
Annual Meeting Program Awards

The Carolyn Dexter and William H. Newman Awards are All-Academy awards, selected by an inclusive nomination process and dedicated award committees. For each award, each of the Academy Division or Interest Group Program Chairs nominates one of their accepted papers to be considered by the respective award committee. From this pool, the award committees formally review and select recipients for the awards.

2024 Award Winners and Finalists

2023 Award Winners and Finalists

2022 Award Winners and Finalists

2021 Award Winners and Finalists

2020 Award Winners and Finalists

2019 Award Winners and Finalists

2018 Award Winners and Finalists

2017 Award Winners and Finalists

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William H. Newman Award for Best Paper Based on a Dissertation

The Academy of Management's William H. Newman Award recognizes the best annual meeting paper based on a dissertation. This All-Academy award is presented to single-authored papers based on a doctoral dissertation completed within the past three years. Each of the Academy's Divisions & Interest Groups nominates one annual meeting submission for this prestigious award each year, up to three of these nominations may be selected to receive the award. The William H. Newman Award Committee selects each year’s finalists and winner(s). Each paper nominated for the William H. Newman Award is designated as such on the program.

The recipient of this award:

  • Addresses a significant organizational phenomenon
  • Shows appropriate consideration of relevant theoretical and empirical literature
  • Offers reasonable interpretations of the research results, draws appropriate inferences about the theoretical and applied implications of the results, and suggests promising directions for future research
  • Yields information that is both practically and theoretically relevant and important
    Presented logically, succinctly, and clearly

Division program committees select one submission each year to nominate for this prestigious award.


Carolyn Dexter Award for Best International Paper

The Carolyn Dexter Award is an All-Academy award given to the paper that best meets the objective of internationalizing the Academy of Management. Each of the Academy's Divisions & Interest Groups nominates one annual meeting submission for this prestigious award each year; up to three of these nominations may be selected to receive the award. Each paper nominated for the Carolyn Dexter Award is designated as such on the program. The Dexter Award Selection Committee is responsible for the award selection.

Papers are considered for this prestigious award if they offer new insights, are rich in observation and employ creative methodologies. Papers receiving this honor typically reflect collaboration between scholars from different countries, topics that are not in the U.S. mainstream, but are important in other countries' research traditions, and whose theme and content reflect an awareness of business and management outside of domestic boundaries.


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