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Member Spotlight: Arthur Brief, recipient of the 2021 Distinguished Educator Award

31 Dec 2021
The Distinguished Educator Award is presented annually to an outstanding individual who has excelled in developing doctoral students, effective teaching in the classroom, fostering pedagogical innovations, and/or disseminating new teaching methods and designs.

The Distinguished Educator Award is presented annually to an outstanding individual who has excelled in developing doctoral students, effective teaching in the classroom, fostering pedagogical innovations, and/or disseminating new teaching methods and designs.

Arthur Brief is the George S. Eccles Chair in Business Ethics and Presidential Professor at the University of Utah. He is the winner of the 2021 Academy of Management Distinguished Educator Career Achievement Award.

“Art stands as a giant in my mind—a mythical being still of what it looks like to be an academic, who cares about the important questions, and perhaps even more about the value and worth of the people pursuing them."- AOM 2021 Award Nomination letter

The bulk of Art’s research has focused on the underbelly of organizational life. His most cited paper, co-authored with Steve Motowidlo, conceives of prosocial organizational behaviors. Much of the research focused on contributing to a better understanding of workplace racial discrimination.  This research helped open the door for Art to work with extraordinarily talented doctoral students and up-and-coming academics, many of whom are people of color. 

“It is principally the accomplishments of these folks (and the resulting deep friendships) that explain my selection for the Academy of Management’s 2021 Distinguished Educator Career Achievement Award.”

“The honor is the icing on the cake of my long-term involvement with the Academy of Management, which includes chair of the Organizational Behavior Division, editor of the Academy of Management Review and co-founding editor, with Jim Walsh, of the Academy of Management Annals. 

"I really cannot express the depth of my appreciation for the Career Distinguished Educator Career Achievement Award. I am singularly touched.”

Read more of Art's work here.
