Reflecting on 2024 and Preparing for 2025
As 2024 draws to a close, the Academy of Management (AOM) takes this opportunity to reflect on a year marked by scholarly contributions and community engagement, made possible through the dedication of our members and volunteers. Looking ahead, we are excited to invite you to AOM 2025, taking place 25–29 July in Copenhagen, Denmark!
Throughout 2024, the AOM community has continued to advance its mission of fostering a vibrant and inclusive network of scholars, expanding opportunities for intellectual exchange, and contributing to meaningful societal impact through research and teaching.
This year, AOM published 29 new journal issues across its seven journals and welcomed a new editor of Academy of Management Perspectives. Our journal editors facilitated numerous paper and idea development workshops worldwide, creating spaces for collaboration and the refinement of scholarly work.
This year’s 84th Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, brought together more than 10,000 members to present research, exchange ideas, and connect with colleagues. The meeting featured the annual transition of leadership, as Sharon Alvarez passed the gavel to President Peter Bamberger. AOM celebrated excellence with awards presented at the Publications, Division and Interest Group, and All-Academy levels.
As we prepare for AOM 2025, we encourage your participation by submitting your research or volunteering as a reviewer. We look forward to seeing you in Copenhagen in July for another engaging and impactful Annual Meeting.
Thank you for your invaluable contributions to AOM this year and every year.
Wishing you a peaceful and rejuvenating close to 2024!
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AOM offers year-round advertising and sponsorship opportunities that keep you top of mind with our readers. Connect with the world's top influencers in the field of management.
Contact us for a media kit.
AOM Media Relations Highlights 2024
Research Briefs (AOM 500s): 29 briefs have been distributed so far, with a total of 31 planned by year-end, contributing to 1,287 global media mentions.
SME Interviews and Coverage: 40 SME interviews have led to 69 pieces of secured media coverage (including syndications), along with 5 AOM SME feature articles published this year.
AOM Scholars On… Panels: Four panels were hosted, including an in-person session at the 2024 AOM Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
With over 60 job postings available, the AOM Career Services Job Board is your go-to resource for discovering new career opportunities.
Career Services Year in Review
As the year comes to a close, the job market is bustling with activity. AOM Career Services has welcomed 1,347 job seekers—an increase of over 100 from last year. Additionally, 335 unique employers have posted 786 official job openings.
Since October 2023, the market has seen a monthly average of 1,300 job seekers hailing from more than 75 countries. Among the divisions, Organizational Behavior leads with 360 job seekers, closely followed by Management (353), Strategic Management (324), Entrepreneurship (261), Human Resources (189), and Technology and Innovation Management (149).
Looking ahead, Career Services at AOM 2025 in Copenhagen will host on-site interviews from Friday through Monday 25-28 July—stay tuned for further details.
Don’t forget, Career Coaching offers year-round access to seasoned AOM members who provide invaluable guidance throughout your career journey.
Important DIG Nominations/Elections Update for 2025
AOM has transitioned to a new database and member management system. Consequently, our customized platforms for nominations and elections will also undergo process updates. We recognize that changes may raise questions, and we are dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition. Detailed instructions about the updated processes for DIG nominations will be provided before the end of the year.
AMD Discoveries-through-Prose
Academy of Management Discoveries invites you to submit your empirical research to AMD Discoveries-through-Prose
Registered Reports
In cases in which results (whether present or not) may have important theoretical or practical implications, scholars are encouraged to follow a Registered Report submission approach.
AMD Special Research Forum—Call for Papers
Organizational Insights in Health Care
AMJ expands Manuscript Portfolio to include
Research Methods articles
Academy of Management Journal announces a new manuscript type for submitting authors. Learn more.
AOM has successfully launched the AOM Student Community, now accessible to all active student members. This vibrant initiative is driven by a dedicated team of 39 Student Ambassadors who have already hosted two webinars highlighting the value of connection and networking within the AOM community. To further enhance engagement, an active discussion board has been introduced for current students.
Looking ahead, the Student Community will provide exclusive programming and on-site support for students attending the Annual Meeting in Copenhagen next year.
Learn more here.
AOM Member and The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Brett H. Neely Jr. has been named one of Poets & Quants 50 Best Undergraduate Professors for 2024, an annual recognition of the world’s top educators in business education.
