
Call for Submissions

Deadline: Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5)

Submission Guidelines

The Annual Meeting’s submission guidelines for papers, symposia, Professional Development Workshops (PDWs), caucuses, and for the Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC@AOM) can be found below.

Please review the guidelines prior to submitting. This page covers the following guidelines:

Paper Submission Guidelines

A paper refers to a fully developed manuscript on a scholarly topic. A paper can only be submitted to one division or interest group (DIG). Papers represent most submissions and comprise most scholarly sessions on the program. Accepted papers are grouped into paper sessions by the DIG Program Chairs based upon common themes reflecting the interests and domains of their DIGs. In a paper session, each author has a set amount of time to present their work. Group discussion including Q&A follows the presentations of all the papers in a paper session.

Submission Rules for Papers

  • Each paper can be submitted to only ONE division or interest group.
  • At the time of submission:
    • Submitted papers must not have been previously presented at an AOM Annual Meeting (unless there are significant changes from the original presented proposal).
    • Submitted papers must not have been published or accepted for publication by AOM or non-AOM publications.
  • If a paper is under review, it must NOT appear in print or online at AOM or non-AOM publications before the AOM Annual Meeting.
  • Papers presented at AOM journal workshops do NOT count as prepublication and ARE allowed to be submitted to the AOM Annual Meeting.
  • NO changes in the paper title, abstract, authorship, nor uploaded document can occur AFTER the submission deadline.

Paper Review Process

The blind review process exists to help protect the integrity of the submission and review process. Papers are double-blind reviewed, and are evaluated on clarity, analysis, methodological rigor, and overall quality. Double-blind review means that author and submitter information is NOT known to the reviewers, and reviewer information is NOT known to the authors or submitter.

Formatting Your Paper| Sample Paper Submission

Please follow these guidelines to ensure your paper is reviewed. Papers that are not prepared according to these formatting instructions will NOT be reviewed.

  • The maximum length of the submission is 40 pages (including title page and all figures, graphs, tables, appendices, and references.)
  • Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced, 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around, and 8.5" × 11”-page setting. References may be single spaced.
  • To facilitate the blind review process, remove ALL author-identifying information, including acknowledgments, from the uploaded document. Note: You will still include ALL authors associated with your submission during the submission process, but not in your uploaded paper. The author information provided will appear in the printed and online program.
  • The entire paper submission (title page in Title Case, abstract, main text, figures, graphs, tables, references, etc.) must be in ONE document using one of the following formats:
    • Portable Document Format (.pdf)
    • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
  • Figures, graphs, tables, appendices, and references, and appendices should follow AOM’s Style Guide.
  • The 5-digit Academy-assigned electronic submission ID number should appear in the header (upper right) on the first page of the uploaded document.
  • Number the pages of the document.
  • Make sure that the file or document uploaded is virus-free before submitting.
  • After uploading the document, it will be automatically converted to Adobe PDF format. Please make sure that the content of the submission appears and prints correctly as you intended after it has been converted by clicking on the “view” button.

If any of the above guidelines and formatting instructions are not met, the submission will not be reviewed. You will be required to type in the following information to verify that your paper meets the requirements: number of authors and number of pages.

Poster Session Submission Guidelines

A poster refers to an extended abstract manuscript that will be reviewed by the selected Division or Interest Group (DIG). If accepted, submitters will be expected to create a poster presentation to be displayed visually that summarizes their research findings, methods, and conclusions. Poster presentations often include graphs, images, and text to make the information clear and engaging, and provide a platform for networking. In this format, presenters will have an opportunity to receive immediate feedback on their work. A poster submission (extended abstract) can only be submitted to one DIG. Poster presentations will be scheduled in one-hour in-person poster sessions taking place in a highly visible location at the Annual Meeting.

