
Academy of Management Annals


Editorial Team


Matthew A. Cronin, Editor

Professor | George Mason University

Matthew A. Cronin (PhD 2004, Carnegie Mellon University) is a Professor of Management at George Mason University. His research examines the inter- and intra- personal processes that make collaboration more creative and effective. He is also interested in system dynamics, and the nature of knowledge creation in management research. His work has appeared in top-tier management publications such as The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Management Science, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. This work has appeared in The Boston Globe, Fortune, and was presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. He was the 2016 Conflict Management Division Chair. He served as Coeditor in Chief of Organizational Psychology Review, as Associate Editor at Academy of Management Annals, and on the editorial review board of Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Discoveries, Organization Science, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. He coauthored two books: The Influential Negotiator (Sage Publishing, 2020) and The Craft of Creativity (Stanford University Press, 2018), which was a finalist for AOM’s 2019 George R. Terry book award.


Elizabeth George, Editor

Professor | University of Cambridge

Elizabeth George (PhD, University of Texas at Austin) is a Professor of Management at the University of Auckland. She has an active research interest in nonstandard work arrangements and diversity in the workplace. Her work has been published in major international academic journals such as Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, and Academy of Management Annals. In addition, her research has been used by the International Labor Organization and the U.S. Society for Human Resource Management to help inform public policy and management practice. She served on the Board of Governors and the executive committee of the Managerial and Organizational Cognition and the Organizational Behavior Divisions of the Academy of Management. She was Coeditor in Chief of Organizational Psychology Review and Associate Editor at the Academy of Management Annals, Australian Journal of Management, and Organization Studies. She served on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, and Academy of Management Discoveries. She has held academic positions at universities in Asia, Australia, and the United States.


Gary A. Ballinger, Associate Editor

University of Virginia
Associate Editor

Gary A. Ballinger is the Richard D. Wood Bicentennial Professor of Commerce at The University of Virginia's McIntire School of Commerce. In his research, he focuses on factors that impact the operation of social exchange and trust relationships in the work context. This research investigates questions that touch on research questions in corporate governance, leadership succession, social networks and employee turnover. He has published in Academy of Management Review, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Strategic Management Journal.

From 2019 to 2024 he served as an Associate Editor for Academy of Management Annals. From 2014 to 2017 he served as an Associate Editor for Academy of Management Review. He has been or is currently a member of the editorial review boards of Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Organization Science and has reviewed for a number of other journals in organizational behavior and strategic management. He is a member of the Managerial and Organizational Cognition, Organizational Behavior, and Research Methods divisions of the Academy of Management.

Professor Ballinger currently teaches undergraduate courses in organizational behavior. In 2023 he was named as one of Poets & Quants 50 outstanding undergraduate business professors and in 2013 he won an All-University Teaching Award from The University of Virginia. He earned his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management from Purdue University's Krannert Graduate School of Management in 2004.


David Courpasson, Associate Editor

Professor | David Courpasson Person
Associate Editor

David Courpasson is a Professor of Sociology at Emlyon Business School (France), and a Professor at Cardiff University (Wales). At Emlyon he is Director of the OCE Research Center ( and Head of the Ethnography Institute. Professor Courpasson’s research and training are in the areas of sociology and ethnography. He has published several books and numerous papers on such topics as resistance at work, power and authority relationships, community and identity work, and solidarity and the evolution of social relationships. He has served as Editor in Chief of Organization Studies and as Senior Editor of Organization Science.


Cristina Gibson, Associate Editor

Professor | Pepperdine University
Associate Editor

Cristina B. Gibson is University Professor and Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Management at Pepperdine University. She works at the nexus of organizational science, international management, and cross-cultural psychology to increase employee dignity, well-being, social impact, and organizational effectiveness.

Cristina focuses on inclusion, technology-enabled innovation, and corporate-community partnerships. Her research gives voice to those with differing approaches, perspectives and knowledge, celebrating and bridging differences. Her passions include helping executives, managers, and employees develop skills for culturally diverse collaboration, working remotely and navigating digital transformation. She has developed both theory and practice to improve global communication through technology.

