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AOM’s Historical Timeline


The Quadrangle Club at the University of Chicago (Wikipedia)
The Quadrangle Club at the University of Chicago (Wikipedia)

28 December 1936: AOM was founded during a meeting between Professor Charles L. Jamison, University of Michigan; Professor William N. Mitchell, University of Chicago; and other invited teachers of management courses at the University of Chicago's Quadrangle Club.

Founder and President: Charles L. Jamison, University of Michigan

Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL AOM Historical


Charles L. (Charlie) Jamison, President (1936-1940)
Charles L. (Charlie) Jamison, President (1936-1940)

President: Charles L. Jamison

Annual Meeting: Philadelphia, PA

  • AOM's first Annual Meeting had 24 attendees
  • Charles Jamison designated as chairman of AOM


President: Charles L. Jamison

Annual Meeting: Ann Arbor, MI

Publications: The first publication of the Academy of Management, a stenographic record of the third conference, was published by the University of Michigan's Bureau of Business Research.


President: Charles L. Jamison

Annual Meeting: Philadelphia, PA

  • $1 USD for lunch, $1.25 USD for dinner


President: Charles L. Jamison

Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL

Governance: Constitutional Committee of the Academy of Management established


Robert P. (Bob) Brecht, President (1941-1947)
Robert P. (Bob) Brecht, President (1941-1947)

President: Robert P. Brecht, University of Pennsylvania, AOM's 2nd president

Annual Meeting: New York, NY

Governance: Academy of Management Constitution was adopted, acknowledging the AOM's scholarly purpose


President: Robert P. Brecht

Annual Meeting: AOM meetings are suspended during World War II (1942-1947)


President: Robert P. Brecht

Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL


President: Ralph C. Davis, The Ohio State Univeristy, AOM's 3rd president

Annual Meeting: Cleveland, OH


  • 30 members
  • Two classes of AOM membership were established: "Fellows" and "Associates"
  • Dues: $5 USD
  • Revenue: $182.50 USD

Publications: The first official Proceedings were issued for the Annual Meeting

Governance: the Executive Committee was given the authority to run AOM


President: Franklin E. Folts, Harvard University, AOM's 8th president

Annual Meeting: Washington, DC


President: William R. Spriegel, University of Texas, AOM's 9th president

Annual Meeting: Detroit, MI


  • 100 members
  • Revenue: $827.73


President: Ronald B. Shuman, University of Oklahoma, AOM's 10th president

Annual Meeting: New York, NY


  • 110 members
  • First Fellows dinner held at AOM’s Annual Meeting


President: Alvin M. Brown, Johns-Manville Corp., AOM's 12th president

Annual Meeting: Philadelphia, PA


  • Midwest Academy of Management (Midwest Regional Division) was formed
  • Revenue: $1,872.70 USD
Publications: First edition of the Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) was published


President: Billy E. Goetz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AOM's 13th president

Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL

Membership: Southwest Academy of Management (Southwest Regional Division) was formed


President: Merten J. Mandeville, University of Illinois, AOM's 14th president

Annual Meeting: Washington, D.C.

  • First Academy of Management Board of Governors was elected


President: Joseph W. Towle, University of Illinois, AOM's 15th president

Annual Meeting: St. Louis, MO

Membership: 387 members


President: George R. Terry, Northwestern University, AOM's 16th president

Annual Meeting: New York, NY

  • Revenue grows to $6,134.11
  • Early career placement activities at the meeting included 35 job applicants and 45 job openings

Membership: Dues: $7 USD

Publications: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) subscriptions are $4 USD


President: Harold F. Smiddy, General Electric Co., AOM's 17th president

Annual Meeting: Pittsburgh, PA


  • Revenue: $6,134.11 USD
  • Southern Management Association (Southern Regional Division) was formed

Publications: AOM publishes its first book: "Current Readings and Emerging Concepts: Readings from the Academy of Management Journal" edited by Joseph F. Towle


Sigma Iota Epsilon Management Fraternity
Sigma Iota Epsilon Management Fraternity

President: Harold D. Koontz, University of California, Los Angeles, AOM's 18th president

Annual Meeting: Boston, MA

  • AOM Book Awards program initiated

Membership: AOM begins affiliation with Sigma Iota Epsilon Management Fraternity (founded in 1928)

Publications: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) publishes four issues a year


