
Academy of Management Discoveries

Editorial Team


Prithviraj Chattopadhyay, Editor

Professor | University of Cambridge

Prithviraj Chattopadhyay is a professor of management at Cambridge University. His research interests include relational demography and diversity, managerial cognition, and employment externalization. His research has been published in such journals as Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science and Strategic Management Journal. He was an Associate Editor for Academy of Management Journal (2016-2019) and is currently a member of a number of editorial boards, including Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. In addition to engaging with new ideas within and outside his field, he enjoys hiking and travelling.

C. Chet

C. Chet Miller, Editor

University of Houston

Chet Miller is the C.T. Bauer Professor of Organizational Studies at the University of Houston (United States). Chet has used quantitative and qualitative empirical methods as well as critical reviews and theory building to investigate cognitive diversity within senior management teams, organizational control mechanisms, and seemingly impossible organizational goals. His work has appeared in a number of journals including Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal. Two of his papers have earned best paper awards, one at Academy of Management Annals and the other at Academy of Management Review. His work has been highlighted for its frequent use in textbooks.

 Chet has been coeditor for special issues of Academy of Management Discoveries and Academy of Management Executive. He also has served as associate editor for Academy of Management Discoveries and Academy of Management Journal, and as an editorial review board member for Academy of Management Discoveries, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal. To directly inform practice, he has worked with a number of managers, executives, and companies over the years. Teaching is very important to Chet, and he has earned teaching awards at the University of Houston, Wake Forest University (where he was previously a faculty member), and Duke University (where he has been a guest instructor). For fun, he enjoys hiking in the mountains, rafting, following drum corps competitions, and other activities with his partner in life, Laura Cardinal.


Susan K. Cohen, Deputy Editor

University of Pittsburgh
Deputy Editor

Susan K. Cohen is Associate Professor of Organizations and Entrepreneurship at the Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh. Her research addresses the question: How do firms successfully innovate? She has investigated organizational antecedents to innovation performance, including the structure of knowledge and capability, social network position, CEO occupational experience, alliance formation, and ecosystem strategy. Susan’s research builds on resource- and knowledge-based theories of the firm, social network theory, design science and technology frames, and the theory of complex contagion, and contributes to the knowledge base on innovation and commercialization strategies. Her current interests include the roles of firm-specific language in transforming life science business models and how the structure of regional entrepreneurial ecosystems affects new venture strategies to access resources. Her research has appeared in Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Research Policy, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, and Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Susan is an Associate Editor at Academy of Management Discoveries and TIM Division Program Chair–Elect.


Shiko M. Ben-Menahem, Associate Editor

Associate Professor | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Associate Editor

Shiko M. Ben-Menahem is Associate Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the Organization Theory group of the Management & Organization Department, School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, and an affiliate member of the Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation, ETH Zurich. He received his PhD from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, and his Habilitation from ETH Zurich. His research and teaching interests focus on the interface of digital technology, organizational design, innovation processes, and strategy in the areas of healthcare, medical devices, and life sciences. His work has appeared in academic and practitioner-oriented journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Academy of Management Discoveries, Research Policy, MIT Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, BMJ Open, and Long Range Planning. Prior to joining AMD, Shiko served as a Special Issue Editor for Research Policy and as an Associate Editor for European Management Journal. He cochaired the AOM Specialized conference in Tel Aviv, Israel. His recognitions include the 2021 AOM Award for Responsible Research in Management, AMD Best Reviewer Award, and teaching awards. Next to his academic activities, Shiko heads a technology Think Tank for a Swiss investment and research firm.


Brianna Barker Caza, Associate Editor

Associate Professor | University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Associate Editor

Brianna Barker Caza received her Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from the University of Michigan and is now an Associate Professor at the Bryan School of Business and Economics, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her research program broadly seeks to understand the resources and processes that produce resilience in turbulent and dynamic work contexts. She is interested in the identity and interpersonal dynamics that allow professionals to thrive amidst unexpected events and pervasive stressors. Her research has been published in many top tier outlets, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Discoveries, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. She has received outstanding reviewer awards at Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, and Academy of Management Discoveries.


