
Academy of Management Board of Governors

The Board of Governors, the primary governing body of the Academy of Management has legal and fiduciary accountability for the association and primary responsibility for direction setting and policy development. The board is comprised of 15 individuals, including the president, president-elect, vice president and program chair, vice president-elect and program chair-elect, past president, and nine elected representatives-at-large. The executive director and secretary-treasurer is an ex officio member of the board.

Current Board of Governors

President: Peter A. Bamberger
President-Elect: Tammy L. Madsen
Vice President and Program Chair: Christopher L. Tucci
Vice President-Elect and Program Chair-Elect: Deanne N. den Hartog
Past President: Sharon Alvarez

  • Russell Coff
  • Peer C. Fiss
  • Irene Henriques
  • Sabine Hoidn
  • Abbie J. Shipp
  • Laszlo Tihanyi
  • Mary Tripsas
  • Heli Wang
  • Ian O. Williamson

Board of Governors Meetings

AOM's Board of Governors meets three times annually, in December, April, and August, just prior to the Annual Meeting. Highlights of recent meetings are available to members, upon request.


Notes on the members of the current AOM Board of Governors


Peter Bamberger, President

Professor | Tel Aviv University

Peter A. Bamberger (PhD Cornell University) is the Domberger Professor of Management at the Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University and Research Director of Cornell University's Smithers institute. His research examines compensation strategy, interpersonal behavior in teams, and employee wellbeing. Author of several books including Human Resource Strategy (Sage, 2000; Routledge, 2014), Mutual Aid and Union Renewal (Cornell Univ. Press, 2001), and Exposing Pay: How Pay Transparency and Disclosure Impacts Employees, Employers and the Societies in Which We Live (Oxford Univ. Press, forthcoming), Bamberger has published over 120 refereed journal articles.

An elected fellow of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the Academy of Management, he served as an associate editor of the Academy of Management Journal (2007-2010) and founding associate editor and then editor-in-chief of Academy of Management Discoveries (2012-2020). He currently serves as an officer of the Academy of Management's Board of Governors.


Tammy L. Madsen, President-Elect & Coordinator of Professional Divisions

Professor and W. M. Keck Foundation Chair, Strategy and Innovation | Santa Clara University

Tammy L. Madsen (Ph.D., UCLA) is the W. M. Keck Foundation Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation of the Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University, where she also has served as Associate Dean. Before joining SCU, she was an Assistant Professor faculty at Southern Methodist University. Tammy has been actively engaged with the Academy of Management (AOM) for the last 30 years as: Representative-at-Large, Board of Governors (BOG) of the AOM, Chair of the AOM’s Division and Interest Group Relations Committee (AOM), Chair of the AOM’s Task Force – Reimagining the DIG 5-year Review Process, Chair of the AOM’s Strategic Management (STR) Division (5-year leadership role: PDW Chair, Program Chair, Division Chair-Elect, Division Chair, and Outgoing Division Chair), Member of the AOM’s Strategy task force and Strategy committee, Co-Chair of the STR Doctoral Consortium, Judge – STR Emerging Scholar Award, and member of the STR Executive Committee and Research Committee. Tammy’s other leadership roles include Director of the Strategy Research Foundation’s Dissertation Research Grant Program (Strategic Management Society (SMS)), Associate Editor and Special Issue Co-Editor of the Strategic Management Review, Co-Editor of Special Issues for the Strategic Management Journal and Journal of Management Studies, and Executive Committee of College on Organization Science (5 year leadership role, including Organizer of the OS Dissertation Proposal Competition).

Tammy’s research and teaching is at the intersection of strategy, innovation and evolutionary dynamics – specific themes include competitive heterogeneity and temporary advantage, shocks and growth under uncertainty, and co-innovation. Her work has received various awards from the AOM’s Strategic Management Division (Glueck Best Paper Award; Distinguished Paper Awards) and early in her career, she was recognized as an Ascendant Scholar by the Western Academy of Management. Tammy also has received a Best Reviewer Award from Academy of Management Discoveries. At SCU, her teaching, research and service have been recognized with Extraordinary Faculty Awards as well as the University President’s Special Recognition Award.

Tammy began her professional career as a test and evaluation engineer for the weapon control syste





Charles L. (Charlie) Jamison, President (1936-1940)

Presidential Gallery

A historical view of AOM’s Past Presidents.


President's Corner

Video series created to raise awareness across AOM's membership, organizational goals, and notable achievements.