Submission Rules for Posters 

  • Each poster can be submitted to only one (1) division or interest group.  
  • At the time of submission:  
    • Submitted posters must not have been previously presented at an AOM Annual Meeting (unless there are significant changes from the original presented proposal). 
    • Submitted posters must not have been published or accepted for publication by AOM or non-AOM publications. 
  • If a poster is under review, it must NOT appear in print or online at AOM or non-AOM publications before the AOM Annual Meeting.  
  • Posters presented at AOM journal workshops do NOT count as prepublication and ARE allowed to be submitted to the AOM Annual Meeting.  
  • NO changes in the poster title, abstract, authorship, nor uploaded document can occur AFTER the submission deadline.  
  • Poster submissions are exempt from the rule-of-3.  

Formatting Your Poster Submission

Please follow these guidelines to ensure your poster submission is reviewed. Poster submissions that are not prepared according to these formatting instructions will NOT be reviewed.  

  • Poster submission extended abstracts are limited to 1750 words, including all text, references, and tables, but excluding figures. Use 8.5" × 11”-page setting but otherwise if you stay within the word count limit, you can format the document how you like in terms of margins, spacing, font, font size, etc.  
  • Poster submission extended abstracts must be organized in the following order:  
    • Page 1: Title page that contains:  
      • the Academy submission system-assigned 5-digit submission number  
      • title of the submission (in Title Case)  
      • the division or interest group being submitted to  
      • up to 250-word abstract  
    • Page 2 and subsequent pages up to the word count limit is the main body of the manuscript, including all references, tables, and figures.  
  • The entire poster submission extended abstract must be in ONE document using one of the following formats:  
    • Portable Document Format (.pdf)  
    • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)  
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)  
  • Make sure that the file or document uploaded is virus-free before submitting.  
  • After uploading the document, it will be automatically converted to Adobe PDF format. Please make sure that the content of the submission appears and prints correctly as you intended after it has been converted by using the “view” button.

NOTE: Poster proposals that do not follow these formatting instructions will NOT be reviewed .

Symposium Submission Guidelines

In symposium sessions several speakers discuss a common topic or theme in a manner that brings new insights to the subject. Symposia can be submitted to up to three divisions or interest groups (DIGs). Regardless of the number of DIGs submitted to, each DIG makes a separate and independent assessment of the symposium; a symposium may be accepted by some DIG(s) and rejected by others.

Symposium Types

There are two types of symposia: Panel Symposia engage a group of panelists in a formal interactive discussion while Presenter Symposia involve a series of authored presentations on a preset theme.

  1. Panel Symposia: The purpose of a Panel Symposium is to engage a group of panelists in an interactive discussion.  There are no titles associated with the panelists’ presentations. Proposals for panel discussions should include clear descriptions of the topics to be discussed and the procedures that will be used to manage the discussion among panelists and with the audience.
  2. Presenter Symposia: Presenter Symposia involve a series of authored presentations on a preset theme. Symposia can be singly sponsored by a division / interest group, or jointly sponsored by up to 3 DIGs. In a Presenter Symposium, titles are associated with each presentation. Presenter Symposia can involve co-authored presentations. Co-authors will be listed on the program.

Symposium Review Process

Symposia are single-blind reviewed, and are judged on overall quality, interest to Academy members, relevance to the DIG(s) to which they are submitted, and innovation and contribution. Single-blind review means that author and submitter information IS known to the reviewers, but reviewer information is NOT known to the authors or submitter.

Formatting Your Symposium Proposal| Sample Panel Symposium| Sample Presentation Symposium

Please follow these instructions to ensure your symposium proposal is reviewed. Proposals that are not prepared according to these instructions will not be reviewed.