President: Keith Davis, Arizona State University, AOM's 19th president

Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL

Membership: Eastern Academy of Management (Eastern Regional Division) formed


President: Dalton E. MacFarland, Michigan State University, AOM's 20th president

Annual Meeting: New York, NY

  • Foundation for Administrative Research created


    President: Preston P. Le Breton, University of Washington, AOM's 21st president

    Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA


    • 800 members
    • Dues are $50 USD


    1968 Annual Meeting Program
    1968 Annual Meeting Program

    President: Ernest Dale, University of Pennsylvania, AOM's 23rd president

    Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL

    • Decision made to hold the subsequent meetings in the month of August (previous year the Annual Meeting was held in December)

    Membership: Revenue: $18,347.29 USD


    President: Paul J. Gordon, Indiana University, AOM's 24th president

    Annual Meeting: Cincinnati, OH

    • First Annual Meeting to have mini-workshops centered around topics of interest to AOM members

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Creation of seven ad hoc committees to generate professional interest subgroups within the Academy of Management


    President: Joseph A. Litterer, University of Massachusetts, AOM's 25th president

    Annual Meeting: San Diego, CA

    Membership: 1,200 members


    AOM's first nine professional divisions
    AOM's first nine professional divisions

    President: William G. Wolf, Cornell University, AOM's 26th president

    Annual Meeting: Atlanta, GA

    • Attendees: 550 members
    • First issue of the Academy of Management Newsletter was published

    Membership: 1,400 members, including 70 members from 16 global countries

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Nine professional divisions formed.


    President: George A. Steiner, University of California, Los Angeles, AOM's 27th president

    Annual Meeting: Minneapolis, MN

    • Formal Site Selection Committee established


    President: Lyman W. Porter, University of California, AOM's 29th president

    Annual Meeting: Seattle, WA

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Organizational Communication and Information Systems division are formed


    President: Herbert G. Hicks, Louisiana State University, AOM's 30th president

    Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Public Sector interest group was formed


    First edition of the Academy of Management Review (AMR)
    First edition of the Academy of Management Review (AMR)

    President: Stanley C. Vance, University of Tennessee, AOM's 31st president

    Annual Meeting: Kansas City, KS

    • Health Care Administration interest group receives division status

    Publications: First publication of the Academy of Management Review (AMR)


    President: John B. Miner, Georgia State University, AOM's 33rd president

    Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA

    • AOM archives moved from Florida Atlantic University to Cornell University

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Public Sector interest group receives division status


    President: Rosemary Pledger, University of Houston at Clear Lake, AOM's 34th president

    Annual Meeting: Atlanta, GA

    • AOM's first female president elected
    Divisions and Interest Groups: Careers division was formed


    President: William F. Glueck, University of Georgia, AOM's 35th president

    Annual Meeting: Detroit, MI


    • 4,800 members
    • Revenue: $275,000 USD

    Governance: AOM's national offices are located at Mississippi State University


    President: Max S. Wortman, Jr., University of Tennessee, AOM's 37th president

    Annual Meeting: New York, NY

    • Academy of Management bylaws are adopted


    President: Robert B. Duncan, Northwestern University, AOM's 38th president

    Annual Meeting: Dallas, TX

    • George R. Terry Book Award was established
    • Irwin Award for Scholarly Contributions to Management was established
    Divisions and Interest Groups: Women in Management division was formed


    President: Kathryn M. Bartol, University of Maryland, AOM's 40th president

    Annual Meeting: San Diego, CA

    Membership: 6,422 members

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Research Methods interest group was formed


    President: Fred Luthans, University of Oregon, AOM's 41st president

    Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL

    • AOM celebrates fiftieth anniversary with the "Centennial of Management"

    Divisions and Interest Groups: 

    • Conflict Management interest group was formed
    • Entrepreneurship interest group receives division status


    First publication of the Academy of Management Executive (AME)
    First publication of the Academy of Management Executive (AME)

    President: Richard M. Steers, University of Oregon, AOM's 42nd president

    Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Technology and Innovation Management division was formed


    • Academy of Management Journal and Academy of Management Review Best Paper Awards were established
    • First publication of the Academy of Management Executive 


    President: Don Hellriegel, Texas A&M University, AOM's 43rd president

    Annual Meeting: Anaheim, CA

    Membership: Academy of Management Membership Directory published

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Research Methods interest group receives division status

