The new normal: Positive organizational impact in an age of disruption
Where & When
March 30 and April 1, 2021, via Zoom. The idea development workshop (IDW) will take place over two days. On March 30, participants will receive important general information about publishing in AMR and specific information about The New Normal STF. They will also be provided with specific writing exercises designed to improve their proposals. After completing exercise assignments and integrating feedback on their proposals, participants will resubmit their proposals. On April 1, participants will receive feedback on their improved proposals in virtual roundtables.
This IDW is aimed to help authors develop ideas for submission to the forthcoming Special Topic Forum at the Academy of Management Review: The new normal: Positive organizational impact in an age of disruption.
Please read the Call for the Special Topic Forum. Please also read the following two AMR editorials:
Prepare and submit a 2-page proposal outlining your core ideas and arguments (max 500 words excluding references) by February 28, 2021. The proposals should be sent as WORD or PDF files to AMR Associate Editor Patrick Haack ( Authors will be notified on whether their proposal is accepted for the IDW by March 15, 2021.
After Day 1 (March 30) invited participants must commit to completing exercise assignments and integrating feedback on their proposals. Revised proposals should be resubmitted to assigned round table participants by 2:00pm EST on March 31st for discussion on Day 2 (April 1). Participants must also commit to reading between two and four proposals from other participants as assigned by the facilitators.
*Please note that participation in the IDW does not guarantee acceptance of the paper in the Special Topic Forum or special preference in the review process. Furthermore, attendance in the IDW is not a prerequisite for submission to the Special Topic Forum or for publication.
Workshop Format
March 30 (Day 1 – 10:00am-11:30am EST):
• Welcome by AMR editor Sherry Thatcher (10 minutes)
• Introduction to the Special Topic Forum by Guest Editor Jon Bundy (15 minutes)
• Presentation and Explanation of Exercises by Guest Editor Patrick Haack (60 Minutes)
April 1 (Day 2 – 10:00am-11:30am EST):
Each 90-minute roundtable session will comprise three-five proposals and will be facilitated by at least one Guest Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Review Board member. Proposals will be shared among all roundtable participants by facilitators in advance. Roundtable participants are expected to have thoroughly read the proposals associated with their table. Facilitators will provide developmental feedback to the researcher and discussion will then be opened for all participants.
**If there are enough participants and facilitators from a particular region, specific roundtable sessions convenient for that time zone will be organized.