
AMR Idea Development Workshop, Hong Kong

(GMT+08:00) China Standard Time

Deadline: 2 May 2025

Register for the workshop

In-person workshop hosted by City University of Hong Kong

image of City University of Hong Kong logo

Purpose and Agenda

This idea development workshop (IDW) is primarily geared toward early career researchers (e.g., assistant professors and postdoctoral fellows) and PhD students who are interested in publishing in AMR – the highest-ranked journal publishing conceptual and theoretical manuscripts. This IDW is open to anyone though we will give preference to individuals from institutions in Asian countries. This workshop is designed to help participants develop great ideas that are the foundation for well-crafted manuscripts suitable for submission to AMR.

The workshop has two parts. Participants can apply to participate in the first part (morning session) only or to participate in the first and second parts (morning and afternoon sessions).

In the first part, we will provide information about publishing in AMR. The AMR team will discuss what makes a successful AMR paper, why papers are rejected, and how to address the core challenges often seen in rejected papers.

In the second part, we offer roundtable discussions of participants’ ideas for papers to be submitted to AMR. We will match participants with a facilitator such as an Associate Editor or Editorial Board member, who will discuss and provide feedback on these ideas. Participation in this part of the workshop is limited. 

Registration Information

Application is required for all participants and the deadline to apply is 2 May. To also participate in the roundtable discussions of theory ideas in the afternoon, please submit a 350-word abstract of your theoretical or conceptual idea.

Workshop Timeline

  • Submission Deadline: 2 May 2025
  • Acceptance to IDW Decision: 17 May 2025
  • Registration and Payment Required: 28 May 2025*
  • Attending morning session only: US$10.00
  • Attending morning and afternoon sessions: US$20.00 (lunch included)

    *IDW nonrefundable registration fee for accepted workshop participants.

    Please note:

  • Submitting a proposal does not guarantee acceptance to the workshop
  • An accepted proposal does not guarantee acceptance of the associated full-text manuscript to AMR and does not provide special preference in the review process.
  • The registration fee is nonrefundable. Paid registrations may be transferred to another member of the accepted author’s team.

Pre-Workshop Activities

Please read these From the Editors’ essays prior to submitting your extended abstract.

  • Cornelissen, J. (2017). From the Editors: Developing propositions, a process model or a typology? Addressing the challenges of writing theory without a boilerplate. Academy of Management Review, 42(1), 1-9.
  • Campbell, J.T. & Aguilera, R.V. 2022. From the Editors: Why I rejected your paper: Common pitfalls in writing theory papers and how to avoid them. Academy of Management Review, 47(4).
  • Thatcher, S.M.B. & Fisher, G. 2022. From the Editor: The nuts and bolts of writing a theory paper: A practical guide to getting started. Academy of Management Review, 47(1): 1-8.

Event Type: In-Person

City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

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