Christopher L. Tucci, Vice President & Program Chair

Professor | Imperial College London

Christopher L. Tucci is Professor of Digital Strategy & Innovation at Imperial College Business School, where he directs the Centre for Digital Transformation and is co-Director of I-X, a new campus concept for Imperial College London on AI, data, and digital topics.  Professor Tucci held the Chair in Corporate Strategy and Innovation from 2003-2020 at EPFL and was Dean of the College of Management there from 2013-2018. In 2018, he was Visiting Thought Leader at CEIBS in Shanghai, China.  He received the degrees of Ph.D. in Management from the Sloan School of Management, MIT; SM (Technology & Policy) from MIT; and BS (Mathematical Sciences), AB (Music), and MS (Computer Science) from Stanford University. He was an industrial computer scientist involved in developing Internet protocols and applying artificial intelligence tools in the 1980s. Professor Tucci teaches courses in Co-Creation in AI, Deep Tech Acceleration, Design Thinking, Digital Strategy, AI Ventures, and Innovation Management. His primary area of interest is in how organizations of all kinds make transitions to new business models, technologies, and organizational forms. He also studies crowdsourcing and digital innovations.  He has published articles in, among others, Academy of Management Review (AMR), SMJ, Management Science, Research Policy, Communications of the ACM, SEJ, Academy of Management Annals, and JPIM.  His article with Allan Afuah, “Crowdsourcing as solution to distant search,” won the Best Paper of 2012, Best Practice Implications Award of 2019, and the Decade Award of 2022 for AMR.  He has served in leadership positions in the Academy of Management and the Strategic Management Society. Full CV is available here.


Deanne N. Den Hartog, Vice President-Elect & Program Chair-Elect

University of Amsterdam

Deanne N. Den Hartog is Full professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Amsterdam Business School (ABS). She also is the director of the Research Institute and heads the Leadership and Management section at the Amsterdam Business School. She holds a PhD from VU university in Amsterdam. Deanne is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.

Her research and publications focus on Leadership, e.g., cross-cultural, (un)ethical and charismatic leadership, and Organizational Behavior (OB), e.g., individuals’ proactive, innovative, and cooperative behavior at work. She also studies HRM, (the dark side of) personality, culture, trust, proactivity, well-being, and teams. Results of her research have been published in high quality academic journals including the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and The Leadership Quarterly. Deanne served on the editorial committee for Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior and was associate editor of among others Applied Psychology: An International Review and member of many editorial boards.

Deanne previously served as elected Representative-at-Large of the Board of Governors for the Academy of Management and of the Academy of Management’s OB Division Executive Committee. Among other roles, she also served on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), she was member of the Board of Governors or the GLOBE foundation and, she also served on the Societal Impact taskforce for European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, and she served on program and advisory committees for large international conferences. She also served on boards of Dutch associations such as the Dutch HRM network and the board of the Netherlands foundation for Management Development.


Sharon Alvarez, Past President

Professor | University of Pittsburgh

Sharon Alvarez is the Thomas W. Olofson Chair in Entrepreneurial Studies at the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh. Professor Alvarez is the Past Chair of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management and was the 2015 Denver Program Chair for the Strategic Management Society as well as Representative at Large for the SMS Entrepreneurship Interest Group.

Alvarez has been a Max Planck Scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Entrepreneurship and Economic Systems Research, she has been a visiting professor at Sun-Yet-Sen University in China, the University of Alberta, and the University of Utah. Her current research includes entrepreneurship theory of opportunities, firm, and market emergence. She is associate editor for the Academy of Management Review and past associate editor for Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. She has been published in Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Academy of Management Executive, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management, and Human Resource Management Journal.

Alvarez’s paper (with Barney) “Discovery and Creation: Alternative Theories of Entrepreneurial Action” won the Academy of Management’s Entrepreneurship Division 2019 Foundational Paper Award as well as the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal Best Paper Award; her paper (with Barney) “Forming and Exploiting Opportunities: The Implications of Discovery and Creation Processes for Entrepreneurial and Organizational Research” was the runner-up for the INFORMS award; and her paper (with Barney) “How Entrepreneurs Organize under Conditions of Uncertainty” won the Journal of Management Best Paper Award.


Russell Coff, Representative-at-Large

Professor | University of Wisconsin-Madison

Russell Coff is the Thomas J. Falk Distinguished Chair in Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has over 25 refereed journal articles and more than 11,000 citations. His research explores the role of human capital in innovation, creativity, and ultimately, in competitive advantage. Coff’s work spans micro and macro topics ranging from workers’ perceptions of their knowledge and skills to the structure of M&A deals where people are the target’s most valuable resource. He received his Ph.D. from UCLA and has previously been a faculty member at Emory and Washington Universities.

Professor Coff has also served the scholarly community in a variety of leadership roles. He is currently a Senior Editor at Strategy Science and has served on multiple editorial boards including the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Strategic Organization (where he was also a Co-Editor).