Erika V. Hall, Associate Editor

Emory University
Associate Editor

Erika Hall is an Associate Professor of Organization & Management at Goizueta Business School at Emory University. Hall earned a PhD in Management & Organizations from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Professor Hall's work has appeared in academic journals, such as Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Psychological Science, Perspectives on Psychological Science, and American Psychologist. As a trained social psychologist, her research explores the powerful impact of stereotypes and the hidden content within them. For example, her MOSAIC theoretical paradigm investigated intersectional stereotyping and earned her the 2020 Academy of Management Review Best Article Award. She also served as Representative-at-Large for the GDO Division of Academy of Management (now DEI). Erika enjoys running, traveling, and spending time with her husband and two kids.


Candace Jones, Associate Editor

Full Professor | University of Edinburgh Business School
Associate Editor

Candace Jones is a Full Professor and the Chair of Global Creative Enterprise at the University of Edinburgh Business School. Her research uses the lenses of institutional theory, materiality, vocabularies and social networks to study creative contexts. Her research focuses empirically on film, architecture, festivals, and music to reveal their social, structural, and category dynamics that are embedded within and shaped by their histories. She was awarded best reviewer award for Academy of Management Review in 2016 and 2018. She coedited the Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries (2015). She has published in top journals, including Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organization Science, and Organization Studies. She is a member of two £6 million research teams funded by the A.H.R.C.: Policy and Evidence Center for Creative Industries and Creative Informatics. She was Representative at Large from 2009-2011 and Chair of Organization and Management Theory division of the Academy of Management from 2012-2016. She works with Historic Environment Scotland, Edinburgh International Festival and Festivals Edinburgh, and developed the Interdisciplinary Edinburgh Futures Institute MSc on creative industries.


Zhike Lei, Associate Editor

IMD Business School
Associate Editor

Zhike Lei is a Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at the IMD Business School in Switzerland. Her research is interdisciplinary and addresses how organizations, teams, and employees cope with errors, failures, and crisis and learn from them. She is also interested in psychological safety, team adaptation, and the nature of system dynamics in management research. Her work has been published in a variety of outlets, including Academy of Management Annals, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Health Affairs, Academic Medicine, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Academy of Management Discoveries, and Harvard Business Review. Her research on team adaptation and team reflexivity, in collaboration with hospital surgical teams, aviation pilots, and manufacturing engineers, has been recognized by the Best Paper Awards from various academic journals. Zhike has also won prestigious awards and grants to study patient safety, error management, and team processes, including those from the European Commission’s Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Peter Curtius Foundation, and the Juran Center for Leadership in Quality. She has served on the editorial review boards for Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Discoveries and was a Guest Editor of the AMD special issue on errors in organizations.


Christopher G. Myers, Associate Editor

Johns Hopkins University
Associate Editor

Christopher G. Myers is an Associate Professor of Management & Organization and the founding Faculty Director of the Center for Innovative Leadership at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. He also holds a Joint Appointment in Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. His research and teaching focus on individual learning, leadership development, and innovation, with particular attention to how people learn vicariously and share knowledge in health care organizations and other knowledge-intensive work environments. His research has been published in leading management journals, including Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Discoveries, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, as well as in premier medical journals. Chris has served as an elected representative-at-large for the Managerial and Organizational Cognition division of the Academy of Management, and on the editorial boards of several leading journals, including Academy of Management Discoveries. Prior to joining the faculty at Johns Hopkins University, Chris served on the faculty of the Harvard Business School and received his PhD in management and organizations from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.