Cristina’s scientific impact was acknowledged in a Stanford University study as among the top 2% of 7 million scientists across scientific disciplines worldwide. She was the recipient of the 2023 Academy of Management Fellows Award for Responsible Research, the 2022 Academy of Management Mentorship Award, the 2019 Medal for Scholarly Contributions by the Academy of International Business and the Decade Award from the Journal of International Business Studies. In 2018, she received the Humanitarian Impact Award from the American Psychological Association.  She is a Fellow of the Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, American Psychological Association, and Academy of Social Science Australia.

Cristina served as Chair of the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management and in the 5-year executive track.  She has served as an Associate Editor at Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Review, and Organization Science and has reviewed for a broad range of journals in organization, management and psychology.


Pursey Heugens, Associate Editor

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Associate Editor

Pursey Heugens (PhD 2001, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University) is a Professor of Organization Theory at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He is interested in the strategy and governance of organizational forms like state-owned enterprises, family firms, professional partnerships, business groups, and social entrepreneurial ventures. He enjoys quantitative work and meta-analyses, but is also deeply committed to qualitative methods and interpretative epistemologies. His work has appeared in top-tier management outlets like Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, and the Journal of International Business Studies. He previously served as Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Journal and is currently serving as Associate Editor of the Journal of Management. He strongly believes in the generative and motivating force of passion in research, and is therefore exceptionally glad to have been able to turn his long-term interests in craft beer, malt whisky, and country music into research projects. In a similar vein, he would love to try his luck studying the history and diffusion of gourmet home cooking and the rekindling and reinvention of regional barbecue traditions.


Riitta Katila, Associate Editor

Stanford University
Associate Editor

Riitta Katila is the W. M. Keck Sr. Chaired Professor at Stanford University and Research Director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. Her research is in the intersection of technology strategy and organizational learning. She is an expert on innovation, collaboration, competition, and entrepreneurship, and her current research centers on responsible and inclusive innovation initiatives and on machine learning methods to study them. Riitta is the co-Director of the PEAK Principled Entrepreneurship initiative at Stanford, Associate Editor of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and has served on the editorial review boards of Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Strategic Organization, and Strategic Management Journal. She is past-Chair of the Technology and Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management and currently serves as the Program Director for Strategic Management Society’s Research in Organizations program. Her research has received several international honors. She is an Alfred P. Sloan Industry Studies Fellow and winner of the Schendel Prize by the Strategic Management Society for scholarly impact and long-lasting influence on teaching, research, and practice in strategy. She received the Academy of Management’s Stephan M. Schrader Award for Outstanding Research in Technology and Innovation Management, the Thought Leader Award in Entrepreneurship, the Best Symposium Award by the Organization and Management Theory Division, and several other teaching and research awards at the Academy of Management.


Johanna Mair, Associate Editor

Hertie School of Governance
Associate Editor

Johanna Mair is a Professor of Organization, Strategy, and Leadership at the Hertie School in Berlin. Her research focuses on the nexus of organizations, institutions, and societal challenges. Her recent work centers on mechanisms that enable organizations to transform social systems and make progress on social problems. She is the academic editor of Stanford Social Innovation Review and codirects the Global Innovation for Impact Lab at the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society. She has codirected the Social Innovation + Change Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School, has served on the faculty at IESE Business School, and has held a visiting position at the Harvard Business School and INSEAD. Her book, Innovation and Scaling—How Effective Social Entrepreneurs Create Impact (Stanford University Press, 2017), coauthored with Christian Seelos has won the 2017 Terry McAdam Award at ARNOVA and the 2018 ONE Outstanding Book Award at the Academy of Management Meeting. Her research has been published in Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Studies, Academy of Management Discoveries, Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Business Ethics, Research in Organizational Behavior, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Nature Human Behavior, and Stanford Social Innovation. In addition, her work has been featured in the Financial Times and Forbes Magazine.


Bill McEvily, Associate Editor

University of Toronto
Associate Editor

Bill McEvily is a Professor of Strategic Management at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. His research explores social networks as an organizational and strategic resource. Professor McEvily has published research articles in leading academic journals in the fields of management, psychology, sociology, and economics. Thomson-Reuters named Professor McEvily to its list of “Highly Cited Researchers” in 2014 and again in 2015. He served as a senior editor at Organization Science for 10 years and previously served as guest editor for special issues of Management Science and Organization Science. Professor McEvily teaches courses on social networks and strategic change and implementation in MBA and Executive programs, and courses on organizational theory in the PhD program. Prior to joining Rotman, Professor McEvily was on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University and he earned his PhD in Strategic Management and Organization from the University of Minnesota.


