
Publishing with AOM

Publishing with Academy of Management (AOM) holds benefits for both the researcher and his/her institution. It is through publication that the research, including its scientific and practical contributions, is disseminated to others within the management field. Publishing within an AOM journal makes researchers and practitioners with similar interests aware of new knowledge in their field and helps to advance knowledge and its application. Publishing with AOM also demonstrates expertise in the management field and an ability to conduct grounded research. The published AOM research also reflects highly on the academic institution(s) affiliated with the author(s).

Author Resources

Editor Resources

Reviewer Resources

Calls for Submissions

Ethics of Research and Publishing Video Series

Open Access

The Journey from Research to Journal Publication

All AOM journals have detailed workflows ensuring that submissions go through numerous checks to substantiate that they meet AOM ethical and procedural guidelines during and throughout the submission and acceptance timeline. Each AOM journal has its own specific set of submission guidelines, codes of conduct policies and article formatting templates which must be strictly adhered to throughout the publishing process. If an AOM journal article is accepted for review, the journal editorial team will initiate the peer reviewer process. Designated reviewers, taken from a pool of subject specific volunteers, will each advise the editor to either recommend to approve the article, send it back for revision, or reject it. If revisions are recommended, the process continues until a final decision can be made on whether or not to publish the article within the individual AOM journal. Please note that specific procedures may change depending on the individual journal. Along with our journals, AOM helps to disseminate research through public relations, Insights, social media, infographics, and author interviews and videos, to bring a broader awareness to various audiences.

Download this AOM Portfolio Matrix as a PDF with clickable links.

Academic Publishing Standards

In an AOM journal, every article is verified as scientifically reliable and valid through a peer review process. The process that the researchers have followed—their claims and conceptualization—must be underpinned by scientific principles. The peer review process serves as a quality control mechanism. Peer review means that reviewers, who are experts in the field, review the submitted articles for relevance, quality, and adherence to AOM standards and the editorial guidelines of the journal before the articles can be accepted for publication. The peer review process is double blind to help eliminate bias and organized by the editorial team of the respective journal.

AOM Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy

The AOM has adopted an AI Policy at the point of submission for journals and the Annual Meeting. This policy is consistent with the Committee on Publication Ethics (C.O.P.E) position statement on AI.

Artificial Intelligence: Work submitted to AOM must be created by the authors and not the product of artificial intelligence tools unless appropriate to the research question and properly cited. For more information, please review the AOM AI Policy page.

Journal Impact Factor

A number of journal ranking systems are used to determine the standing of a journal or the relative importance of a journal within the management field. One of the most well-known is the Journal Impact owned by Thomson Reuters. The Journal Impact Factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited over a certain period of time.  Publication of research in an AOM journal is taken into account by academic institutions when they need to make decisions about recruitment, performance assessments, promotions, research fellowships and awards. The AOM’s journal rankings serve as a metric to reflect research quality as well as the value of a researcher and their affiliated institutions.

Through these policies, procedures and editorial mechanisms, the AOM enables the advancement of management research to align with our mission and vision, providing top ranked vehicles for our content and an invaluable resource for our global authors.


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