Dusya Vera, Associate Editor

Professor | Western University
Associate Editor

Dusya Vera (Ph.D. in Strategy, Ivey Business School, Western University, Canada) is a Professor of Strategy at the Ivey Business School and the Executive Director of the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership, which elevates the importance of character alongside competence in the practice of leadership.

Dusya's research is in the areas of strategic leadership, leader character, improvisation, and organizational learning. Her work has been published in a variety of outlets, including Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Leadership Quarterly, Organization Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Management Learning, Organizational Dynamics, and Business Horizons, among others. She has served as an Associate Editor of the Leadership Quarterly. She is currently an editorial board member of the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Journal of Business Research, and Management Learning. She has served on the Editorial Board of journals, such as Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Leadership Quarterly, Management Learning, and IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management. Prior to joining the Ivey Business School in 2022, she was on the faculty of the C.T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston in the Department of Management & Leadership for 20 years, where she received multiple awards for research, teaching, and service.

Senior Managing Editor


Michael Malgrande, Senior Managing Editor

Senior Managing Editor | Academy of Management

Mike has been AMJ's Managing Editor since 2007. He has also served as Managing Editor for Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE) since joining the Academy of Management staff. Mike attended the University of Northern Colorado as a Journalism major before receiving his BA in Communications from Pace University. His professional background has been in the publishing industry, most recently as Senior Editor at Scholastic in the science reference division. Other experience includes editing, writing, and book production for M.E. Sharpe, Inc., Elsevier Science, Oceana Publications, and the American Water Works Association in Denver, CO. He currently lives in Brookfield, CT.

Consulting Editorial Review Board

Peter Bamberger

Professor | Tel Aviv University

Jean M. Bartunek

Professor | Boston College
United States

Donald C. Hambrick

Pennsylvania State University
United States

Paul Ingram

Columbia University
United States

Martin J. Kilduff

University College London
United Kingdom

Andrew Pierce Knight

Washington University in St. Louis
United States

Sorin Krammer

University of Surrey
United Kingdom

Jennifer Mueller

University of San Diego
United States

Gerardo Okhuysen

University of California, Irvine
United States

Michael G. Pratt

Boston College
United States

Sandra Robinson

University of British Columbia

Kevin W. Rockmann

George Mason University
United States

Denise M. Rousseau

Professor | Carnegie Mellon University
United States

Christopher L. Tucci

Professor | Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Mara J. Waller

Research Professor | Colorado State University
United States

Mo Wang

University of Florida
United States

Gail Whiteman

Professor | University of Exeter Business School

Editorial Review Board

Ona Akemu

Assistant Professor | University of Amsterdam

Soon Ang

Nanyang Technological University

Africa Arino

IESE Business School

Punit Arora

City University of New York
United States

Paolo Aversa

Professor | King's College London
United Kingdom

Eli Awtrey

Assistant Professor | University of Cincinnati
United States

Mitali Banerjee

McGill University

Pratima Bansal

Ivey Business School, Western U

Oliver Baumann

Professor | University of Southern Denmark

Beth Bechky

Professor | UC Davis
United States

Kristin Jackson Behfar

United States

Peter Belmi

University of Virginia
United States

Frank-Martin Belz

Full Professor | Technical University Munich

Fabio Bertoni

EMLYON Business School

Miriam Bird

Associate Professor | TUM School of Management

Alex Bolinger

Professor | Idaho State University
United States

Bryan Bonner

University of Utah
United States

Matthias F. Brauer

Professor | University of Mannheim

Julia Brennecke

Professor | University of Potsdam & University of Liverpool

Stefano Brusoni

ETH Zurich

Rhett Andrew Brymer

Assistant Professor | University of Cincinnati
United States

Amanda Bullough

University of Delaware
United States

Patrick J. Callery

Assistant Professor | University of Vermont
United States

Carmelo Cennamo

Professor | Copenhagen Business School
Denmark (II)

