
AMLE Virtual Paper Development Workshop on Scholarly Impact

25 February to 30 March 2021

The editors of Academy of Management Learning & Education  (AMLE) invite applications for a Paper Development Workshop (PDW) connected to the AMLE Special Issue on: 

“Learning and Education Strategies for Scholarly Impact: Influencing Regulation, Policy and Society through Research”

The deadline for submission of extended abstracts is 25 March 2021. The workshop is designed to help you to develop your paper for submission to the Special Issue.

The virtual paper development workshop will be held Tuesday, 30 March 2021, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm US EST,  2:00 pm – 5:00 pm GMT

Vancouver – 6:00 am
New York – 9:00 am
London – 2:00 pm
Paris – 3:00 pm
Tel Aviv – 4:00 pm
Mumbai – 7:30 pm
Hong Kong – 10:00 pm
Sydney – 1:00 am (Mar 31)
Auckland – 3:00 am (Mar 31)

The workshop is designed to help you to develop your paper for submission to the Special Issue with a deadline of 31 May 2021.

To apply for participation in the AMLE Paper Development Workshop, authors are required to submit an extended abstract of approximately 10–15 pages double-spaced (no more than 15 pages, excluding tables, figures and references).The extended abstract should include discussions of: a) the phenomena of interest with regard to the impact of learning and education strategies for scholarly impact; b) how existing theories fail to explain the phenomena; c) the methodology; d) findings centered on one or more discoveries (what emerged from the empirical or theoretical exploration); and e) implications for regulation, policy, and society through your research. To facilitate discussion, we encourage authors to include headers to demarcate these sections. Authors are welcome to submit questions at the end of extended abstracts, specifically around areas for which they would like help or questions around how to craft the paper for AMLE or the Special Issue. These questions do not count toward the 15-page limit.

Extended abstracts will be accepted on a competitive basis. Space is strictly limited and preference will be given to participants who are presenting working papers that demonstrate a good fit with the Special Issue. We advise you to consult with the Call for Papers for the Special Issue by clicking here. Only those authors with accepted abstracts will be invited to attend. Note: Papers that are already under review at AMLE (or elsewhere) cannot be submitted to this workshop. Authors will participate in roundtable presentations and developmental sessions led by the Special Issue’s guest editors. The aim of the workshop is to provide you with practical advice and feedback to help you write your paper for the Special Issue of AMLE.

Please also consult AMLE’guidance for contributors to ascertain fit with the journal’s mission (click here). Note that participation at the workshop does not guarantee inclusion of the paper in the Special Issue.

To submit, please click here.

For questions about the Special Issue, please contact: Professor Usha Haley.

PDW Schedule Mar 30, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm US EST:

9:00 am Welcome and Introduction to Publishing for AMLE by Professor Paul Hibbert, AMLE Editor-in-Chief and Professor Danna Greenberg, AMLE Associate Editor

9:20 am Introduction to the Special Issue by Professor Usha Haley, AMLE Special Issue Editor

9:40 am Influencing Regulation through Research by Professor Sir Cary Cooper, AMLE Special Issue Co-Editor

10:00 am Breakout Discussion Groups and Workshopping of Papers & Ideas

11: 00 am Break

11: 10 am Breakout Discussion Groups and Workshopping of Papers & Ideas (cont.)

11:45 am Q&A & Next Steps