
AMLE Paper Development Workshop, Iceland

3-4 May 2023

Deadline: 4 March 2023


In-person workshop hosted by The University of Iceland

3-4 May 2023
University of Iceland, Reykjavik

Led by
  • Paul Hibbert: Editor-in-Chief, Academy of Management Learning & Education
  • Diego Coraiola, Megan Gerhardt, Danna Greenberg, Dirk Lindebaum, Clare Rigg, Olga Ryazanova, April Wright: Associate Editors, Academy of Management Learning & Education
Purpose and Agenda

This workshop will provide scholars with:

  • Advice on a draft paper or early-stage research, that fits with the aims and mission of AMLE, to develop their work towards possible publication in the journal.
  • Special development sessions on: essays, writing up research methods, constructing theoretical and practical contributions, and responding to reviewers.
About AMLE

The journal’s main emphasis is on theoretical debates about management learning and education in all types of settings – typically business schools and schools of management, but also executive programs in business, public and non-profit organizations. Additionally, AMLE publishes work that addresses important theoretical debates about issues in the institutional environment and administration of business schools and their stakeholders. AMLE is rated as 4* in the UK CABS list, and A* in the Australian Deans’ Council list of journals.

About the University of Iceland

The University of Iceland is a progressive educational and scientific institution, renowned in the global scientific community for its research. It is a state university, situated in the heart of Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. A modern, diversified, and rapidly developing institution, the University of Iceland offers opportunities for study and research in over 400 programmes spanning most fields of science and scholarship.

Workshop Application and Participation Process

To apply to participate you must:

  • Have either an extended abstract (5 pages) or a full paper that you would like to develop through constructive critique, that fits with AMLE’s focus and content areas – see:
  • Send us your submission in Word or PDF format, no later than March 4 2023. Your submission must have a cover page that includes: the author name(s) and affiliation(s); three-five keywords; and an email address for the lead author. An abstract of up to 200 words should be provided on the first page of the paper. If you are sending an extended abstract, include a brief plan (a paragraph or two) for developing the full paper at the end of your text.
  • Agree to your paper being discussed in a small group with other participants, as arranged by the workshop facilitators, and be willing and able to provide a short (5-minute maximum, verbal) overview of your paper to others in the discussion group.
  • Commit to attending the whole workshop, if your submission is accepted.

Submission deadline: 4 March 2023

Tentative Schedule

3 May             

14:00-17:00     Workshop Part 1
14:00-14:50     An introduction to AMLE and general submission advice
14:50-15:40     Small group paper discussions, part 1
15:40-16:00     Refreshment break
16:00-16:50     Small group paper discussions, part 2
16:50-17:00     Wrap-up feedback from the facilitators

4 May 

10:00-13:00     Workshop Part 2, Parallel sessions on
10:00-11:30     Writing essays for AMLE, or Methods & responding to reviewers
11:30-13:00     Developing a theoretical contribution, or Developing practical contributions

13:00-14:00     Lunch

14:00-17:00     Ad-hoc follow-on conversations
For those looking for further advice on their work / ideas having reflected on Part 1 and/or Part 2 (as required)

Register to Attend