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A Look at the Event: Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies

23 Oct 2019
View photos from the AOM specialized conference in Bled, Slovenia, held October 23-25, 2019.

Responsible Leadership is the topic of much debate in both academic and practitioner circles. This AOM specialized conference looks at what “responsible leadership” means in the context of a rapidly changing world, particularly in rising and transforming economies. We also seek to explore how the scholarly management community, in collaboration with businesses, policy makers, NGOs, media, and other stakeholders interested in the new role of business in society, could best support the development of responsible management and sustainable innovation.

Conference attendees network in a global environment, witness first-hand how old and new come together in the rising economies of central and eastern Europe, as well as experience the charming hospitality of one of Europe’s greenest destinations, surrounded by enchanting natural scenery. Lake Bled is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the world, and IEDC-Bled School of Management, Postgraduate studies is one of the leaders in innovative management education worldwide.

View photos from the conference

View the conference website for more information
