

2024 MC Division Professional Development Workshops: Call for Proposals

PDW Chair: Carole Bousquet,

Submission Deadline: Tuesday, 9 January 2024 at 17:00 ET (UTC-5/GMT-5)

Management Consulting Division (MC) is a division of the Academy of Management. The membership of MC comprises scholar-practitioners in public and private sectors, including higher educational institutions spread around the world. The mission of MC is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in all areas of management through a pluralistic approach to understanding and applying management knowledge. The purpose of the MC is to advance the knowledge and understanding of management consulting through teaching, research and publication, and active consulting practices. The division recognizes the vast disciplinary fields related to consulting, including human resources management and management of human potential, organization behavior, change management, leadership, supply chain management, health care management, digital transformation, financial management, project management, risk management, entrepreneurship, education, public policy development and governance, strategy, philanthropy, globalization, and a host of other fields. The division promotes scholar-practitioners (the consultants, the discipline of consulting, and the consulting industry with the underlying goal of elevating the intersection of scholarship and practice. The division also encourages the adoption of interdisciplinary and integrative approaches to consulting for maximum benefits to consumers of consulting services and products.

Overall, the MC brings experienced and emerging management consultants together as scholar-practitioners to co-create, co-learn, and co-transfer knowledge, with appropriate tools, techniques, technologies, frameworks, and methodologies to prepare our society for current and future challenges and opportunities.

AOM 2024 Theme: Innovating for the Future - Policy, Purpose, and Organization

The priority of MC in 2024 aligns with the AOM’s 2024 theme, “Innovating for the Future - Policy, Purpose, and Organizations,” which provides the opportunity to explore all the innovation aspect. This year is the perfect occasion to present your works, papers, PDWs and symposium as you are inside moving organizations. MC division fosters symbiotic partnerships between scholars, consultants, industry experts, and executives in the management consulting field. These partnerships empower members with resources for knowledge generation, practical application, and problem resolutions.

Call for Professional Development Workshops 

This call is open to all researcher-practitioners worldwide, including MC members, members of other AOM divisions and members of the wider management consulting community.

Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) are a unique opportunity to create scientific knowledge through guided interactions between participants and experienced presenters around Academy of Management themes.

In line with this orientation, the Management Consulting Division's PDWs are a space for dialogue and cross-fertilization between academics and practitioners, as well as with other divisions, whose collaborations enable our members to enrich exploitable knowledge in the fields of transformative intervention dynamics, research methods, strategic management, organizational change, social responsibility...

Submitters may consider various submissions that address issues in all facets of the discipline of management consulting and issues connected with the Annual Meeting theme.

This year, the theme gives us the opportunity to explore the interplay of innovation, policy, and purpose as a lens for rethinking conventional ways of leading, managing, and organizing.

This year, we invite you to propose Professional Development Workshops around the following themes, that will help you to shape your propositions (they are common both for scholarly and professional development workshops submissions):

  • Cross-section of consultancy organizations
  • Innovations in Consulting Practices around the globe
  • IA and consulting
  • Consulting for “special” companies
  • Doctoral Studies (PhD, DBA, DM, Exec-PhD …)  and Consulting Practice
  • Innovating as scholar-practitioner
  • Ethical practices and innovations
  • Innovations methodologies
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion perspectives in Management Consulting

Thus, the Management Consulting Division invites you to reflect on these questions:

  • Innovations in consulting organizations? What practices and challenges do consultants encounter in their own organizations?
  • How can we innovate consulting for "special" companies such as pure players, VSEs and start-ups? Or for NGO, Public Agencies…
  • The relationship between Artificial Intelligences and Consultants: What is the consultant's added value in the face of digital innovations and artificial intelligence? How can we better integrate digital and AI tools into our practices?
  • What are the challenges of maintaining an ethical practice while using innovations? Especially from the Consultant perspective?
  • What innovative innovation processes to discover and practice in our VUCA world?
  • How to innovate with the Client? At the interface between the Client and the Consulting Company?
  • How to integrate Open innovation methodologies in consulting practice? Ambidextrous Innovation Processes? Incremental and Radical Innovation Processes?
  • How to pursue doctoral studies while being a consultant?
  • How to connect workers, managers, top-managers, CEOs in innovation practices?
  • DEI challenges in consulting companies or consulting work in 2023.
  • How to manage innovation inside organizations inside a connected world?
  • ...


The evaluation process is designed to be the most inclusive and comprehensive possible: the main criteria will be the quality of interaction and knowledge co-creation generated by the workshop.

Please follow the official AOM Submission Guidelines for PDWs and be compliant to the formal rules for the submission:

“A PDW submission must include the following and be organized in the following order. PDW proposals must be a minimum of four-pages

  1. Title page that includes:
    1. AOM submission system-assigned five-digit submission number
    2. Title of the workshop (in Title Case)
    3. Name of the primary sponsor and a list of other sponsors who might be interested in the workshop
    4. Up to 250-word abstract of the workshop
  2. One-page explanation as to why the workshop should be of interest to the specified sponsor
  3. One-page description of the workshop format
  4. One-to-three-page overview of the workshop

Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced, 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around, and 8.5"x11" page setting. References may be single-spaced. The entire submission must be in one document created in one of the following compatible formats:

Be sure to number all of the pages of the submission.

Management Consulting PDW Proposals must include:

  • Full description of the workshop, activities, and roles.
  • Submitter (contact person) and presenter(s) information, including name, affiliation, address, phone, and e-mail for each person.
  • Division or Interest Group sponsor solicited and why.
  • How you will intend to create a productive audience interaction and participation
  • Duration: 1.5-2 hours.
  • Presenters: 10 submitters maximum including: Chair, co-chairs, discussants, and panelist.

Please note that a written commitment is required inside the proposal: “Each acceptation engages all participants listed to be present at the annual meeting.”
Each participant assures that he/she is not in violation of the rule of Three + Three while submitting the PDW.”

84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024)

9-13 August 2024
Chicago, IL, USA

AOM 2024 Key Dates

  • Registration/Housing Open:
    5 March 2024
  • Decision Notifications:
    Late March 2024
  • Annual Meeting Program
    Available June 2024
  • Early Registration Rate Deadline:
    7 May 2024
  • Regular Registration Rate Deadline:
    16 July 2024
  • Late Registration Rates
    17 July-13 August 2024
  • Hotel Reservations Deadline:
    17 July 2024
  • 84th Annual Meeting:
    9-13 August 2024
    Chicago, IL, USA
    In-person @AOM 2024
    11 August 2024

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