasoned academics and practitioners. .


For inquiries and to submit story ideas, please contact


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100 Summit Lake Drive, Suite 110, Valhalla, NY 10595 USA



Mission: to build a vibrant and supportive community of scholars by markedly expanding opportunities to connect and explore ideas.

Vision: we inspire and enable a better world through our scholarship and teaching about management and organizations.


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