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Sydney Morning Herald: Why it’s OK to get angry at work

24 Jul 2020
AOM scholars conclude that anger should not be thought of categorically as a negative emotion; indeed, anger can be considered positive.

Originally found at The Sydney Morning Herald, by James Adonis.

Is it possible that anger – a widely condemned emotion in the workplace – could in fact be a key component of effective management and healthy business relationships? The answer is yes.

That’s not an opinion, by the way, but the conclusion of esteemed scholars who have completed a comprehensive analysis of all the major studies to date. They’ve determined anger “should not be thought of categorically as a negative emotion; indeed … anger can be considered positive”.

First up, let’s clarify what’s meant by anger since there are varying types and extremes.

It’s certainly not a reference to people who are perpetually angry or who go through periodic bad moods. Neither does it refer to the type of anger that seeks revenge and damage, where the intention is to intimidate and abuse. That’s psychopathic, perpetrated by bullies who should be removed from influential positions (and preferably the organisation).

That’s an important distinction to make because “most people who get mad at work are not bullies, psychopaths or jerks”. And “most”, according to the research, is precisely 90 percent.

Continue reading the original article at The Sydney Morning Herald.

Read the original research in Academy of Management Perspectives.

Read more about the original research in AOM Insights

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