

Use and guidelines for Academy of Management sub-brands, such as AOM Insights and Specialized Conferences, should adhere to the same guidelines as the AOM logomark. The logo(s) should not be altered but should be incorporated within the design.

Annual Meeting

Each year, the Academy of Management develops a theme and logo for the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting logo can be used by divisions, interest groups, committees, journals, and other formal groups for communication and marketing purposes associated to the Annual Meeting.  

Vendors, exhibitors, sponsors and other third parties may request use of the Annual Meeting logo to promote their products or attendance, however use of the Academy of Management name and logomark alone is prohibited.  

Divisions and Interest Groups

The Academy of Management’s 26 Divisions and Interest Groups (DIGs) provide disciplinary communities for members with specific scholarly and professional interests to share information and collaborate on projects. 

Division and Interest Groups are encouraged to incorporate the AOM logo and name as part of their own. Division and Interest Group name should remain the primary focus for each logo and should be followed by “A Division [or Interest Group] of the Academy of Management” below their name. 

New or revised logos must be submitted to the Division and Interest Group Relations Committee (DIGR) and Board of Governors for review and assessment.

For more information on AOM Divisions and Interest Groups (DIGs), please see our DIGs Page. For editorial usage, please see the  Editorial Guidelines.

Academy of Management Insights

The Academy of Management created Insights as a content platform to bring the best academic research on management to business and society worldwide. Insights’ easy-to-read format transforms evidence-based research from the world’s best sources into actionable insights that improve the workplace.

For more information, visit Insights.

Academy of Management Journals

The Academy of Management journals are wholly a part of AOM, are the responsibility of the Board of Governors, and are trademarked around the world. Journals are registered as “Academy of Management [Journal Name]”.  Many journals are also recognizable simply by the journal name: Discoveries, Learning and Education, which can be used in second references and by their abbreviations of the journal names (AMJ, AMR, etc.).

AOM journals share a consistent, recognizable and simple design. Each employs a primary color with the name “Academy of Management” in light grey, followed by the journal name in a left-justified white box and the AOM logo at the bottom left. Both the Academy’s wordmark and the title of the journal are in Janson Text font.  

These covers are unique in the academic publishing space and readers will be assured that the contents will be of the high quality expected from the Academy of Management. For promotional purposes or when representing a journal in any way, the entire cover design should be used.

For a full list of AOM journals, please see our Editorial Guidelines.

Specialized Conferences

The Academy of Management’s Specialized Conferences feature intimate, meaningful and sustainable meeting opportunities that complement the Annual Meeting and grow AOM’s presence world-wide.

For more information, please visit Specialized Conferences.

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