The Organizational Neuroscience Interest Group (NEU) invites symposium and paper submissions for the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management to be held from 9 -13 August 2024 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. NEU will have most of the papers and symposia presented live (synchronously). The NEU interest group is dedicated to using neuroscience knowledge and approaches at different levels in organizations, as well as promoting linkages to management theory and practice.
The Organizational Neuroscience (NEU) interest group encourages knowledge generation through theory development and/or empirical evidence pertaining to the neural mechanisms, as well as other biologically-based phenomena, associated with behavior and actions in the workplace. We broadly define organizational neuroscience as brain-related phenomena, including biological/physiological processes, that are innervated by the central nervous system (e.g., heartrate). Concurrently, the interest group seeks to understand how the environment, culture, and institutions can affect organizational actors’ behavior through nervous system functioning. By considering neuroscience at different levels of analysis in organizations (i.e., micro, meso, macro), we encourage interdisciplinarity and multi-methods research. Moreover, we stress ethical considerations when using neuroscience and other biologically-based technologies in workplace research.
We encourage both empirical and theoretical submission and interesting symposium submissions that enable attendees the opportunity to be exposed to new ideas and methodologies from neuroscience and other related fields. NEU welcomes submissions from doctoral students and scholars at all phases of their career. Given the nature of NEU, we are particularly interested in micro, meso, and macro contributions that cross diverse topics, such as OB, strategy, and HR. We also encourage scholars to think about this year’s Academy theme “Innovating for the Future: Policy, Purpose, and Organizations” when preparing their submissions.
If you have any questions about the appropriateness of your submission for NEU, please feel free to contact the Program Chair, Constant D. Beugré. Submission Center Opens early December 2023. The Submission Center closes on Tuesday, 9 January 2024 at 17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5).
We endeavor to provide developmental feedback to submitters. In order to accomplish this, we need your support. Please sign up to review for the NEU interest group in early December 2023. Your reviewer assignment will be based on the keywords that you indicate to be your areas of expertise. We are grateful for your willingness to volunteer and contribute to the program in this important way.
The NEU honors the following: (a) Best Paper submitted to NEU, (b) Best Student Paper (the paper may be co-authored, but the student must have a central role in it), and (c) Best Symposium. We will award the winner(s) of the Best Paper and Best Student Paper award with a plaque and a cash prize of US$500.
9-13 August 2024
Chicago, IL, USA