Coff has been very active in the leadership of professional associations. At the Academy of Management, he chaired the Business Policy and Strategy Division (now STR) and was a member of the AoM Division and Interest Group Review committee (DIGR). He is a Past President of the Strategic Management Society and the founding chair of the Strategic Human Capital Interest Group.

At his home institution, Professor Coff currently chairs the Management and Human Resources Department and is Director of the Bolz Center for Arts Administration. Previously he was Acting Dean, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research, and Director of the INSITE Entrepreneurship center.


Peer Fiss, Representative-at-Large

University of Southern California

Peer C. Fiss is the Jill and Frank Fertitta Chair and Professor of Management & Organization and Sociology (by courtesy) at the University of Southern California. His research interests lie primarily in the areas of organization theory, strategy, and methodology, but he has also published in sociology, political science, and information systems. His early work focused the diffusion and adaptation of organizational innovations and how accounts that “frame” and justify such innovations are constructed. More recently, his research has examined how social categorization, including categorization based on race and gender, affects and shapes markets and life outcomes. Peer has also been working for almost two decades on the use of set-analytic methods in the social sciences, and specifically on the use of set-fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). His work has been published in book form and in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, American Sociological Review, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, MIS Quarterly, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Strategic Organization, and the Strategic Management Journal, among others. Peer is a former chair of the OMT Division and has served as Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Review and as Senior Editor for Organization Science. At USC he has received multiple teaching and mentoring awards, including the 2020 Marshall PhD Mentoring award. Peer received his PhD jointly in Management & Organization and Sociology from Northwestern University in 2003.


Irene Henriques, Representative-at-Large

Professor | York University

Irene Henriques is a Professor of Sustainability and Economics and Schulich Research Excellence Fellow at the Schulich School of Business, York University in Toronto, and former Co-Editor of Business & Society. She is an Affiliate Research Scholar for the Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation (RICSI). Her research interests span economics, stakeholder management and sustainability.  She is currently involved in a multi-year project studying Indigenous social entrepreneurship.

Irene has published numerous articles in leading economic and management journals including the American Economic Review, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Academy of Management Perspectives, and Journal of Management Studies. Irene has served as Chair of the Organizations and the Natural Environment Division of the Academy of Management and Chair of the Strategy Division of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada. She has also served as Chair of the Joint Public Advisory Committee to the US, Canadian and Mexican Environment Ministers under NAFTA (the Commission for Environmental Cooperation). Outside of academia, Irene is an avid skier and a strong believer that an economic system cannot function without amazing volunteers.


Sabine Hoidn, Representative-at-Large

Associate Lecturer | University of St. Gallen

Sabine Hoidn is Head of Student-Centered Learning Lab at the University of St. Gallen where she also teaches management classes and professional development workshops for faculty worldwide. Her research focuses on management education and higher education, particularly learning organizations, program/curriculum development, learning skills, student-centered learning, teaching, and assessment. She has held visiting scholar positions at universities in the US, UK, and CZ.

Sabine has been involved with the Academy, particularly the MED Division, for nearly 15 years, currently completing her term in the elected leadership track of the MED Division (2017-2022); prior to that, she served two-year terms as MED Membership Chair and MED Research Coordinator respectively. She also currently serves as a member of the AOM-DIGR Committee (2021-22).

She acts as scientific adviser and expert panel member for European and international bodies such as PPMI, ECA, DG-EAC and OECD and as editorial board member of international management and education journals such as JME, MTR, JHRE. She regularly presents at international scientific conferences (e.g., AOM, ECER, ICED), has published in peer-reviewed international journals (e.g., JVET, IJEM, IJIRI, ZfHE) and recently co-edited two books. She also received the MED Division Global Forum Best Symposium Award 2021 for co-organizing a symposium on the future of management education.

Sabine earned her MA in Business Education from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, her PhD in business education from the University of St. Gallen, and the Venia Legendi in educational science, especially higher education at the University of Zurich.


Abbie J. Shipp, Representative-at-Large

Texas Christian University

Dr. Abbie J. Shipp is Professor of Management and Chair of the Management and Leadership department in the Neeley School of Business at Texas Christian University (faculty page). Prior to joining TCU, she taught at Texas A&M University, as well as the University of North Carolina where she received her Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior. Abbie’s research focuses on the psychological aspects of temporal issues at work including how individuals think about the past/present/future, trajectories of work experiences over time, how individuals react to change, and how time is spent on work tasks. Her work appears in premier outlets such as Academy of Management Review, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology. Abbie has co-edited a special issue on “Time Perspective and Organizational Behavior” at Journal of Organizational Behavior, and a two-volume book entitled, Time and Work. In addition to previous work experience at The Boeing Company and TV Guide, she regularly consults and teaches executive education workshops on issues surrounding employee satisfaction and retention, person-environment fit, survey design, and organizational change.