Jessica Siegel Christian

University of North Carolina
United States

Marlys K. Christianson

University of Toronto

Bart Clarysse

Professor | ETH Zürich

Catherine Connelly

McMaster University

Jose M. Cortina

Virginia Commonwealth University
United States

Andrew Crane

University of Bath
United Kingdom

Matthew A. Cronin

Professor | George Mason
United States

Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra

Professor | Northeastern University
United States

Erik Ian Dane

Washington University in St. Louis
United States

Mark de Rond

Professor | Cambridge University
United Kingdom

Angelo DeNisi

Professor | Tulane University
United States

Shoshana Dobrow

Associate Professor | London School of Economics
United Kingdom

Gina Dokko

UC Davis
United States

Sarah Doyle

University of Arizona
United States

Martha S. Feldman

University of California-Irvine
United States

Fabrizio Ferraro

IESE Business School

Colin Muneo Fisher

University College London
United Kingdom

Frank Flynn

Stanford University
United States

Daniel P. Forbes

U of Minnesota, Carlson School
United States

Jens Forderer

Technical University of Munich

Roman V. Galperin

McGill University

Edward N. Gamble

University of Vermont
United States

Martin Ganco

University of Wisconsin-Madison
United States

Raghu Garud

Professor | The Pennsylvania State University
United States

Elizabeth George

Professor | Cambridge Judge Business School
United Kingdom

Denis A. Gregoire

Professor | HEC Montréal

David R. Hannah

Professor | Simon Fraser University

Spencer Harrison


Sarah Harvey

UCL School of Management

Donald Hatfield

Virginia Tech
United States

Wei He

Associate Professor | Nanjing University

Joachim Henkel

Technical University of Munich

Monica Higgins

Professor | Harvard Graduate School of Education
United States

Brian Hilligoss

Associate Professor | University of Arizona
United States

Pamela Hinds

Stanford University
United States

Violet Ho

University of Richmond
United States

Gerard P. Hodgkinson

Professor | University of Manchester

Timothy Hoff

Northeastern University
United States

Karin Hoisl

Professor | Mannheim U

Josh Wei-Jun Hsueh

Assistant Professor | Jonkoping University

Marieke Huysentruyt

HEC Paris

Lynn A Isabella

Univ Of Virginia
United States

Scott G. Johnson

Professor | Iowa State University
United States

Aimee Kane

Associate Professor | Duquesne University
United States

Ronit Kark

Associate Professor | Bar-Ilan University

Tal Katz-Navon

Associate Professor | Reichman University

Ewald Kibler

Aalto University, School of Business

Gavin J. Kilduff

New York University
United States

Jerry W. Kim

Rutgers Business School
United States

Avraham N. Kluger

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Lena Knappert

Assistant Professor | VU Amsterdam

Kevin M. Kniffin

Assistant Professor | Cornell University
United States

Glen E. Kreiner

Professor | University of Utah
United States

Franki Y. H. Kung

Assistant Professor | Purdue University
United States

Tomi MM Laamanen

Professor | U of St.Gallen

Karim R. Lakhani

Harvard Business School
United States

Lauren Lanahan

University of Oregon
United States

Ann Langley

HEC Montreal

Gary P. Latham

University of Toronto

Chi-Hyon Lee

George Mason University
United States

David Lehman

University of Virginia
United States

Peter Ping Li

Full Professor | University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Feng Li

