
AMD Registered Reports Workshop, Israel


An in-person paper development workshop with an emphasis on Registered Reports

3 January 2023, 9:00-15:00

Tel Aviv University, Coller School of Management (FTF) and online in partnership with the Israel OB ConferenceTel Aviv, Israel


About the AMD Registered Reports Workshop

AMD is offering a unique opportunity for management scholars to develop their work for possible publication in AMD. The workshop will be led by AMD Editor Kevin Rockmann and former AMD Editor Peter Bamberger. 

The workshop will consist of two parts. Part 1 will constitute a plenary session that will be onsite and face-to-face and open to anyone interested in learning about AMD. This will take place from 9:00 – 12:00. Part 2 will consist of a hybrid paper workshop where the facilitators will work with authors on their projects. Part 2 will take place from 13:00 – 15:00. There will be a one-hour break for lunch between Part 1 and Part 2. Participants can register for one or both parts of the workshop. Those who wish to participate in Part 2 should submit an extended abstract (no more than 10 pages of text). Extended abstracts should be double spaced, excluding tables, figures and references. Participants wishing to participate in the workshop will submit a draft of their report when they register for the conference.

For those interested in Part 2, while a traditional paper abstract may be submitted, preference will be given to abstracts in the format of Registered Reports. A registered report is a submission that includes the front end of (i.e., introduction, methods, and analysis plan) of a planned or completed study, but not the results or discussion section. Such reports are evaluated on the basis of the importance of the topic, the merit of the selected analytic approach, methodological rigor and quality, and consistency with the editorial mission of AMD. A number of reports developed in this workshop may be invited for submission to, and potential publication in, AMD. More information on registered reports at AMD can be found here. Traditional paper abstracts should include all of the content in a Registered Report plus a discussion of the empirical findings. In line with the mission of AMD, all submissions should be framed around empirical exploration.

We strongly suggest reading the following papers prior to submitting your abstract:

  • Rockmann, K.W., Bunderson, J.S., Leana, C.R., Hibbert, P., Tihyani, L., Phan, P.H., & Thatcher, S.M.B. (2021). Publishing in the Academy of Management Journals. Academy of Management Discoveries, 7(1): 1-9.
  • Bamberger, P. A. (2018). AMD—Clarifying what we are about and where we are going. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4(1), 1-10.

The facilitators will choose the abstracts that will be invited for discussion during Part 2. Papers that are already under review at AMD (or elsewhere) cannot be submitted to this workshop.

All submitted abstracts should clearly address:

  • The compelling phenomenon of interest  
    The abstract should clearly outline the phenomenon the researcher is interested in exploring. Exemplar quotes / examples / experiences can and should be used to enhance this description. The goal is to clearly situate the reader in the context where the phenomenon is present. The abstract should demonstrate why this particular phenomenon is compelling for a management audience. 
  • How existing theory fails to explain the phenomenon
    In this section the abstract should include prior research related to the phenomenon of interest. The goal here is to demonstrate why existing theory is absent, misguided, contradictory, or otherwise insufficient to explain the occurrence of the phenomenon.  There should be one or more exploratory research questions. 
  • The methodology
    The abstract should explain the proposed explorations and nature of the proposed data (if not already in hand). This may include, but is not limited to, the context, the participants, the datasets, and the variables. This section should also include a proposed analytical strategy.  
  • Findings (NOT applicable for Registered Reports)
    For those traditional abstracts, the findings should detail the empirical discoveries present in the data. Tables / figures may be used to save space. 
  • The potential theoretical contribution
    AMD is interested in papers that open new lines of inquiry. That is, an interesting or unexpected finding is not enough, the findings should have the ability to inform the phenomenon in such a way that other researchers want to go and study it.  The abstract should include a discussion as to how this research might open up new research endeavors.

If you have any questions about your research project and/or workshop abstract, please contact AMD Editor-in-Chief Kevin Rockmann

Click here to register. Registration deadline: 1 December 2022

Workshop Format

Part 1: 9:00-10:00 Registration and Networking | 10:00 -12:00 Plenary and Journal Q&A 
Part 2: 13:00-15:00 Breakouts