
Joint AMR and Annals Idea Development Workshop, UK

Deadline: 8 May 2023


In-person joint workshop hosted by University of Bath, UK

Location TBD
Thursday, 22 June 2023
09:00 BST (UTC/GMT+1)

Led by

  • Sherry Thatcher, Editor-in-Chief, Academy of Management Review
  • Mathew Cronin and Elizabeth George, Editors-in-Chief, Academy of Management Annals
  • Other Associate Editors and Editorial Review Board members from both journals will be in attendance
  • Local contact person: Dr Fei Qin

Purpose and Agenda

This workshop is geared toward all scholars (PhD students, junior and senior scholars) who are interested in publishing in AMR and the Annals. Editors of both journals have noticed that some submissions come to their journals that would better fit with the other journal. In this workshop, we aim to work with potential authors to determine the best fit for their ideas, and then help them develop well-crafted ideas and proposals suitable for eventual submission to AMR and the Annals.

9:00-9:30:       Registration / Coffee and Networking
9:30-10:30:     Publishing in Annals talk and Q&A
10:30-11:00:   Coffee break
11:00-12:00:   Publishing in AMR talk and Q&A
12:00-13:00:   Lunch/Networking
13:00-14:20:   Breakout groups to discuss paper ideas -1 (20 minutes per idea, 4 ideas per session)
14:20-14:40:   Coffee Break
14:40-16:00:   Breakout groups to discuss paper idea – 2 (20 minutes per idea, 4 ideas per session)
16:00-16:10:   Break and reconvene
16:10-17:30:   Combined session: Publishing in the AOM Journals/ Wrap-up and closing
17:30-18:30:   Happy Hour / Networking

The editors will, in their talks, provide general information about publishing in their journals, such as what makes a successful paper, the main reasons that papers are rejected, and strategies for addressing the core challenges that editors and reviewers see in rejected papers.

Each breakout group will be facilitated by individuals who have editorial and/or publishing experience with the two journals. Each participant will be given 20 minutes in which they present a brief overview of their idea, and their target journal. The facilitator will then lead a discussion on the fit of that idea for the target journal, and how it can be developed further. The process of giving and receiving feedback to and from others in their breakout groups will also help participants get a better understanding of crafting ideas into manuscripts for AMR and the Annals.

Workshop Instructions

If you are interested in having your paper as part of the workshop, you should prepare a 2-3 page (double-spaced) abstract of your conceptual/theoretical idea that you can share with the facilitators. We also want you to read the pre-workshop readings (listed below) and prepare a 2-3 slide, 5-minute presentation of your idea to share at the breakout session. We will match approximately 4 participants with an Associate Editor or an Editorial Review Board member from each of the journals. These groups will then discuss the participants’ ideas and provide each participant with insight about how to clarify the paper idea or move the idea forward. The number of participants will be limited to 45.

Pre-workshop readings and assignment for AMR workshop

  • Thatcher, S.M.B. & Fisher, G. 2022. From the Editors: The nuts and bolts of writing a theory paper: A practical guide to getting started. Academy of Management Review, 47(1): 1-8.
  • Campbell, J.T. & Aguilera, R.V. 2022. From the Editor: Why I rejected your paper: Common pitfalls in writing theory papers and how to avoid them. Academy of Management Review, 47(4).
  • Cronin, M. A., & George, E. (2023. The Why and How of the Integrative Review. Organizational Research Methods, 26(1), 168–192.
  • Prepare: 2-3 slide, 5-minute presentation

Registration Information:

All participants seeking to submit an abstract must have their abstracts submitted by 8 May 2023. We will communicate workshop assignments with participants by 15 May 2023. Participants seeking to attend lectures and open sessions must register by 8 June 2023.

Register here

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