(GMT-05:00) Eastern Standard Time
Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) is pleased to announce the virtual Paper Development Workshop (PDW) for the Special Issue (SI) titled “Making it Better by Working Together: Practical and Proven Ways for Collaboration Between Business, Government, and Civil Society Organizations to Improve Social, Environmental, and Economic Performance” to be held on Thursday, 15 May 2025, from 9:00 to 10:30 am Eastern Standard Time.
This PDW aims to engage with scholars interested in contributing to the Special Issue. For more details, please access the call for papers.
During this PDW, the editors will outline the requirements for submission to AMP, share their vision for the SI, and facilitate a Q&A session. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their research intentions and receive feedback from the guest editors on how their work aligns with the SI’s goals.
Please note that this PDW is purely informational, and no paper presentations are scheduled for the event. Participation in the PDW does not guarantee acceptance of the paper to AMP or special preference in the review process.
The SI adheres to AMP’s rigorous standards. Selected papers in the SI will be scholarly articles focused on important real-world problems that have evidence-based, actionable insights for managerial practice and policy. AMP articles are not theory driven. Thus, writing for AMP differs from writing for traditional academic journals. See the AMP open call for papers.