Our mission is to ensure an inclusive selection process and generate a viable list of qualified potential editors from a comprehensive collection of nominations. As a member of the Academy, we ask for your recommendation for individual(s) who you deem
capable and inclined to accept this position of responsibility. Nominees do not need to be current associate editors of Academy of Management publications. We will contact these individuals and encourage them to consider accepting the nomination
to be considered for the suggested editorship.
The person(s) selected for AMP editor will become editor-elect on July 1, 2021, and editor on January 1, 2022. The term of office as editor of is three years. Visit the AMP website to access the AMP mission statement and for more information:
Specific requirements vary by journal. We encourage you to contact us for details. In general, qualifications for an editor of an Academy publication include the following:
Selection will be a three-stage process. The Journals Committee (a committee of the Academy of Management Board of Governors) will review the nominations and will request complete applications from those that best fit the criteria above. Applicants
that move to the second stage will be asked to submit a detailed proposal of how they would further the goals of the journal as described in the editorial mission statement contained in each issue. In the third stage, the Journals Committee
will forward a recommendation to the full Board of Governors who will finalize the recommendation.
Nominations, including self-nominations, will be accepted until 1 October 2020.
Email nominations to: Susan Zaid (szaid@aom.org)
Submissions should include nominee name(s), full address, telephone number, email address and current