Laszlo Tihanyi, Representative-at-Large

William Alexander Kirkland Professor | Rice University

Laszlo Tihanyi is the William Alexander Kirkland Professor of Strategic Management in the Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University, where he serves as the Coordinator and Ph.D. Advisor of the Strategy and Environment Area. He received his Ph.D. from Indiana University. Prior to joining Rice, he was the Roberts Chair in Business at Texas A&M University. He held visiting positions at Duke University, Indiana University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, the University of Groningen, and the University of Melbourne.

Laszlo’s current research explores the involvement of institutional investors in foreign direct investment, the institutional environment of internationalization decisions, and the effects of social movements on multinational firms. His papers have been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and others.

Laszlo has been active in the International Management, Organization and Management Theory, and Strategic Management Divisions. He served as Associate Editor (2014-2016) and Editor (2020-2022) of the Academy of Management Journal. Following his AMJ editorial service, he joined the Content Portfolio Committee of the AOM Board of Governors, as Editor Liaison.

In addition to his involvement with the AOM divisions and AMJ, Laszlo has volunteered to serve the field in different roles. He was Associate Editor of the Journal of Management Studies (2008-2010) and Co-Editor of the Advances of International Management series (2009-2017). In the Strategic Management Society, he is currently Co-Director of the SMS Annual Conference Best Paper Prize competition. Previously, he served as Co-Director of the Annual Conference Ph.D. Paper Prize competition and Chair of the Corporate Strategy Interest Group.


Mary Tripsas, Representative-at-Large

Full Professor | University of California Santa Barbara

Mary Tripsas is a Professor of Technology Management at UC Santa Barbara. Prior to joining UCSB in 2021, she served on the faculties of the Wharton School, the Harvard Business School, and Boston College. She received her PhD from the MIT Sloan School, her MBA from the Harvard Business School, and her BS from the University of Illinois, Urbana.

Mary's research lies at the intersection of innovation, entrepreneurship, and strategy. As such, she has been active in multiple divisions of the Academy: she has served as a TIM representative-at-large (1998-2000), STR representative-at-large (2004-2007), OMT representative-at-large (2004-2007), and as the TIM Division chair on the 5-year track (2012-2017). She was a Senior Editor at Organization Science, and is currently on the editorial boards of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Strategic Management Journal, and Strategy Science. She is also on the Board of Directors of the Industry Studies Association.

Her work has been published in a wide range of journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Research Policy, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Strategic Management Journal, and Strategy Science, and has received multiple awards, including the AOM Entrepreneurship Division Thought Leader Award and the SMJ Dan and Mary Lou Schendel Best Paper Award. She is also the recipient of the 2022 Academy of Management TIM Distinguished Scholar Award.


Heli Wang, Representative-at-Large

Singapore Management University

Heli Wang is the Janice Bellace Professor of Strategic Management and Dean of College of Graduate Research Studies at Singapore Management University. She received a Ph.D. in Strategic Management from the Ohio State University. Prior to joining SMU in 2012, she was an assistant and then associate professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Her research, which focuses on the resource-based view of the firm, strategic human capital, stakeholder management, technology management, and corporate social responsibility and sustainability, has been published in various management journals including Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Journal of Management, and Journal of Business Ethics. She has served as a consulting editor for Management Organization Review and as an associate editor for both the Academy of Management Journal and the Academy of Management Review.


Ian O. Williamson, Representative-at-Large

Dean | University of California Irvine

Ian O. Williamson is the Dean of the Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California, Irvine. He is the past Pro-Vice Chancellor and the Dean of the Wellington School of Business and Government at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). Professor Williamson has also served on the faculties of the Melbourne Business School (Australia), Rutgers Business School (USA), the Zurich Institute of Business Education (Switzerland), the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland (USA) and Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia). He received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA).

Williamson is a past recipient of the Management Education and Development Division’s best paper award for his research on high performing teams and the Human Resources Division’s best paper award for his research on the effect of employee mobility on firm performance.  He is a recipient of the AOM Best Practices Mentoring Award for his role as the founding President of the Management Faculty of Color Association (MFCA).  Williamson received the Human Resources Division’s Ralph Alexander Best Dissertation Award for his research examining the top management team selection decisions. He has served on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE), Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) and Academy of Management Review (AMR). He has served on the Board of Directors of the AACSB. Williamson was inducted into the Ph.D. Project Hall of Fame for his efforts to enhance diversity in higher education.

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