
Call for Submissions

Deadline: Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5)

Management Education and Development Division (MED)

2025 MED Division Scholarly Program: Call for Submissions

Program Chair: Margaret Heffernan OAM, RMIT University, Australia

The Management Education & Development (MED) Division warmly invites you to submit a proposal for a Paper, Poster session and/or Symposia at the 85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2025), which will be held in person from July 25 to 29, 2025, in Copenhagen, Denmark. 


We invite you to contribute your work to an intellectually vibrant MED program that also makes interdisciplinary connections with other AOM divisional interest groups.

We welcome your submissions that focus on education, learning and innovative research that address contemporary challenges and opportunities that educators, leaders, students, and administrators face.

  1. Papers | Guidelines: Appendix 1 
  2. Symposia | Guidelines: Appendix 2 
  3. Posters | Guidelines: Appendix 3 

Conference Theme

No theme. MED encourages innovative and provocative submissions that are research focused, educative, and inspirational, that will advance the future of management education.

Why Submit to MED?

The Management Education and Development Division (MED) is the Academy of Management's division for education theory, practice, and policy research. 

MED is driven to Research, Educate, and Inspire. Our purpose is to amplify research and  scholarship in management education, disseminate this research to support excellence in our educational remit, and ultimately inspire all AOM members in the classroom and within  their core and critical roles as educators.

We enable effective management education and development practices by encouraging research on programs and institutions addressing issues at all levels of management education, from individual learners through education and learning policy. 

Major areas of focus include: 
  1. Theoretical advances or empirical evidence about effective and innovative instructional methods
  2. Innovative management education and development techniques, institutional structures or education policies
  3. Applications that extend and challenge learning theories
  4. Research and benchmark practices in coaching, training, and development
  5. Online learning across cultures and environments


Submissions may have theoretical, pedagogical, or practical aims, but must be grounded in scholarship appropriate to the field. Our program will emerge from what we, the MED community of researchers, educators, and scholarly practitioners, find most meaningful through the peer-review process. Submit your proposal via the AOM Submission Center.   

Check the AOM 2025 submission guidelines to ensure you have met all requirements for professional development workshop proposals, paper submissions, symposium submissions, caucus proposals, and the Teaching and Learning Conference submissions. 

Session Orientations

Papers, posters, and symposia submitted to MED should specifically target the MED domain, as described above, rather than be an “all academy” submission. 

As a submitter, you may indicate the general orientation of your proposal. The AOM Annual Meeting program includes these orientations to help attendees identify sessions of interest. The types of orientations are:

  • Diversity
  • International
  • Practice
  • Research
  • Teaching

MED Awards

The MED Division of the Academy of Management recognizes outstanding submissions to the AOM Annual Meeting. MED Division Awards will be given to submissions that are selected from papers and symposia submitted to for the 2025 AOM program.

Self-nomination: To self-nominate, ensure the submission cover page and first paragraph of your submission clarifies your eligibility for the award by stating: (a) the award(s) for which the submission is to be considered, and (b) how the authors and content meet the criteria for the award.

You can self-nominate for many MED awards (see MED Division - Awards for details of each award:

  1. MED Barry Armandi Award for Best Student Paper in Management Education and Development 
  2. MED Best Paper in Graduate Management Education and Development Award (Clarion University of Pennsylvania Online MBA Award) 
  3. MED Best Paper in Management Education and Development Award 
  4. MED Global Forum Best Paper Award 
  5. MED Junior Faculty Best Paper Award (sponsored by SAGE/Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies) 
  6. MED Best Symposium in Management Education and Development Award 
  7. MED Global Forum Best Symposium Award 

Submission Queries?

Help is available at the AOM Support Center.  The support team will attempt to respond within 1 business day.  Due to the  high volume of requests just before the submission deadline, please do not wait until the last minute to submit!

If the support team response does not resolve your problem or is not clear, you can call +1-914-326-1800, Monday-Friday from 09:00 to 17:00 (9am – 5pm) ET (NY time).

  • The support team is not available 23 December 2024 – 1 January 2025 

Key Dates

  • Submission Center Opens: Early December 2024
  • Poster Presentation Dates: Friday, 25 July through Tuesday, 29 July 2025. 
  • Submission deadline is Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5)

All submissions must be entered in the Submission Center by this time, i.e., a 5-digit submission ID is assigned to your proposal. No exceptions!

