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Special Issue: Inequality and Poverty

11 Oct 2021
AOM Insights
Inequality and poverty

Sunday, Oct. 17 is the United Nation’s annual “,” and AOM scholars note that income and wealth inequality is “one of the most pernicious threats to our society.”


“A mountain of evidence has demonstrated how income and wealth are increasingly concentrated among a small group of individuals. Also apparent is how opportunities for advancement, particularly within organizations, accrue on the basis of having—or rather not having—certain identifiable identity characteristics. In addition to the societal outcomes noted above, such systemic inequality has been described as a threat to social stability and democracy,” AOM Scholars John Amis of the University of Edinburgh, Shelly Brickson of the University of Illinois at Chicago, Patrick Haack of the University of Lausanne, and Morela Hernandez of the University of Michigan wrote in an , “.”


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