    Governance: AOM receives tax exempt status, classified as a 501 (c) (3) organization


    President: Arthur G. Bedeian, Louisiana State University, AOM's 44th president

    Annual Meeting: Washington, DC

    • AOM national office relocates to Ohio Northern University
    • Distinguished Educator and Distinguished Service Awards established

    Publications: Academy of Management Executive Best Paper Award was established


    President: Steven Kerr, University of Southern California, AOM's 45th president

    Annual Meeting: San Francisco, CA


    President: Janice M. Beyer, University of Texas at Austin, AOM's 46th president

    Annual Meeting: Miami, FL

    • 3,100 attendees
    • Academy of Management Code of Ethical Conduct was adopted
    • Revenue: $1+ million USD

    Membership: 8,113 members

    Divisions and Interest Groups:

    • Conflict Management interest group receives division status
    • Managerial and Organizational Cognition interest group was formed


    President: Donald C. Hambrick, University of Colorado, AOM's 48th president

    Annual Meeting: Atlanta, GA

    Publications: Academy of Management Journal becomes a bimonthly publication


    President: Greg R. Oldham, University of Illinois, AOM's 49th president

    Annual Meeting: Dallas, TX

    • The first AOM executive director, Nancy Urbanowicz, is hired
    • AOM national office moves from Ohio Northern University to Pace University in Briarcliff Manor, New York
    Divisions and Interest Groups: Organizations and The Natural Environment interest group was formed


    President: Mary Ann Y. Von Glinow, Florida International University, AOM's 50th president

    Annual Meeting: Vancouver, B.C., Canada

    • 4,842 attendees
    • Academy of Management becomes incorporated
    • First Annual Meeting to be held outside the United States
    • Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award was established


    President: Richard T. Mowday, University of Oregon, AOM's 51st president

    Annual Meeting: Cincinnati, OH, Theme: Learning from Unusual Events

    • Academy of Management enters the electronic age, with the development of our first website


    President: Michael A. Hitt, Texas A&M University, AOM's 52nd president

    Annual Meeting: Boston, MA, Theme: Current Issues That Call for Action

    • Signed Affiliation Agreements with:
      • Fellows of the Academy
      • Sigma Iota Epsilon Management Fraternity
      • Eastern Academy of Management
      • Midwest Academy of Management
      • Southwest Academy of Management
      • Western Academy of Management
      • Southern Management Association


    President: William H. Starbuck, New York University, AOM's 53rd president

    Annual Meeting: San Diego, CA

    • Signed Memorandum of Understanding with Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC)
    • Revenue: $2+ million USD

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Women in Management division name changed to Gender and Diversity in Organizations division


    President: Anne S. Huff, University of Colorado, AOM's 54th president

    Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL, Theme: Change and Development in a Pluralistic World 

    • William H. Newman Best Dissertation Award established

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Managerial and Organizational Cognition interest group receives division status


    President: David A. Whetten, Brigham Young University, AOM's 55th president

    Annual Meeting: Toronto, ON, Canada, theme: Planning “A New Time”

    • 5,560 attendees
    • Signed Memorandum of Understanding with Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM)
    • Signed an Affiliation Agreement with the Asia Academy of Management
    • Mentoring Award established

    Membership: 11,520 members


    President: Andrew H. Van de Ven, University of Minnesota, AOM's 56th president

    Annual Meeting: Washington, DC, theme: How Governments Matter

    • The Statement of Strategic Direction adopted by the Board of Governors
    • Signed Memorandum of Understanding with European Academy of Management (EURAM)
    • Signed an Affiliation Agreement with the Iberoamerican Academy of Management (IAM)
    • Academy of Management electronic intranet, InfoNET, was created
    • Revenue $3+ million USD

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Management Spirituality and Religion interest group was formed


    President: Jean M. Bartunek, Boston College, AOM's 57th president

    Annual Meeting: Denver, CO, theme: Building Effective Networks

    • Signed Memorandum of Understanding with the British Academy of Management and the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS)
    • AOM website redesigned, offering extensive online services to the members

    Publications: Academy of Management Learning and Education is published

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Critical Management Studies interest group was formed


    President: Jone L. Pearce, University of California, Irvine, AOM's 58th president

    Annual Meeting: Seattle, WA, theme: Democracy in a Knowledge Economy

    • Memoranda of Understanding signed with the Brazilian Academy of Management (ANPAD) and ACACIA, the Mexican Academy of Management