  • Recommendation: Submit early to give yourself time to identify and resolve any problems before the system closes to new submissions. Any submission that is not finalized or does not follow all the guidelines will automatically NOT be reviewed.
  • Recommendation: If you wish to discuss your proposal prior to submitting, please contact the MED Program Chair by 13 December 2024.
    • Note that given the demands of the Program Chair role, Margaret will not be available to discuss your proposal after 13 December 2024. 

Invitation to Review 

MED invites you to sign up as a volunteer reviewer to review MED submissions. The Academy and MED thank you in advance for the service you are willing to offer as a reviewer.

  • Review dates: As a reviewer, complete your review assignments between 16 January 2025 and 13 February 2025.

Benefits of Reviewing for the Annual Meeting

Reviewers gain visibility for themselves and their institutions. Reviewing:

  • gives you an opportunity to contribute to the Academy's program planning process.
  • is a way to give back to your professional community.
  • is a way to learn about what constitutes excellent and interesting work.

To sign up as a reviewer, please start by visiting the information for reviewers.

Select up to 2 divisions / interest groups (DIGS), and keywords/subject areas that you feel qualified to review for. We urge you to review for MED! 

Please note that you may be asked to review up to 3 submissions for each DIG you select. The maximum number of review assignments allocated for review is 6 submissions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools may NOT be used in reviewing submissions 


  1. AOM MEMBERSHIP: Do I have to be a member to submit a proposal?
    • You do not need to be a member to submit a proposal for the Academy of Management’s Annual Meeting.
    • If you are not an Academy member, you must still create an account with basic contact information, which will be linked to your submission(s).
    • If your submission is accepted and you attend the conference to participate in a session, you must join the Academy and register for the conference. The conference format is in-person only. Membership and conference registration entail separate costs.
  2. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION:  Opens in late February 2025 in the AOM website.
    • Recommendation: Register early to attend and take advantage of reduced conference rates.
    • Decision Notification: When will I know if my proposal has been accepted?
      • Decision notifications are sent at the end of March 2025.
  3. When will the conference Proceedings be available? 
    • The AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings will be available in late June 2025.


“No one may submit or be associated with more than three scholarly submissions (papers and/or symposia) to an Academy Meeting. No one may appear on more than three sessions during the refereed scholarly program.”

Scholarly Program appearances include all roles that are listed on the scholarly program such as session moderators, organizers, special guests, discussants, speakers, presenters, authors, etc.


MED invites you to submit papers that are empirical, conceptual, provocative that align with MED’s major areas of focus.

NOTE: All participants on submitted papers, posters and symposia must be available to present in-person from Sunday - Tuesday, 27-29 July 2025. 

The Rule of One for Papers: “A paper can only be submitted to one (1) division or interest group (DIG).” We invite you to make MED your preferred DIG for submissions! 

  • A paper refers to a fully developed manuscript on a scholarly topic.
  • Accepted MED papers are grouped into paper sessions by the MED Program Chair based upon common themes reflecting the interests and domains of MED.
  • In a paper session, each author has a set amount of time to present their work.
  • Group discussion including Q&A follows the presentations of all the papers in a paper session.
Submission Rules for Papers
  • Each paper can be submitted to only one (1) division or interest group.
  • At the time of submission: 
    • Submitted papers must not have been previously presented at an AOM Annual Meeting (unless there are significant changes from the original presented proposal).
    • Submitted papers must not have been published or accepted for publication by AOM or non-AOM publications.
  • If a paper is under review, it must NOT appear in print or online at AOM or non-AOM publications before the AOM Annual Meeting.
  • Papers presented at AOM journal workshops do NOT count as prepublication and ARE allowed to be submitted to the AOM Annual Meeting.
  • NO changes in the paper title, abstract, authorship, nor uploaded document can occur AFTER the submission deadline 

Formatting your paper (SAMPLE)

Please follow these guidelines to ensure your paper is reviewed.

NOTE: Papers that are not prepared according to these formatting instructions will NOT be reviewed.

  • The maximum length of the submission is 40 pages (including title page and all figures, graphs, tables, appendices, and references.)
  • Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced, 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around, and 8.5" × 11”-page setting. References may be single spaced.
  • To facilitate the blind review process, remove ALL author-identifying information, including acknowledgments, from the uploaded document.

Note: You will still include ALL authors associated with your submission during the submission process, but not in your uploaded paper. The author information provided will appear in the printed and online program.