Full Professor | Bayes Business School
United Kingdom

Christopher C. Liu

University of Oregon
United States

Jeffrey Loewenstein

University of Illinois
United States

Jinyu (Anna) Long

California State University - San Bernardino
United States

Sean Lux

Associate Professor | Texas Tech University
United States

Nydia MacGregor

Santa Clara University
United States

Tammy L. Madsen

Santa Clara University
United States

Joseph Magee

New York University
United States

Johanna Mair

Hertie School

Katy Jane Mason

Lancaster University Management School
United Kingdom

Anna Mayo

Carnegie Mellon University
United States

Jochen I. Menges

Professor | University of Zurich

Jessica R. Methot

Rutgers University
United States

Renate Elisabeth Meyer

WU Vienna & CBS Copenhagen

Hana Milanov

Technische Universität München

Frances J. Milliken

New York University
United States

Murad A. Mithani

Rutgers University - Camden
United States

Caterina Moschieri

IE Business School

Alan Muller

University of Groningen

Louis Mulotte

Full Professor | Tilburg University

Inbal Nahum-Shani

U of Michigan
United States

Ingrid Nembhard

The Wharton School
United States

Daniel Newark

HEC Paris

Otilia Obodaru

University of Bath
United States

Randall S Peterson

London Business School
United Kingdom

Nathan Pettit

NYU Stern School of Business
United States

Nelson Phillips

Professor | UC Santa Barbara
United States

Xin Qin

Sun Yat-sen Business School, Sun Yat-sen U.

Belle Rose Ragins

Endowed Chair | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
United States

Davide Ravasi

University College London
United Kingdom

Hans Nikolas Rawhouser

University of Nevada Las Vegas
United States

Jochen Matthias Reb

Singapore Management University

Laura Rees

Oregon State University, College of Business
United States

Sebastian Reiche

IESE Business School

Eric F. Rietzschel

University of Groningen

Philip Rogiers

Assistant Professor | Univ. Ramon Llull, Esade

Christopher C. Rosen

University of Arkansas
United States

Naomi Beth Rothman

Professor | Lehigh University
United States

Gordon Matthew Sayre

Assistant Professor | Emlyon Business School

Stefan Schneck

Institut Für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn

Kelly E. See

Associate Professor | University of Colorado Denver
United States

Scott Seibert

Professor | Rutgers University
United States

Victor Seidel

Professor | Babson College
United States

Margaret A. Shaffer

Professor | University of Oklahoma
United States

Dmitry Sharapov

Imperial College Business School
United Kingdom

J. Myles Shaver

University of MN
United States

Catherine Shea

Carnegie Mellon University
United States

Tal Simons

RSM, Erasmus University

Zeki Simsek

Clemson University
United States

Maria Sosa

London School of Economics
United Kingdom

Mary Eve Speach

University of Georgia
United States

Fabian J. Sting

University of Cologne

Michael Sturman

Rutgers University
United States

John J. Sumanth

Associate Professor | Wake Forest University
United States

Kathleen M. Sutcliffe

Johns Hopkins University
United States

Carmit T. Tadmor

Tel Aviv University

Christine Quinn Trank

Professor | Vanderbilt University
United States

Linda K Trevino

Pennsylvania State University
United States

Chia-Jung Tsay

University of Wisconsin-Madison
United States

Bilgehan Uzunca

Associate Professor | ESADE Business School

Abhijeet K. Vadera

Associate Professor | Singapore Management University

Christian Vandenberghe

HEC Montreal

Dana Rachel Vashdi

Associate Professor | University of Haifa

Elena Vidal

Associate Professor | Baruch College
United States

Ryan M. Vogel

Associate Professor | Temple University
United States

Stephan Von Delft

Senior Lecturer | University of Glasgow
United Kingdom

Georg von Krogh

Professor | ETH Zurich

Heather Ciara Vough

George Mason University
United States

David T. Wagner

Associate Professor | University of Oregon
United States

Long Wang

City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Jennie Weiner

University of Connecticut
United States

Georg Wernicke

HEC Paris

Christopher Wickert

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Hendrik Wilhelm

Professor | U. Witten/Herdecke

Jennifer Woolley

Santa Clara University
United States

Shaker A. Zahra

University of Minnesota
United States

Yujie Zhan

Wilfrid Laurier University

Wei Zhang

University of Massachusetts Boston
United States

Le Zhou

Texas A&M University
United States

Yunxia Zhu

Univ. of Queensland Business School