
Goal 4: Championing our External Standing

DRIVING GOAL 1     /      DRIVING GOAL 2     /      DRIVING GOAL 3     /      DRIVING GOAL 4

AOM aggressively and effectively champions the external standing of organization and management scholars as a globally-led, inclusively governed association.

In 2022, AOM fundamentally advanced knowledge creation and content dissemination for greater relevancy and impact among a diverse set of stakeholders and institutions around the world, including the global business community, global consumers of management-related news, global media and cultural influencers, and the global public policy community. 

These efforts resulted in 1,167 global media mentions of AOM or our members' research.

Media Briefs 

AOM’s media briefs reached more than 1,000 media each month, highlighting AOM’s new and timely member research as it relates to the world’s trending news topics. This effort has exponentially increased AOM’s media citations and solidified relationships with top-tier reporters and editors interested in AOM member research. 

  • Distributions sent in 2022: 52
  • Average open rate: 20%
  • Topics with the most engagement: Subject Matter Expert panels, future of work, gender & diversity, and human resources

Visit AOM News to see a sampling of media stories featuring AOM members and their research.

Top News Articles


CNBC: Real estate broker with tennis side hustle beats ex-top 10 player: ‘I’m going to have to ask for another day off’


The Conversation: Quiet Quitting and the Great Resignation Have a Common Cause – Dissatisfied Workers Feel They Can’t Speak Up in the Workplace


The Wall Street Journal: Investors Are More Likely to Back Startups on Sunny Days, a Study Finds


Government Executive: The Pendulum Shifts Toward Workers


Forbes: Six Practical Developments To Help Business Leaders Create Both Social AND Economic Value


Harvard Law School: How to Set Negotiation Goals as a Manager


Fast Company: What to Wear to Maximize Productivity When You’re Working From Home, According to Science


Entrepreneur: If You Think Trusting Your Employees More is the Answer, You Might Want to Think Again


Eat This Not That!: The #1 Worst Work Habit That's Destroying Your Mental Health

Social Media

LinkedIn was the star in 2022 as it showed the most significant growth and highest levels of engagement out of all our platforms. Top performing content included: Annual Meeting announcement of award winners and new president, Insights infographics, member spotlight features, and select media articles.

Twitter continued to see audience growth through 2022 despite an estimated 1 million users leaving the platform after the platform changed owners. Twitter remains an effective channel for AOM to communicate event deadlines and other relevant information as our community remains active.

Facebook remains a stable place to share information about AOM. This report focuses only on organic numbers while past AOM reports have included paid ads/ boosted posts. While Facebook's organic growth and interaction is not as strong as other platforms, it remains an effective platform to reach users.


2021 Twitter2021 Facebook2021 LinkedIn

Subject Matter Experts

AOM’s Subject Matter Expert (SME) program, created in 2019 as part of AOM’s broader public relations driving goals, continued to grow, adding 30 new AOM Scholars who have been selected and vetted based on their research and publishing history and overall expertise within a given topic, were given additional media training and promoted to media for interviews and commentary on trending news topics. The program ended the year with 108 members participating, engaging within 46 media interviews that resulted in 29 pieces of media coverage from global tip-tier outlets such as The Washington Post, Business Insider, Forbes, and Fast Company.

The SME panel discussion series titled “AOM Scholars On…” continued to grow with four panel presentations, including the first in-person panel held at the AOM Annual Meeting in Seattle. The panels focused on The Remote Disconnect: Challenges and Opportunities within the Future of Work, The Pendulum Shift Toward the Worker, Measuring the Real World Impact of Scholarly Work, and Leading the Sustainable Way Forward.

Top-tier journalists, from Business Insider, Bloomberg, Daily Mail, Financial Times, Fast Company, Forbes, The Guardian, HuffPost, Inc., Insider, NBC News, Quartz, The New York Times, The Observer, Thrive Global, The Wall Street Journal, and more, are increasingly publishing management and organization research published by AOM scholars.

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