  • The entire paper submission (title page in Title Case, abstract, main text, figures, graphs, tables, references, etc.) must be in ONE document using one of the following formats:
    • Portable Document Format (.pdf)
    • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
  • Figures, graphs, tables, appendices, and references should follow the Academy of Management’s Style Guide. 
  • The 5-digit Academy-assigned electronic submission ID number should appear in the header (upper right) on the first page of the uploaded document.
  • Number the pages of the document. 
  • Make sure that the file or document uploaded is virus-free before submitting.
  • After uploading the document, it will be automatically converted to Adobe PDF format. Please make sure that the content of the submission appears and prints correctly as you intended after it has been converted by using the “view” button.
Paper Review Process

We invite you to sign up as a volunteer reviewer to review MED submissions. The sign-up process takes less than 10 minutes.

MED Writers' Workshop PDW: A central aspect of the MED program is to provide feedback to help you on your publication journey.

A select number of papers that are not accepted for the program will be invited to the "Writers' Workshop PDW" where journal editors, reviewers and other experienced authors will provide feedback to help authors advance their papers towards publication.

The papers selected must show high promise of being developed into published articles, and their authors must commit to commenting on others' papers in the most constructive and collegial spirit.


In symposium sessions several speakers discuss a common topic or theme in a manner that brings new insights to the subject.Symposia can be submitted to up to three divisions or interest groups (DIGs). Regardless of the number of DIGs submitted to, each DIG makes a separate and independent assessment of the symposium; a symposium may be accepted by some DIG(s) and rejected by others.

Symposium Types

There are two types of symposia:

  1. Panel Symposia engage a group of panelists in a formal interactive discussion.
  2. Presenter Symposia involve a series of authored presentations on a preset theme.
    • In a Presenter Symposium, titles are associated with each presentation. Presenter Symposia can involve co-authored presentations. Co-authors will be listed on the program.

1. Panel Symposia: The purpose of a Panel Symposium (SAMPLE) is to engage a group of panelists in an interactive discussion.
There are no titles associated with the panelists’ presentations.
Proposals for panel discussions should include clear descriptions of the topics to be discussed and the procedures that will be used to manage the discussion among panelists and with the audience.

2. Presenter Symposia: Presenter Symposia (SAMPLE) involve a series of authored presentations on a preset theme. Symposia can be singly sponsored by a division / interest group, or jointly sponsored by up to 3 DIGs.
In a Presenter Symposium, titles are associated with each presentation. Presenter Symposia can involve co-authored presentations. Co-authors will be listed on the program. 

Symposium Sponsors 

A symposium that is designed for a specific audience can be submitted to as many as THREE (3) divisions or interest groups that will each review the symposium independently. A symposium that relates to a specific division or interest group should be submitted to that division or interest group. We invite you to make MED your preferred DIG for submissions! 

  • When you submit a symposium, the electronic system will ask you to select potential sponsors.
Formatting Your Symposium Proposal 
  • NOTE: Symposium proposals that do not follow these formatting instructions will NOT be reviewed. 
1. A symposium submission must be contained in one document, include the following, and be organized in the following order:
a. A title page that includes: 
i. The Academy-assigned submission number.
ii. An explicit designation if it is a presenter or a panel symposium./div>
iii. Title of the symposium (in Title Case).
iv. Complete formal names and affiliations of all participants.
v. List of potential division and/or interest group sponsors.
b. A three to six (3-6) page overview of the symposium that includes:
i. An explanation of why the symposium should be of interest to EACH of the specified sponsors.
ii. Proposed format of the symposium designed to fit a 90-minute session.
c. For presenter symposia: An additional two to five (2-5) page synopsis of EACH presentation (not including references).
  • Each presentation may include a maximum of two (2) additional pages of tables and figures.
  • Tables and figures must be clear, legible, and no smaller than 10-point font. 

For panel symposia: An additional up to five (5) page summary of the panelists’ discussion.

  • There may be no formal presentations separate from the panel within a panel  symposium.
d. Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced, 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around, and 8.5" × 11”-page setting.
e. References may be single-spaced. 
2. The entire submission must be in ONE document, in one of the following formats: 
  • Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) 
  • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) 
  • Rich Text Format (.rtf) 
3. Number the pages of the document. 
4. Make sure that the file or document uploaded is virus-free before submitting. 
5. After uploading the document, it will be automatically converted to Adobe PDF format.
Please make sure that the content of the submission appears and prints correctly as you intended after it has been converted by using the “view” button. 

