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2017 Annual Meeting Program Awards

William H. Newman Award

The Academy of Management's William H. Newman Award recognizes the best annual meeting paper based on a dissertation.  The award is presented to single-authored papers based on a doctoral dissertation completed within the past three years.  Each of the Academy's Divisions & Interest Groups nominates one annual meeting submission for this prestigious award each year, up to three of these nominations may be selected to receive the award. Each paper nominated for the William H. Newman Award is designated as such on the program. 

The 2017 William H. Newman Award was presented at the New Doctoral Student Consortium at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Atlanta, Georgia.

If you have any questions about the selection process for the William H. Newman Award, please feel free to follow up with the award selection committee at  

William H. Newman Award Committee: Guoli Chen (Chair), INSEAD, J.P. Eggers, New York University, Tony Tong, Purdue University, Aruna Ranganathan, Stanford GSB, and Garry I. Adams, Auburn University

2017 William H. Newman Award Recipients

"The Organizational Design of Spatial Proximity and its Influence on Organizational Learning"
Submitted to Business Policy and Strategy
Author: Sunkee LeeCarnegie Mellon University  


"The Paradox of Recognizing Responsibility: Social Ratings, Philanthropy, and the Market for Virtue"
Submitted to Social Issues in Management
Author: Ben LewisBrigham Young University


2017 William H. Newman Award Finalists

"What is the value of "Big Data" for firms? An investigation in the US movie industry"
Submitted to Technology and Innovation Management
Author: Sandra Barbosu  

"A Blue Ocean Strategy for "Blue Ocean Strategy": on Performativity of Strategic Management"
Submitted to Strategizing Activities and Practices
Author: Guillaume Carton

Carolyn B. Dexter Award

The Carolyn Dexter Award is an all-Academy award given to the paper that best meets the objective of internationalizing the Academy of Management. This serves the mission of the Academy and the charge of the International Theme Committee, which sponsors this Award.  Each of the Academy's Divisions & Interest Groups nominates one annual meeting submission for this prestigious award each year, up to three of these nominations may be selected to receive the award. Each paper nominated for the Carolyn Dexter Award is designated as such on the program.

The 2017 Carolyn Dexter Award was presented at the International Theme Committee's Carolyn Dexter Award Reception at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Atlanta, Georgia. 
Carolyn Dexter Award Committee: Radha Rani Sharma (Chair), Management Development Institute (MDI), Nicole Gillespie, University of Queensland, Nadine Kammerlander, University of Bamberg, Brett R. Smith, Center for Social Entrepreneurship, Leonhard Dobusch, Universitat Innsbruck, and Giovanni Battista Dagnino, University of Catania

2017 Carolyn B. Dexter Award Recipient

"Hakuna Matata or When Cultures Collide: Navigating Institutional Abundance in Rural Africa"
Submitted to Organization and Management Theory
Authors: Laura Claus



2017 Carolyn B. Dexter Award Finalists 

"Business Group Affiliation and FDI Spillovers"
Submitted to Business Policy and Strategy
Authors: Alexander Eapen, Jihye Yeo, Rejie George

"Expatriates' Cultural Intelligence, Embeddedness and Knowledge Sharing: A Multilevel Analysis"
Submitted to International Management
Authors: Sebastian Stoermer, Samuel Davies, Fabian Froese

"How Does CSR Orientation (In)Congruence in Supply Chain Affect Relationship Performance?"
Submitted to Operations and Supply Chain Management
Authors: Xingping Jia, Yi Liu

"The Opportunity not Taken: Entrepreneurship as an Occupational Identity in Contexts of Poverty"
Submitted to Entrepreneurship
Authors: Angelique Slade Shantz, Geoffrey Kistruck, Charlene Zietsma

"Timing Practices and Material Markers in Coordinating Collective Market Patterns"
Submitted to Strategizing Activities and Practices
Authors: Rebecca Bednarek, Laure Cabantous

The Carolyn Dexter and William H. Newman Awards are all-Academy awards, selected by an inclusive nomination process and dedicated award committees. Each paper is self-nominated through the Academy's abstract submission entry portal to the division or interest group of their choice. Each of the twenty-five divisions or interest group program chairs then nominates one paper to be considered by the respective award committee. From this pool, the award committees formally review and select recipients for the awards.

Questions about the Annual Meeting Program Awards? Contact
To review historical recipients of the Annual Meeting Program Awards, click here. 


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