Celia Moore, Associate Editor

Professor | Celia Moore Person
Associate Editor

Celia Moore is Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Director of the Centre for Responsible Leadership at Imperial College Business School. Prior to joining Imperial, she held positions at Bocconi University in Milan and London Business School. She has also been a visiting scholar at Harvard Business School and a Fellow of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University. Her research focuses on how organizations unintentionally facilitate morally problematic behavior and on how individuals can manage themselves and organizations develop leaders to better resist these consequences. More recently, her interest has turned to how individuals navigate morally consequential decisions in their professional lives, and challenge legitimate authority figures when they feel morally compelled to do so. Her work has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Academy of Management Annals, Research in Organizational Behavior, Personnel Psychology, as well as several edited volumes. She holds a BA in Philosophy from McGill University, an MPA from Columbia University, and a PhD from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.


Denise M. Rousseau, Associate Editor

Professor | Carnegie Mellon University
Associate Editor

Denise M. Rousseau is the H.J. Heinz II University Professor of Organizational Behavior and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon. She is Academic Board President, Center for Evidence-Based Management, and Co-Chair, Campbell Collaboration, Management and Business Coordinating Group (MBCG). Rousseau's research focuses upon the impact workers have on the employment relationship and the firms that employ them. Her publications include over a dozen books and over 230 articles and monographs in management and psychology journals. Rousseau is a two-time winner of the Academy of Management's Terry Award for best management book for I-Deals: Idiosyncratic Deals Workers Bargain for Themselves in 2006 and Psychological Contracts in Organizations: Understanding Written and Unwritten Agreement in 1995. She has served as President of the Academy of Management and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Organizational Behavior. Rousseau received her A.B., M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. Rousseau founded the Evidence-Based Management Collaborative, a network of scholars, consultants, and practicing managers to promote evidence-informed organizational practices and decision making. Her book Evidence-based Management: How to Use Evidence to Make Better Organizational Decisions with Eric Barends (Kogan Page) is also available for teachers and students in an on-line course at


Susan Simkins (formerly Mohammed), Associate Editor

Professor | The Pennsylvania State University
Associate Editor

Susan Simkins (formerly Mohammed) is Professor of Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology at the Pennsylvania State University and leads the Teams, Cognition, and Time (TCaT) lab where her work is currently funded by National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the Office for Naval Research. Her research focuses on teams and leadership with a special emphasis on team cognition, team composition/diversity, and the role of time in team and leadership research. She is currently applying these research topics to human-robot teaming. Her studies have been published in influential journals including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Annals, Journal of Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. She applies her team, cognition, and leadership research to her role as director of team science for Penn State’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute where she promotes interdisciplinary team collaboration through education, consultation, and research. Dr. Simkins is a fellow of the Association of Psychological Science and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She also serves as Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Annals and Journal of Business and Psychology.


Stefan Thau, Associate Editor

Associate Editor

Stefan Thau is Professor of Organizational Behavior and the Cora Chaired Professor of Leadership and Learning at INSEAD in Singapore. Professor Thau’s research examines social decision-making and interaction in groups and organizations, such as norm violations, trust, motivation, and discrimination. He is also interested in research methodology and epistemology. Professor Thau received his PhD in Behavioral and Social Sciences from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands and his Diplom in Psychology from the University of Mannheim, Germany. His research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Science, Organization Science, and Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. From 2014 to 2019, Professor Thau was an Associate Editor at Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. He is currently an editorial board member of Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Management.

Managing Editor


Stacey Victor, Managing Editor

Academy of Management

Stacey Victor's career in publishing has spanned 25 years, beginning in trade publishing at both Time Warner and Random House, and then segueing into the academic and reference world in 2007. Stacey joined AOM in early 2016, where she is Managing Editor for Academy of Management Learning and Education and Academy of Management Annals.