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Psychology Today: How to Like a Job You Loathe

21 May 2020
3 ways to feel better about a stop-gap role.

Originally found at Psychology Today, by Michelle Tullier

This job is beneath me. I’m so bored. My co-workers are no fun. My boss micro-manages. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. I’m embarrassed to tell people what I do or where I work.

At some point in recovery, you are likely to find yourself doing work that simply does not work for you. Your addiction or co-occurring issues may have led your career off the rails or prevented you from even launching a career. Once you’ve done the work of treatment and early recovery and are becoming more stable, a stop-gap job may be the next step in your journey.

Purpose of a stop-gap job

Also known in the treatment and recovery world as a “get well job,” “recovery job,” “placeholder job,” or “J.O.B.”, a stop-gap job is likely to be a stepping-stone role. It is not necessarily commensurate with your prior work life or education. It’s less about lofty professional ambitions and more about near-term needs.

The stop-gap job is a place to show up (even if working from home) where people are counting on you. It’s a way to earn some money, build or rebuild employment history, and cultivate positive references. Stop-gap jobs are key for building a sense of purpose, self-esteem, and independence.

Positive attitude will only get you so far

You know this job is just one more step in your recovery journey and not the end of the road. You are grateful that someone has even hired you. You try to start work each day with a positive attitude and appreciation for the opportunity to put one foot in the front of the other and be productive.

So, what do you do when a “grin-and-bear-it” approach starts to wear thin? Consider these three ways to turn a job you loathe into a job you like, or at least can better tolerate.

Continue reading the original article at Psychology Today.

Read the original research in Academy of Management Review.

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