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Academy of Management 78th annual meeting to address critical issues facing global management community

26 Jul 2018
AOM announced the details of its 78th Annual Meeting, which will be held in Chicago on August 10-14. Top management and organization researchers from around the world will reveal their latest research findings addressing some of the most impactful issues in the field. The conference theme “Improving Lives” explores how organizations can contribute to the betterment of society.

CHICAGO, July 26, 2018 / PRNewswire/ — The Academy of Management (AOM), the largest global association devoted to management and organization research, today announced the details of its 78th Annual Meeting, which will be held in Chicago on August 10-14. Top management and organization researchers from around the world will reveal their latest research findings addressing some of the most impactful issues in the field. The conference theme “Improving Lives” explores how organizations can contribute to the betterment of society. Topics will include the #MeToo movement, Donald Trump’s presidency and the continued challenges women and people of color face in the corporate world.

The AOM Annual Meeting is the premier global management science conference, drawing more than 11,000 management researchers and leaders in academia from 92 countries. During the course of the conference, AOM will produce more than 2,000 sessions at venues across the city featuring presentations grounded in research from academic luminaries, such as Jean Bartunek from Boston College.

The full conference schedule is available on AOM’s Annual Meeting website. Notable research featured in selection sessions will include:

  • How organizations can improve health and well-being in society
  • #MeToo and the workplace
  • Observations on current presidential leadership from a management perspective
  • Minority females and corporate leadership
  • Female empowerment and factors contributing to the glass ceiling

“Every day, business leaders around the world face the challenge of balancing the needs of their employees with the success of their organizations,” said AOM’s Vice President and Program Chair, Jacqueline A-M. Coyle-Shapiro, from the London School of Economics. “The research presented at this year’s Annual Meeting addresses those issues head-on and explores the role organizations can play in affecting the lives of their employees, customers, and communities.”

Sessions will also include whether and why organizations have a responsibility to address, influence or improve the communities they serve, and how organizations might go about achieving those objectives. Additionally, the Annual Meeting will feature a number of intersectional topics including an aging society, mental health issues, diversity in communities, financial insecurity and the role of technology in facilitating constant connectivity, among many others.
