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2023 Awards and Recognition

19 Sep 2023

Did you know…the Academy of Management runs a robust recognition program that annually selects and honors awardees across a wide range of categories relevant to the management profession?

Award programs honoring outstanding scholarly achievements that advance research, learning, teaching, and the practice of management are traditionally presented leading up to and during the Annual Meeting each year. Awards are presented at the Academy level for the most outstanding Journal articles, authored books, best meeting papers, and impact on management and organization scholarship over the course of an individual’s career. Divisions, Interest Groups, and Journals also present a broad range of awards at the community level, recognizing excellence in both service and scholarship. Over 50 unique recognition programs are managed by volunteer leadership committees across the Academy.

The comprehensive process and celebration of achievement that is encompassed throughout AOM’s award programs helps contribute to bringing visibility to the most notable, distinctive scholarship and individual achievements across our profession. We celebrate and honor all those who were awarded with 2023 distinction and encourage all AOM members to review the following award details.

AOM award categories include:

Annual Meeting Program Awards

These All-Academy Awards are nominated from the accepted program submissions to the Academy’s Annual Meeting by an inclusive process through Division or Interest Groups program committees. The winners for each of the two following awards are chosen from that set of finalist candidates by dedicated award committees:

  • The William H. Newman Award is presented to the best Annual Meeting paper based on a recent dissertation.
  • The Carolyn Dexter Award is presented to the annual meeting paper that best meets the objective of internationalizing AOM.

Career Achievement Awards

This category recognizes up to four outstanding individuals a year who have made significant contributions to the field of management through their service, research, innovative teaching methods, breakthrough developments, and more over the course of their career. Awards are distinguished by the breadth and length of the work. Learn more about the 2023 Distinguished Educator Award,  Distinguished Service Award, Distinguished Scholar-Practitioner Award, and Distinguished Scholarly Contributions to Management Award here.

Division and Interest Group Awards

Each division or interest group independently administers its awards program. Awards at this level are often presented at the business meeting of the division or interest group, or another venue considered appropriate by the unit initiating the award. Visit your DIG websites for information on specific awards and procedures; learn more about the 2023 Division and Interest Group Awards here.

Authored Book

The George R. Terry Book Award is granted annually to the book judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the advancement of management knowledge (published within the past two years). Books that contribute to the advancement of management theory, conceptualization, research, or practice are eligible for this prestigious award. Awardees and details on the nominations process can be found here.

Publication Awards

Each year the Academy of Management awards a “Best Article Award” to authors of journal articles that were published in the previous year in each of the following journals: Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Discoveries, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Academy of Management Perspectives, and Academy of Management Review. The selection process is determined by independent committees that represent the individual journals.

In general, articles selected

  • Advance the mission of the individual publication
  • Bring forth core ideas that are original, important, and provocative
  • Have a clear and important contribution to the field of management

In addition to the journal Best Article awards, AOM journals recognize outstanding service and scholarly achievements through various journal-specific award programs. All awardees and finalists for these All-Academy awards, as well as other 2023 Publications awards, can be found here.
