Virtual Idea Development Workshop hosted by the PhD Project. Registration is required for all participants. Registration deadline: 31 January 2023
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The workshop is open to PhD students, junior scholars, and senior scholars affiliated with The PhD Project.
This workshop is geared toward PhD students, junior scholars, and senior scholars who are affiliated with The PhD Project, and who are interested in publishing in AMR. The goal of this IDW is to provide disciplined guidance and constructive feedback to researchers worldwide from seasoned scholars currently serving on the editorial team of AMR. Participation in the IDW does not guarantee acceptance of the paper in AMR or special preference in the review process. Furthermore, attendance in the IDW is not a prerequisite for submission to AMR or for publication.
The idea development workshop (IDW) will take place over two days. On 10 February, participants will receive important general information about publishing in AMR including what makes a successful AMR paper, the main reasons that papers are rejected, and strategies for addressing the core challenges that Editors and reviewers see in rejected papers. They will also be provided with specific writing exercises designed to improve idea development for a conceptual article. This meeting will end with a Q&A session. Anyone is welcome to attend this session and there is no limit on the number of participants that can attend.
The meeting on 24 February is for those participants who are interested in getting more specific feedback on a conceptual idea. These individuals will first have needed to submit a two-page extended abstract of their theoretical or conceptual idea by the registration deadline. After completing the exercise assignments provided during the February 10 session, participants will develop a 2-3 minute, 4 PowerPoint slide presentation that will be used as the basis for discussing their idea in virtual roundtables on 24 February. We will match 4-5 participants with an Associate Editor or an Editorial Review Board member. Participation in this part of the workshop is limited to 40 participants.
Registration is required for all participants and the deadline to register is 31 January 2023.
Participants interested in attending the second session on 24 February 2023 must also submit a two-page extended abstract of a theoretical or conceptual idea.
Prior to the February 10 workshop, participants should read the following papers: