
Joint AMR and AMD Paper Development Workshop, Brazil

16-17 March 2023

Deadline: 6 February 2023


In-person joint workshop hosted by The FGV-EAESP, São Paulo, Brazil

The FGV-EAESP São Paulo, Main Building, “Salão Nobre”, 4th Floor
Av. 9 de julho, 2029, Bela Vista, São Paulo, Brazil
16-17 March 2023

Led By

  • Sherry Thatcher, Editor-in-Chief, Academy of Management Review
  • Kevin Rockmann, Editor-in-Chief, Academy of Management Discoveries
  • Other Associate Editors, Editorial Review Board members, and Authors from both journals will be in attendance

Purpose and Agenda

This workshop is geared toward PhD students, junior scholars, and senior scholars from Latin America who are interested in publishing in AMR and AMD. The hope is that this workshop will help participants develop well-crafted manuscripts suitable for submission to AMR and AMD.

March 16 Agenda

09:00-10:00: Registration / Coffee and Networking
10:00-12:00: Publishing in AMD Lecture / Panel / Q&A
13:00-13:30: Lunch/Networking
13:30-15:30: Breakout groups to discuss empirical research abstracts – AMD (optional)
15:30-15:45: Break
15:45-17:00: Combined session: Publishing in the AOM Journals
17:00-18:00: Happy Hour / Networking

March 17 Agenda

09:00-10:00: Coffee and Networking
10:00-12:00: Publishing in AMR Lecture / Panel / Q&A
12:00-13:30: Lunch/Networking
13:30-15:30: Breakout groups to discuss conceptual / theory abstracts – AMR (optional)
15:30-16:00: Wrap-up and closing

In each journal’s lecture and panel, the editors will provide general information about publishing in these journals, such as what makes a successful paper, the main reasons that papers are rejected, and strategies for addressing the core challenges that editors and reviewers see in rejected papers.

The combined session on Day 1 will provide an explanation of the differences between these two journals and other AOM journals. Here is more specific information about submitting for each journal’s workshop:

Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD)
Workshop Instructions

If you are interested in having your paper as part of the workshop for AMD, you should prepare a 2-5 page (double-spaced) abstract of your research that includes information on each of the following:

  • The compelling phenomenon of interest 
    The abstract should clearly outline the phenomenon the researcher is interested in exploring. Exemplar quotes / examples / experiences can and should be used to enhance this description. The goal is to clearly situate the reader in the context where the phenomenon is present.
  • How existing theory fails to explain the phenomenon
    The abstract should include prior research related to the phenomenon of interest. The goal here is to demonstrate why existing theory is absent, misguided, contradictory, or otherwise insufficient to explain the occurrence of the phenomenon. This section should end or otherwise contain one or more research questions. 
  • The proposed methodology
    AMD is a journal for empirical exploration. This section of the abstract should explain the proposed explorations and nature of the proposed data (if not already in hand). This may include, but is not limited to, the context, the participants, the datasets, and the variables. This section should also include a proposed analytical strategy.

The AMD breakout session requires that participants read the pre-workshop readings. We will match approximately 5 participants with an AMD Facilitator. These groups will then discuss the participant ideas and provide the participant with insight about how to move the exploratory research forward.

  • Bamberger, P. A. (2018). AMD—Clarifying what we are about and where we are going. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4(1), 1-10.
  • Rockmann, K. W. (2022). The Personal Argument for Making Exploratory Research Part of Your Research Portfolio. Academy of Management Discoveries8(3), 331-336.
  • Rockmann, K.W., Bunderson, J.S., Leana, C.R., Hibbert, P., Tihyani, L., Phan, P.H., & Thatcher, S.M.B. (2021). Publishing in the Academy of Management Journals. Academy of Management Discoveries, 7(1): 1-9.

Academy of Management Review (AMR)
Workshop Instructions

If you are interested in having your paper as part of the workshop for AMR, you should prepare a 2-3 page (double-spaced) abstract of your conceptual/theoretical idea. Keep in mind that AMR does not publish manuscripts that contain empirical data, are case studies, or are literature reviews.

The AMR breakout session requires that participants read the pre-workshop readings (listed below) and prepare a 2-3 slide, 5-minute presentation of a conceptual idea to share at the breakout session. We will match approximately 5 participants with an Associate Editor or an Editorial Review Board member. These groups will then discuss the participant ideas and provide the participant with insight about how to clarify the paper idea or move the idea forward.

Pre-workshop readings and assignment for AMR workshop

  • Thatcher, S.M.B. & Fisher, G. 2022. From the Editors: The nuts and bolts of writing a theory paper: A practical guide to getting started. Academy of Management Review, 47(1): 1-8.
  • Fisher, G., Mayer, K., & Morris, S. 2021. From the Editors: Phenomenon-based theorizing. Academy of Management Review, 46(4): 631-639.
  • Prepare: 2-3 slide, 5-minute presentation

Registration information

You may register for any or all parts of the workshop. We will be conducting a rolling evaluation for abstracts beginning 1 December 2022. All participants seeking to submit an abstract must have their abstracts submitted by 1 February 2023. Participants seeking to attend lectures and open sessions must register by 6 February 2023.

Register here