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Online shaming, Rude coworkers, Ethical shortcuts

01 Feb 2024
AOM Insights
Using Social Media to Fight, Instead of Fuel, Stigma

With 4.8 billion users worldwide spending an average of two and a half hours a day on social media, organizations have new opportunities to counter stigma, according to an Academy of Management Review article.

Understanding the mindsets that prompt people to treat colleagues with politeness or incivility can help managers foster collegial behavior and enhance decision-making, an Academy of Management Discoveries article reveals.

Intrinsic motivation—doing something simply because you enjoy it—has long been linked to creativity. But creativity soars to higher levels when employees also strive to come up with ideas that help other people, according to an Academy of Management Journal article.

Friendly online reminders, or nudges, can spur people to give to charities, make choices to counter climate change, and lower their health insurance premiums. Sounds good, right? An Academy of Management Perspectives article, however, explains how a reliance on nudges to make choices can get in the way of developing long-term, personal ethical competence through deep reflection.

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Harassment while Commuting Hurts Productivity at Work

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