The Academy of Management committees and task forces operate under the direction of the Board of Governors. They are responsible for designing and operating an academy service (such as Career Services), making policy recommendations to the board (a typical task force charge), or implementing board-approved organizational initiatives (a typical governance committee charge).
There are two types of AOM Committees:
Board committees are work groups of the Board, chaired and composed of Board members. Two committees of the Board are standing committees mandated by the bylaws. These committees include:
Other governance committees led by members of the Board include: Content Portfolio Committee (CPC), Division and Interest Group Relations Committee (DIGR), Ethics Committee (ETH), Methods Committee (MC), and Teaching Committee (TC).
Activity committees are all others that carry out the work of the Academy. They include the Career Services Committee, Membership Committee, the Diversity & Inclusion Committee (former Theme Committee) Ethics Education Committee, Ethics Adjudication Committee, Ethics Ombuds Committee, the Historian and various All-Academy Award Committees (Career Achievement, William Newman, Carolyn Dexter, George R. Terry Book, and Journal Best Papers). Activity committees may serve the purpose of carrying out all major activities of a particular service, as in the case of the Career Services Committee, or work on a more limited set of tasks such as receiving and reviewing member nominations for annual awards, as in the case of the various All-Academy Awards Committees. Committee chairs provide periodic status and progress reports to the Board.
Task forces are typically formed as the result of a Board directive. They are charged with addressing a specific issue and recommending proposed policy or course of action for the Board to consider. Task forces are short term appointments and may include non-Board members to address a specific charge.
Did you know…
Award Committee Charge
Receive nominations for the Distinguished Educator Award, the Distinguished Service Award, the Distinguished Practitioner-Scholar and the Scholarly Contributions to Management Award and select winners.
One year
Activity Committee Charge
Board/Governance Committee Charge
Theme Committee Charge
The Diversity and Inclusion Theme Committee (D&ITC) is charged with helping to ensure that the Academy fully supports and leverages the scholarly contributions of its diverse members and contributes to their professional development.
Board/Governance Committee Charge:
Division Reviews
Renewable one-year appointment.
Renewable one-year appointment.
Board/Governance Committee Charge
One year
Activity Committee Charge
Oversee the preservation of non-current records of the Academy by serving as liaison to the archivist at Cornell University, where records are stored and professionally managed.
Volunteer selected for his/her professional expertise as a historian and commitment to the Academy.
Role of chair
Assist members desiring background or historical information pertaining to the Academy and make determinations about materials to be stored in the archives.
Three years. Reappointment by president.
Activity Committee Charge
Three years
Board/Governance Committee Charge
The Methods Committee (MC) of the Board of Governors, established in 2023, is charged with defining and building the infrastructure within AOM to deliver methods training to members and strengthen AOM’s value proposition. The committee is building an agenda of work to both respond to and develop AOM methods infrastructure and activities.
4-6 Members of the Board of Governors.
Award Committee Charge
Receive award nominations for the best papers based on doctoral dissertations. Select award recipient(s).
One year
Board Committee Charge
Develop the slates of candidates for elections as required by the bylaws.
One year
Board/Governance Committee Charge
Evolve and progress the teaching value of the AOM by:
4-6 Members of the Board of Governors.
Renewable one-year appointments.
Committee RosterAward Committee Charge
Receive nominations for the Terry Book Award, given annually to the book published in the previous two years judged as making the most outstanding contribution to the advancement of management knowledge. Select winners.
One year