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Modern slavery, Grand challenges, Outsourcing innovation

01 Mar 2024
AOM Insights

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Modern Slavery Can Start with Recruitment Scams

Organizations around the world may not realize it, but they could inadvertently be contributing to modern-day slavery, according to an Academy of Management Perspectives article.

AOM scholars offer a framework for policymakers, business leaders, and scholars to diagnose and address "wicked problems" such as climate change, pandemics, and poverty.

When an employee’s employment ends, the traditional assumption is that the employee’s relationship with the organization ends, too. But it’s possible for relationships between an organization and its former employees, also known as alumni, to benefit both parties, according to an Academy of Management Review article.

The welcome immigrants receive in cities plays a key role in how well they navigate geographical and social barriers in reestablishing their careers in their new homes, according to an Academy of Management Discoveries article.

When seeking creative ideas, organizations often turn to outsiders for new perspectives. But they are often disappointed by a lack of diversity and innovation in the suggestions. Why does this happen? According to an Academy of Management Journal article, organizations unintentionally send signals that limit the ideas they get.

New infographic

Two Mindsets That Can Create Rude or Polite Coworkers

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The Problem with “Happy Talk” about Diversity Efforts
When Time Flies, Workers Perform Better
Loving the Job Can Be a Problem for Coworkers

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