Symposium Review Process 

We invite you to sign up as a volunteer reviewer to review MED submissions. The sign-up process takes less than 10 minutes.  


    Poster presentations will be scheduled in one-hour in-person poster sessions taking place in a highly visible location at the Annual Meeting. 

    • NOTE: All authors on submitted poster submissions must be available to participate Friday, 25 July 2025 through Tuesday, 29 July 2025.

    The Rule of One for Posters: “A poster can only be submitted to one (1) division or interest group (DIG).” 

    • We invite you to make MED your preferred DIG for submissions!
    What is a poster submission?

    A poster submission includes an extended abstract manuscript that will be reviewed by MED when you  select the MED Division or Interest Group (DIG).

    Poster sessions encourage open dialogue and are a great way for researchers to share their work in a less formal setting compared to traditional presentations while still being an official part of the program.

    If accepted, submitters will be expected to create a poster presentation to be displayed visually that summarizes their research findings, methods, and conclusions.

    Poster presentations often include graphs, images, and text to make the information clear and engaging, and provide a platform for networking. In this format, presenters will have an opportunity to receive immediate feedback on their work.

    Submission Rules for Posters

    NOTE: Poster proposals that do not follow these formatting instructions will NOT be reviewed 

    At the time of submission: 

    • Submitted posters must not have been previously presented at an AOM Annual Meeting (unless there are significant changes from the original presented proposal). 
    • Submitted posters must not have been published or accepted for publication by AOM or non-AOM publications. 
    • If a poster is under review, it must NOT appear in print or online at AOM or non-AOM publications before the AOM Annual Meeting. 
    • Posters presented at AOM journal workshops do NOT count as prepublication and ARE  allowed to be submitted to the AOM Annual Meeting.
    • NO changes in the poster title, abstract, authorship, nor uploaded document can occur AFTER the submission deadline.
    • Poster submissions are exempt from the rule-of-3.

    Formatting your poster submission

    Please follow these guidelines to ensure your poster submission is reviewed. Poster submissions that are not prepared according to these formatting instructions will  NOT be reviewed.

    • Poster submission extended abstracts are limited to 1750 words, including all text, references, and tables, but excluding figures. Use 8.5" × 11”-page setting but otherwise if you stay within the word count limit, you can format the document how you like in terms of margins, spacing, font, font size, etc.
    • Poster submission extended abstracts must be organized in the following order:
      • Page 1: Title page that contains:
        • the Academy submission system-assigned 5-digit submission number
        • title of the submission (in Title Case)
        • the division or interest group being submitted to
        • up to 250-word abstract
      • Page 2 and subsequent pages up to the word count limit is the main body of the manuscript, including all references, tables, and figures.
    • The entire poster submission extended abstract must be in ONE document using one of the following formats: 
      • Portable Document Format (.pdf) 
      • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) 
      • Rich Text Format (.rtf) 
    • Make sure that the file or document uploaded is virus-free before submitting. 
    • After uploading the document, it will be automatically converted to Adobe PDF format. Please make sure that the content of the submission appears and prints correctly as you intended after it has been converted by using the “view” button.

    Annual Meeting logo85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
    (AOM 2025)

    25-29 July 2025
    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Key Dates

    • Submission Center Opens:
      Early December 2024
    • Reviewer Signup Opens:
      Early December 2024
    • Submission Deadline:
      7 January 2025
      17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    • Review Period:
      16 January-13 February 2025
    • Housing Opens:
      Late January 2025
    • Registration Opens:
      Early March 2025
    • Decision Notifications:
      Late March 2025
    • Program Available:
      May 2025
    • 85th Annual Meeting:
      25-29 July 2025
      Copenhagen, Denmark

    Annual Meeting logo85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
    (AOM 2025)

    25-29 July 2025
    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Key Dates

    • Submission Center Opens:
      Early December 2024
    • Reviewer Signup Opens:
      Early December 2024
    • Submission Deadline:
      7 January 2025
      17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5)
    • Review Period:
      16 January-13 February 2025
    • Housing Opens:
      Late January 2025
    • Registration Opens:
      Early March 2025
    • Decision Notifications:
      Late March 2025
    • Program Available:
      May 2025
    • 85th Annual Meeting:
      25-29 July 2025
      Copenhagen, Denmark

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    555 Pleasantville Road, Suite N200, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, USA