    Membership: 13,563 members


    President: Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University, AOM's 59th president

    Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, theme: Creating Actionable Knowledge

    • Assets: $5+ million USD

    Membership: 14,000+ members


    President: Denise M. Rousseau

    Annual Meeting: Honolulu, HI, theme: A New Vision of Management in the 21st Century

    • 7,200 in attendance
    • Hurricane Katrina strikes Academy of Management Review office at Tulane University. Full recovery of operations takes six months.
    • Academy launches centralized manuscript management system


    President: Thomas G. Cummings, University of Southern California, AOM's 61st president

    Annual Meeting: Atlanta, GA, theme: Knowledge, Action and The Public Concern

    Publications: Academy of Management Executive is discontinued and replaced by the Academy of Management Perspectives


    President: Ken G. Smith, University of Maryland, AOM's 62nd president

    Annual Meeting: Philadelphia, PA, theme: Doing Well by Doing Good

    Publications: Academy of Management Annals was launched under the editorship of Jim Walsh and Art Brief.

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Organizations and the Natural Environment interest group receives division status


    President: Thomas W. (Tom) Lee

    Annual Meeting: Anaheim, CA, theme: Improving Lives

    • 9,527 attendees

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Critical Management Studies interest group receives division status


    President: Angelo DeNisi, Tulane University, AOM's 64th president

    Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL, theme: Green Management Matters

    • AOM launches AOM Connect, a members' only social networking platform including areas for file sharing, networking and groups


    President: James P. Walsh, University of Michigan, AOM's 65th president

    Annual Meeting: Montreal, QC, Canada, theme: 2010: Dare to Care: Passion and Compassion in Management Practice and Research

    • AOM introduces the Strategic Plan including updated Vision and Mission statements and 4 key areas of Strategic Intent
    • Signed an Affiliation Agreement with the Indian Academy of Management

    Divisions and Interest Groups: Strategizing Activities and Practice interest group was formed


    President: Susan E. Jackson, Rutgers University, AOM's 66th president

    Annual Meeting: San Antonio, TX, theme: Enlightening, Balancing, and Transcending

    • President Jackson urges members to make the Strategic Plan their own and move it to action through Strategic Doing
    • AOM holds its first Africa Faculty Development Workshop in Ghana

    Membership: 19,528 members


    President: Anne S. Tsui, Arizona State University, AOM's 67th president

    Annual Meeting: Boston, MA, theme: The Informal Economy

    • attendees: 11,231
    • AOM holds its second Africa Faculty Development Workshop in Rwanda
    • AOM launches a new website,


    President: Ming-Jer Chen, Darden School of Business, AOM's 68th president

    Annual Meeting: Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), FL, theme: Capitalism in Question

    • Teaching & Learning Conference (TLC@AOM): Academy of Management launches a conference focused on teaching and learning in conjunction with the Annual Meeting

    7-10 January: AOM Africa Conference, Academy of Management holds its first conference outside of North America


    President: R. Duane Ireland, Texas A&M University, AOM's 69th president

    Annual Meeting: Philadelphia, PA, theme: The Power of Words


    President: Paul S Adler, University of Southern California, AOM's 70th president

    Annual Meeting: Vancouver, BC, Canada, theme: Opening Governance

    Publications: Academy of Management Discoveries was first published


    President: Debra L. Shapiro

    Annual Meeting: Anaheim, CA, theme: Making Organizations Meaningful

    Membership: 20,000+ members


    President: Mary Ann Glynn, Boston College, AOM's 73rd president

    Annual Meeting: Atlanta, GA, theme: At The Interface

    Divisions and Interest Groups: The Business Policy and Strategy (BPS) division was renamed Strategic Management (STR)


    President: Carol Kulik, University of South Australia, AOM's 74th president

    Annual Meeting: Chicago, IL, theme: Improving Lives

    Specialized Conferences:


    President:  Jacqueline A-M. Coyle-Shapiro, London School of Economics, AOM's 75th president

    Annual Meeting: Boston, MA, theme: Understanding the Inclusive Organization

    Specialized Conference: Bled, Slovenia, Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies


    Annual Meeting: First virtual annual meeting, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, theme: 20/20: Broadening Our Sight

    Specialized Conference: Mexico City, Mexico, Beyond Research: Advancing the Impact of Management in Latin America


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