Since joining the College of Business in 2020, Neely made his mark teaching undergraduate and graduate students organizational behavior. Tailoring his courses to students' interests and goals, he incorporates real-world examples, activities, assignments and guest speakers to create an interactive learning environment.
“I wanted a career that would let me work to understand what makes people tick, especially in ways that improve their lives and well-being,” Neely said. “I realized that being a professor studying organizational behavior was a career path where I could pursue many of my interests all at once.", Neely said.
Neely's research focuses on leadership and interpersonal dynamics, specifically on how leaders facilitate and empower positive outcomes for employees. His work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management and The Leadership Quarterly.
Photo courtesy of University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Join us in Copenhagen, Denmark 25-29 July for AOM 2025!
AOM 2025 Calls for Submissions & Reviewers
The Submission Center and Reviewer Center for the 85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management are now open! We invite you to contribute to this milestone event.
Call for Submissions
Influence the future of management and organizational scholarship in our contemporary world by sharing and presenting your research.
Preparing for submission:
- This year, without a formal conference theme, we have a unique opportunity for our community to explore an even broader range of topics within management. We invite you to share your insights and contribute to a rich, diverse dialogue that encompasses the full scope of our field.
- Familiarize yourself with the submission process.
- Explore the specific calls from AOM Divisions and Interest Groups, Affiliates, the Teaching & Learning Conference Committee (TLC@AOM), and the Caucus Committee.
Annual Meeting Submission Deadline: 7 January 2025 (17:00 ET UTC-5/GMT-5)
Decision Notification: late March 2025
Call for Reviewers
Contribute to the development of the Annual Meeting program by becoming a volunteer reviewer! Choose to review for up to two Divisions or Interest Groups, as well as TLC@AOM, and assess up to three proposals for each group you select.
Why consider reviewing?
- Reviewers play a crucial role in upholding academic quality and integrity.
- Reviewing actively involves you in your scholarly community.
- The reviewing process exposes scholars to diverse disciplines beyond their own.
- Emerging scholars are offered an invaluable introduction to the scholarly review process.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Reviewer Guidelines.
AOM 2024 Review
The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management welcomed attendees to Chicago, Illinois August 9-13.
Member Participation
Attendees: 10,289
Individuals listed on the program: 13,400+
Total Sessions
2,533 sessions on the program
Sessions & Type
Caucus: 26
Meeting: 358
Paper Session: 983
PDW Workshop: 470
Plenary Session: 27
Social Event: 133
Symposium: 536
Reviewers: 7,785
Review assignments: 30,000+
AOM members connect with colleagues around the globe through online and in-person networks, communities, and events.
Networking through AOM offers new opportunities to share your research, meet peers, and discuss everything from the latest theories, to the best teaching practices, to top management and organization issues of the day.
Get Connected about AOM 2025!
Connect@AOM communities are buzzing with ideas for AOM 2025 submissions. Find collaborators or share ideas and topics in your DIG community discussion, and tag your post with #AOM2025! Click here to see what other members are talking about, and get inspired for your own submissions!
Connect@AOM 2024 Year in Review
Throughout the course of 2024, more than 2,200 members shared their experience and expertise across 60+ communities on Connect@AOM. Community participation resulted in over 12,300 discussion threads and 1,700 uploaded files and resources shared. While DIGs represent the majority of member interactions, the new AOM Student Community, which launched in June, is a growing hub of active engagement! Whether you posted news and announcements, replied to a fellow member’s question, or simply read the Daily Digest emails to stay informed, we thank all AOM members for contributing to our vibrant online community!
Check out some of 2024’s most active, recommended, or followed conversations:
AOM’s new member portal is now available!
Access your upgraded member portal, which offers a range of new benefits, including:
- Convenient access to update your personal and professional information at any time
- Automatic membership renewal and the option to receive electronic notifications
- Effortless management of your Division and Interest Group (DIG) selections during renewal and the ability to purchase additional ones
- Easy access to review Annual Meeting submissions and participation records
The new member portal will require you to set a new password. You should have received an email with detailed instructions. Click here to learn more.
Tip: Your "Preferred Email Type" address in your profile now serves as your Username. If you'd like to use a different email address, select the "Change" option—this will also update your Username.
Volunteering with AOM
Contribute to the collective future of AOM by serving in both short and long-term volunteer roles for students, early career scholars, and seasoned academics and practitioners. See what opportunities are currently available.
Follow us on Social Media!
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