
Academy of Management Perspectives

Published quarterly in February, May, August, and November

The mission of Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) is to inform current and future “thought leaders” who, through their leadership, teaching, consulting, and/or other professional activities have the potential to influence management practice and policy. These include educators and their students, business writers, consultants, executives, policy makers, and other practitioners seeking innovative, evidence-based approaches for addressing timely and important management issues. AMP publishes papers that bridge scholarly research and practice that are based on research evidence. This evidence can be quantitative or qualitative, focusing on one study, or summarizing the results of several studies in a particular line of research. AMP will not publish opinion pieces. Articles should strive to explicate a set of findings in a manner that focuses on implications for policy and practice, rather than on implications for theory. Articles might include practitioner or policy-oriented reviews of empirical studies, descriptive articles that advance our understanding of management practices or strategic approaches, and articles describing the practice and/or policy implications of evidence-based work.

To fit with AMP’s mission, an article must be relevant, rigorous, and readable. Specifically, AMP articles must:

  • Inform an issue of evident importance to managerial practice and/or policy, and 
  • Engage in rigorous and original conceptual or empirical analysis, and
  • Concisely and clearly convey key ideas to a non-specialized audience

Please review our Open Call for Papers before submitting your work to AMP. We are NOT the same as all other journals. We aim to matter to managers, and so your work must be framed as such from the start. Do not simply paste managerial implications onto a standard academic article. The managerial issue must be the paper’s central focus, not a byproduct of a theory driven paper.

Event: 15 May 2025

AMP Virtual Paper Development Workshop for Special Issue: Making It Better by Working Together

This virtual Paper Development Workshop is held in conjunction with the AMP Special Issue "Making It Better by Working Together" and aims to engage with scholars interested in contributing to the issue.
Event: 21 May 2025

Ask An AMP Editor: Session 2

Learn more about AMP - join the webinar and Q&A with the editors.
Event: 11 Jul 2025

AMPlitude Workshops: Session 2

Pitch your paper ideas to AMP editors! Join the next workshop.
Event: 15 Aug 2025

Ask An AMP Editor: Session 3

Learn more about AMP - join the webinar and Q&A with the editors.

AMP Call for Special Issue Papers: Making it Better by Working Together

This special issue invites scholarly studies that explain how the major challenges of our time can be or have been better addressed through specific reconfigurations of the relationships between firms, governments, and civil society organizations.
Event: 17 Oct 2025

AMPlitude Workshops: Session 3

Pitch your paper ideas to AMP editors! Join the next workshop.

AMP Open Call for Papers

Are you thinking of submitting a manuscript to AMP? We have a terrific global team of engaged editors eagerly awaiting the opportunity to help develop your work.

AMP Call for Special Issue Papers: Managing for Our “New Normal”

This special issue aims to provide actionable, evidence-based insights that clearly and credibly guides managers and their organizations through the extreme events that have become part of our new normal.

AMP Research in the News

HR Professionals Magazine: The known secret of fun – humor Study: 1 of every 4 employees of commercial organizations has withheld inventions from their employer Property rights 'laws' historically manipulated by businesses, research finds

Medium: 7 Ways Leaders Contribute to a Toxic Workplace Environment

Harvard Law School: How to Set Negotiation Goals as a Manager

Management Today: 5 Signs of a Narcissistic Leader