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Press releases, updates and important announcements from AOM Size and Diversity of Research Teams Does Not Automatically Equate to Better Research Outcomes, Finds New Study

10 May 2023
While often large research teams are able to generate more impact, they struggle to reach top-tier journals.

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While often large research teams are able to generate more impact, they struggle to reach top-tier journals, finds a new study from the University of Surrey that analyzed data from 1.4 million academic papers. The paper is published in the journal Academy of Management Learning & Education.

Professor Sorin Krammer, lead author of the study and Professor of Strategy and International Business at the University of Surrey, said, "Despite the prevalence of large teams in research, there is still a lack of a good understanding of how their size and diversity affects their performance."

"Our findings will help academics, and perhaps industry, to organize teams more effectively according to their performance goals."

The Surrey study used data between the years 1990 and 2020 on more than 1.4 million papers and 18 million citation counts across 22 subfields in management.

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Read the original research in Academy of Management Learning & Education.