  1. A symposium submission must be contained in one document, include the following, and be organized in the following order:
    1. A title page that includes:
  1. The Academy-assigned submission number.
  2. An explicit designation if it is a presenter or a panel symposium.
  3. Title of the symposium (in Title Case).
  4. Complete formal names and affiliations of all participants.
  5. List of potential division and/or interest group sponsors.
  1. A three to six (3-6) page overview of the symposium that includes:
    1. An explanation of why the symposium should be of interest to EACH of the specified sponsors.
    2. Proposed format of the symposium designed to fit a 90-minute session.
  2. For presenter symposia: An additional two to five (2-5) page synopsis of EACH presentation (not including references). Each presentation may include a maximum of two (2) additional pages of tables and figures. Tables and figures must be clear, legible, and no smaller than 10-point font.
  3. For panel symposia: An additional up to five (5) page summary of the panelists’ discussion. There may be no formal presentations separate from the panel within a panel symposium.
  4. Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced, 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around, and 8.5" × 11”-page setting.
  5. References may be single-spaced.
  1. The entire submission must be in ONE document, in one of the following formats:
    • Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf)
    • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
  2. Number the pages of the document.
  3. Make sure that the file or document uploaded is virus-free before submitting.
  4. After uploading the document, it will be automatically converted to Adobe PDF format. Please make sure that the content of the submission appears and prints correctly as you intended after it has been converted by using the “view” button. 

NOTE: If any of the above guidelines and formatting instructions are not met, the submission will NOT be reviewed.

The Rule of Three for Papers and Symposia

No one may submit or be associated with more than three scholarly submissions (papers and/or symposia) to an Academy Meeting. No one may appear on more than three sessions during the refereed scholarly program.

Scholarly Program appearances include all roles that are listed on the scholarly program such as session moderators, organizers, special guests, discussants, speakers, presenters, authors, etc.

Professional Development Workshop (PDW) Submission Guidelines

The PDW program is coordinated by the Academy’s many divisions, interest groups, and affiliates. In contrast to the refereed scholarly program that has a double-blind review process and standardized time blocks and formats, the PDWs include a wide variety of session formats, are a minimum of 1-hour in duration, and are reviewed by the corresponding PDW Chairs.

Formatting your PDW

Please follow these instructions to ensure your PDW proposal is reviewed. Proposals that are not prepared according to these instructions will not be reviewed.

  1. PDW proposals can be submitted to only ONE sponsor (that is, ONE division, interest group, or affiliate).
  2. PDW proposals must be a minimum of four (4) pages and must include and be organized in the following order:
    1. Page 1: Title page which contains:
      1. the Academy submission system-assigned 5-digit submission number
      2. title of the workshop (in Title Case)
      3. name of primary sponsor, and a list of other sponsors who might be interested in the workshop
      4. up to 250-word abstract of the workshop
    2. Page 2: One (1) page explanation as to why the workshop should be of interest to the specified sponsor(s)
    3. Page 3:  One (1) page description of the workshop’s format
    4. Page(s) 4-6: 1 to 3 (1-3) page overview of the workshop
  3. PDW proposals should use the following page format:
    1. Times New Roman 12-point font
    2. Double spaced
    3. 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around
    4. 8.5" × 11" page setting
  4. The entire submission must be in ONE document created in:
    • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
    • Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
  5. Make sure that the file or document uploaded is virus-free prior to submitting.
  6. After uploading the document, it will be automatically converted to Adobe PDF format. Please make sure that the content of the submission appears and prints correctly as you intended after it has been converted by using the “view” button.

NOTE: If any of the above guidelines and formatting instructions are not met, the submission will not be reviewed.

Caucus Submission Guidelines

Questions to guide you as you prepare your caucus proposal:

  • Does the proposal encourage the development of new ideas or address emerging topics?
  • Does the proposal appeal to and interest a broad audience of AOM members?
  • Does the proposal encourage collaboration and the free exchange of ideas?
  • Does the proposal address the conference theme?
  • Does the proposal clearly express goals and desired outcomes?

Formatting your caucus proposal

Please follow these formatting guidelines to ensure your Caucus proposal is reviewed.

