A paper can only be submitted to one division or interest group.
No one may submit or be associated with more than three scholarly submissions (papers and/or symposia) to an Academy Meeting. No one may appear on more than three sessions during the refereed scholarly program. Scholarly Program appearances include all roles that are listed on the scholarly program such as session moderators, organizers, special guests, discussants, speakers, presenters, authors, etc.
PDW Proposals can be submitted to only ONE Division or Interest Group (DIG), or Affiliate. It is recommended that submitters contact the preferred sponsoring DIG or Affiliate to discuss the proposal prior to submitting. During the submission process the submitter will have the opportunity to suggest other DIGs or Affiliates that would also be interested in the proposal as a co-sponsor. Submissions cannot be transferred or recommended to different DIGs or Affiliates after the submission deadline.
No one may submit or be associated with more than three PDW submissions to an Academy Meeting. No one may appear in more than 3 PDW sessions during the PDW program from Friday to Sunday, regardless of whether the sessions are held onsite or offsite.
The Rule of Three + Three (no more than three scholarly submissions + three PDW submissions) serves to ensure broad participation of members. It reduces the likelihood of the program being dominated by a small handful of people, and it helps ensure that no one is committed to appear at more than one place at a time. When people make too many commitments to participate in the conference program, scheduling conflicts often arise. Consequently, participants may find it difficult to honor their commitments, and the program and the experiences of the attendees suffer. People who agree to participate in an all-day consortium, for example, are expected to participate for the entire day. They should not leave after an hour to attend another session. No presenter should have to arrive late to one session or leave early to present in another one. Organizers, other participants, and especially the attendees are all frustrated by such behavior. The Rule of Three + Three helps reduce these problems. Participants are better able to fully honor their commitments, and attendees can attend sessions knowing that the featured speakers will actually be there throughout.
The online PDW and scholarly program submission systems will automatically block submissions that violate the rule. The system will inform the submitter of the rule violation and indicate which participant has already been associated with three other submissions. The submitter will have to revise the proposal by removing the violation. The proposal can be revised and resubmitted by the deadline without penalty. A person who agrees to be listed on more than three PDW proposals or three scholarly submissions puts all of those submissions at risk of being dropped from the program. Therefore, it is in the interest of submitters to ensure that everyone understands and follows the rule. Clearly, the implications of including a violator of the Rule of Three + Three on a submission are far-reaching.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of each participant to understand and follow the Rule of Three + Three. If you have committed to participate in three workshops and three scholarly submissions, you should decline further requests.
9-13 August 2024
Chicago, IL, USA