The Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE) editor will screen all manuscripts submitted to the Research & Reviews, and Essays, Dialogues, and Interviews sections. In some cases, a manuscript may be returned without peer review if it is judged to be inappropriate for publication in AMLE. Manuscripts that are egregiously deficient in grammar, spelling, and punctuation also may be returned without review. Manuscripts judged to be consistent with the mission and standards of AMLE will be submitted for double-blind review to at least two referees as dictated by content-one referee is always an Editorial Board member. Senior authors can expect to receive first-round feedback via email in approximately 75 days, moderated by the editor or an associate editor.
Manuscripts will be evaluated by referees on the following criteria (criteria will be selectively applied, based on the nature and type of the manuscript):
- Originality and importance of core ideas
- Quality of treatment of the relevant existing literature
- Quality of the presentation of ideas
- Design and execution of research methodology (if appropriate)
- Overall contribution of the article to the advancement of management education
Authors are encouraged to solicit feedback from colleagues on early drafts. A manuscript can be improved dramatically when knowledgeable reviewers are asked for reactions in advance of submission. Manuscripts are considered with the understanding that their contents have not been published and are not under consideration elsewhere. Presentation of a paper at a professional meeting does not disqualify it from consideration.
Content Areas
AMLE publishes a wide range of materials devoted to management education in colleges, universities, and all organizations that formally foster learning about management, which encompass the four content areas:
Research and Reviews
This section contains articles which include: quantitative and qualitative empirical manuscripts, theoretical discourses and models, literature reviews, and general or specific appraisals of approaches to learning and management education. Authors of submissions for this section are encouraged to consider relevant theoretical perspectives when developing their manuscripts, but it is not necessarily required that the manuscript make a theoretical contribution to be accepted for publication. We strongly encourage authors to report effect sizes in empirically oriented submissions. There are two major classes of effect sizes for parametric analyses. The first class of effect sizes involves standardized mean differences. Effect sizes in this class include indices, such as Glass' Δ , Hedges' g, and Cohen's d. Because all parametric analyses are part of one General Linear Model family, and are correlational, variance-accounted-for effect sizes can be computed in all studies, including both experimental and non-experimental studies. Effect sizes in this second class include indices, such as r2, R2, and ŋ2. Although there is no formal page limit, manuscripts submitted for this section are typically between 20 and 40 pages. As always, length should reflect the value of the contribution.
Essays, Dialogues, and Interviews
Essays are original commentaries or critiques. Narrative accounts of the author's experiences with specific instructional technologies, techniques, courses, or program creation are not essays. Dialogues are responses to papers previously published in AMLE. Interviews are discussions with academics, educators, and business or thought leaders that would be of interest to our readership. Dialogues are rooted in Exemplary Contributions, Research & Reviews, or Essays published in AMLE, and should broadly advance the state of scholarship in the area of the target paper, as opposed to being primarily critiques of the reasoning or methodology of the target paper.
Exemplary Contributions
Exemplary Contributions are invited from noteworthy scholars and practitioners. They are peer-reviewed just as contributions to the other sections.
Book and Resource Reviews
AMLE publishes reviews of resources intended to foster learning (books, videos, simulations, exercises, etc.). These reviews are not peer-reviewed, although the editor for this section often encourages rewrites to improve initial submissions.
Please contact the AMLE Managing Editor, Stacey Victor, with any questions.
General Procedure
To submit your reviews, please go to and login to your account. Manuscripts assigned to you for review are listed in the "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" list below. You can view the manuscript by clicking on its title. To view reviewer instructions and access the score sheet, click on the "View Details" button.
Manuscript Evaluation Form With Comments for the Editor
Use this section sparingly. Please communicate the same information to authors as you do the Editor. Occasionally, however, additional comments are appropriate, e.g.:
- A clarification of your recommendation, e.g., "If it were up to me, I'd publish this if the author successfully deals with the concerns raised in point 3 of my Comments to Authors”.
- Contextual information, e.g., "Please interpret my comments in light of the fact that I have a strong bias against this general approach to the topic..."
- Issues about which you are uncertain, e.g., "I think that there's a relatively large literature on this topic in sociology that the author is ignoring, but..."