Out of an abundance of caution for our members due to the Coronavirus situation and current travel restrictions, the AOM Specialized Conference, Advancing Management Research in Latin America scheduled for 15-17 April, 2020 in Mexico City, Mexico, was cancelled.
However, parts of the conference were able to take place virtually.
For the first time, AOM has presented a two-part virtual keynote address. The keynote presentation was prerecorded by Herman Aguinis, the Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar and Professor at the George Washington University School of Business as well as the Vice President of the Academy of Management. The prerecorded presentation was followed by a live Q&A discussion, both of which can be accessed below:
In addition, it is our pleasure to announce the winner of the Best Conference Paper Proposal for the Advancing Management Research in Latin America conference. Adrian Beorchia, David Gras, and Eric Amarante all from the University of Tennessee received the Best Conference Paper Proposal Award for their paper titled “Latino Business Formation and Growth in New Latino Destinations: A Social Capital Perspective”.
The Best Conference Paper Proposal Award recognizes select proposals submitted to an AOM specialized conference that represent high quality and relevance to the conference theme.
The Award Committee applied the following award criteria to select the award recipients:
The Award Committee included David G. Allen (Chair), Texas Christian University; Søren Henning Jenson, Copenhagen Business School; Batia Mishan Wiesenfeld, New York University; David Leonard Patient, Vlerick Business School; and Juan-Alberto Aragon-Correa, University of Granada.