Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting Code of Conduct
The Academy of Management (AOM) is committed to fostering a professional, inclusive, and respectful environment at all AOM events, both virtually and in person, including the Annual Meeting. All participants are required to conduct themselves professionally,
adhering to the AOM Code of Ethics and AOM Annual Meeting Code of Conduct to ensure an environment
in which all individuals feel safe and valued while learning, networking and collaborating.
This Annual Meeting Code of Conduct applies to all members, non-members, employees, and volunteers of AOM, including but not limited to officers, committee members, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, attendees, guests, and event staff.
Prohibited Conduct
AOM shall have the sole discretion to determine if any behavior violates this Code of Conduct. The following behaviors are strictly prohibited:
- Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, physical appearance, body size, or any other characteristic.
- Sexual harassment, such as unwelcome advances, stalking, or unsolicited physical or electronic contact.
- Abusive, lewd, or threatening behavior, including bullying or coercion based on a position of influence within AOM.
- Conduct that creates a hostile environment, including sexually charged communications or interactions.
- Situations that may give the perception of sexual harassment, such as holding job interviews in inappropriate locations (e.g., hotel rooms).
- Physical violence or threats of violence.
- Any behavior deemed abusive, coercive, or disruptive to the professional environment, whether in person or in a virtual setting.
Reporting Misconduct
AOM encourages the reporting of any such incidents regardless of the offender’s identity or position. Individuals who experience or witness such behavior should:
- Inform the offender that their behavior is unwelcome, if they feel comfortable doing so.
- Contact event security and/or local law enforcement if their physical safety is at risk.
- Report the incident immediately to AOM’s Ombuds Committee at and to the AOM Past President (Ethics Committee Chair). Please consider visiting the AOM Registration area to ask to speak to the AOM staff Chief Operating
Officer. A written report may be required.
All reports will be addressed to uphold the integrity of our community. This may include interviews with parties involved and witnesses. AOM will maintain confidentiality to the extent consistent with addressing the matter. The investigation
process is not legally binding in any external proceedings.
Consequences of Misconduct
If misconduct at the Annual Meeting is found, appropriate actions may include, but are not limited to:
- A private reprimand.
- Notification and intervention by AOM officers or peers to resolve the situation.
- Expulsion from the Annual Meeting without warning or refund.
- Filing of a formal AOM Ethics complaint which may result in:
- Conditions placed upon or bans from future attendance at AOM events.
- Removal from AOM leadership positions.
- Suspension or revocation of AOM membership.
- Notification to the individual’s employer in cases of serious misconduct.
- Other sanctions deemed appropriate by the Ethics Adjudication Committee.
False Reporting
Knowingly making a false accusation pertaining to prohibited conduct, or providing false information in an investigation may result in consequences for misconduct above. However, complaints made in good faith, even if unsubstantiated, will not be considered false accusations.
Retaliation against an individual for reporting misconduct or participating in an investigation is strictly prohibited. Any acts of retaliation should be reported immediately to the AOM Ombuds Committee and will be addressed promptly.