  1. The entire Caucus submission must be in ONE document using one of the following formats:
    • Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf)
    • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
  2. The Caucus submission includes the following:
    1. Title of the caucus (in Title Case).
    2. Name, affiliation, email address, and phone number of up to 2 (TWO) Caucus organizer(s).
    3. Abstract or short program description of 50 words.
    4. Short description (up to 500 words) of the topical content and delivery plan, including two bold-font keywords. Figures, graphs, tables, references, etc. should be included as needed.
    5. Names, affiliations, and contact information of 5 (FIVE) AOM members, in addition to the organizer(s), who support the submission. Note that these five names will NOT be listed in the program and will NOT be counted in the Rule of Three + Three. We ask that you include them as a way to verify that the topic is one that is likely to appeal to at least several AOM members.
    6. The 5-digit Academy-assigned electronic submission ID number should appear in the header (upper right) on the first page of the uploaded document.
  3. Make sure that the file or document uploaded is virus-free prior to submitting.
  4. After uploading the document, it will be automatically converted to Adobe PDF format. Please make sure that the content of the submission appears and prints correctly as you intended after it has been converted by clicking on the “view” button.

NOTE: If any of the above guidelines and formatting instructions are not met, the submission will not be reviewed.

Teaching and Learning Conference Submission Guidelines

NOTE: If any of the below guidelines and formatting instructions are not met, the submission will not be reviewed.

  • TLC@AOM proposals must NOT exceed five (5) pages and must include and be organized in the following order:
    • Cover page includes:
      • The title of the presentation (in Title Case).
      • The Academy-assigned 5-digit submission number.
      • Abstract (limit 250 words)
      • Identification of one or more categories that apply to the proposal (see “TLC@AOM Submission Topics” listed above).
      • A statement indicating that ALL presenters on the proposal agree to register for and attend the TLC@AOM Conference should the proposal be accepted.
  • Main body includes the following headings:
    • Topic / Introduction: Describe the topic of your presentation and its purpose. Identify targeted discipline(s) and potential course/program applications.
    • Interest: Explain why your topic would be of interest to conference participants.
    • Session Description: Explain what you are planning to do during the session. Include a description of the presentation, interaction methods to be employed and the resources required. Provide a detailed breakdown of how the time will be utilized particularly around engagement and interaction. All sessions should be structured as 45 minutes in duration.
    • Takeaways: Be explicit about what the audience will be able to take away from your presentation (including any teaching resources or handouts to be distributed). Describe how attendees might apply the session information to improve their teaching, if applicable.
  • Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced, 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around, and 8.5" x 11”-page setting.
  • The entire submission must be in ONE document created in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf), or Rich Text Format (.rtf).
  • To facilitate the blind review process, REMOVE ALL AUTHOR-IDENTIFYING INFORMATION, including acknowledgements, from the uploaded document.
  • Make sure that the file or document uploaded is virus-free before submitting.
  • After uploading the document, it will be automatically converted to Adobe PDF format. Please make sure that the content of the submission appears and prints correctly as you intended after it has been converted by using the “view” button.

NOTE: Any proposal that appears to market a product or service is not suitable for AOM Teaching and Learning Conference and will be rejected.

Annual Meeting logo85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
(AOM 2025)

25-29 July 2025
Copenhagen, Denmark

Key Dates

  • Submission Center Opens:
    Early December 2024
  • Reviewer Signup Opens:
    Early December 2024
  • Submission Deadline:
    7 January 2025
    17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5)
  • Review Period:
    16 January-13 February 2025
  • Housing Opens:
    Late January 2025
  • Registration Opens:
    Late February 2025
  • Decision Notifications:
    Late March 2025
  • Program Available:
    May 2025
  • 85th Annual Meeting:
    25-29 July 2025
    Copenhagen, Denmark

Annual Meeting logo85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
(AOM 2025)

25-29 July 2025
Copenhagen, Denmark

Key Dates

  • Submission Center Opens:
    Early December 2024
  • Reviewer Signup Opens:
    Early December 2024
  • Submission Deadline:
    7 January 2025
    17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5)
  • Review Period:
    16 January-13 February 2025
  • Housing Opens:
    Late January 2025
  • Registration Opens:
    Late February 2025
  • Decision Notifications:
    Late March 2025
  • Program Available:
    May 2025
  • 85th Annual Meeting:
    25-29 July 2025
    Copenhagen, Denmark

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