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Binge eating at work, Blocking bad leaders, Paranoid CEOs, Jokes from the boss

01 Apr 2024
AOM Insights

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Managing Binge Eating Disorder at Work

An AOM scholar draws on his own experiences with food and body struggles to examine how his complicated relationship with food has affected his career in an Academy of Management Discoveries article.

Business schools are promoting a dangerous misconception among future leaders—that the personality traits of psychopaths, narcissists, and Machiavellians can help them gain power and achieve success in organizations, according to an Academy of Management Learning & Education article.

Scholars typically portray CEOs as confident attention seekers, but an Academy of Management Journal article reveals a different personality type—paranoia—and explains the behaviors stakeholders can expect from such leaders.

Supervisors may not realize how often their employees’ reactions to their jokes, from knee-slapping guffaws to genial smiles, are exaggerated or completely fake—and that those reactions can come at a cost, according to an Academy of Management Journal article.

Giving raises is a long-time strategy for retaining and motivating employees. But how employees react to pay-for-performance can backfire based on how workers perceive their bosses, AOM scholars reveal.

Shared values loom large in establishing business friendships, but have little or no influence on whether those ties endure, according to an Academy of Management Discoveries article.

Discussing the benefits of self-interested behavior, a core tenet of economics education that is all too frequently reinforced in the business world, can encourage people to adopt positive views of greed, according to AOM scholars.

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The Dark Triad

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Using Social Media to Fight, Instead of Fuel, Stigma
The Upsides of Keeping Up with Former Employees

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