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Academy of Management hosts a virtual career fair at #AOM2020

13 Jul 2020
Candidates can explore potential employers through virtual presentations and take advantage of the AOM Career Services Committee’s career coaching, including CV review, interview techniques, and general career advice.

"Given that we are hiring two key positions for next fall, we were excited to see how AOM Career Services was able to pivot and adapt to allow for this Virtual Career Fair to take place this August."

Stacy M. Campbell, PhD.
Executive Director - Scholars Program
Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA

The job market looks very different this year, and in response the AOM 2020 Virtual Career Fair at the Annual Meeting is providing a unique platform where recruiters and candidates can connect to explore job opportunities from anywhere around the world.

Attend the virtual career fair now!

Recruiters can host Virtual Recruitment Booths and schedule individual information sessions and interviews with potential candidates. Candidates can explore potential employers through virtual presentations and take advantage of the AOM Career Services Committee’s career coaching, including CV review, interview techniques, and general career advice.

Registration for the AOM 2020 Virtual Career Fair is included with AOM’s Annual Meeting registration.

Contact Career Services Manager Wendy Kramer at for more information.

AoM-2020-logoFinal-NoDate_AOMVirtualtag_500wAdditional Benefits of Attending the 2020 Annual Meeting

  • AOM’s Annual Meeting will take place on Pathable, a leading virtual event platform offering a seamless, one-stop experience for all meeting activities.
  • 200+ synchronous (live) sessions and hundreds more asynchronous (pre-recorded) sessions. Most sessions will be recorded and available to watch at your convenience—eliminating session conflicts and allowing for greater reach and impact.
  • Join your DIGs and explore others—the virtual meeting brings together all AOM divisions and interest groups, enabling attendees to choose and participate in sessions across domains. And don’t miss sessions from the Teaching and Learning Conference, included with registration this year.
  • Supplemental session information, such as papers, slides, PDFs, and session recordings, provide additional content and context. Attendees can view the materials, follow conversations, and engage in meaningful dialogue after the session.
  • Extended collaboration and viewing periods allow attendees to pace themselves and revisit sessions at their convenience. Questions, answers, and comments can be added through 31 August. Supplemental session information is available through 31 October.
  • Network and engage in conversations with geographically dispersed attendees, advancing research, teaching and practice through virtual gathering places such as “Birds of a Feather” topic sessions and “Want to Meet” lists of colleagues for individual or group meetings.
  • View presentations and meet one-on-one with publishers and other vendors at the Virtual Exhibit Hall.
  • All of this and more to come—easy, convenient, and travel-free!

Visit the 2020 Annual Meeting page for more information on the five-day virtual event.

Register to attend.

Read the Annual Meeting frequently asked questions.
