

2024 Division Scholarly Program: Call for Submissions

Program Chair: Gilad Chen, University of Maryland

Symposium Chair: Keith Leavitt, Oregon State University

We welcome submissions for inclusion in the Organizational Behavior (OB) Division's scholarly program at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024). Details about the mission and research domain of the OB Division can be found  here.

2024 Program Development Team

  • Gilad Chen
  • Keith Leavitt
  • Division Leadership
  • Elizabeth George
  • Rebecca Bennett
  • Bradley Kirkman

Submission Timeline

  • Early December 2023 - Submission Center opens
  • Submission deadline - 9 January 2024 17:00 ET (UTC-5/GMT-5)
  • PDW Acceptance notifications
  • Late March 2024 - Papers & Symposium Acceptance notifications
  • Late May 2024 - Online Program available
  • 84th Annual Meeting - 9-13 August 2024 held in person in Chicago, IL, USA

Conference Details

All program sessions will be held on-site in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The conference schedule will be organized with PDWs Friday-Sunday, and papers and symposia Sunday through Tuesday. Consortia will be offered Friday-Sunday and Plenary Sessions Sunday – Tuesday.

Reviewing for OB

The OB community aims to provide high-quality, developmental feedback to submitters. To achieve this aim, however, we need your support. Please sign up to review for the OB division in early December 2023. Your reviewer assignment will be based on the keywords that you indicate to be your areas of expertise. We are grateful for your willingness to volunteer and contribute to the program in this important way. To help you, we will provide reviewers with helpful guidance to complete a review of a conference paper, symposium, or PDW.

Description of Paper and Symposia Submissions

The scholarly program at AOM's annual meeting consists primarily of two main types of sessions, paper sessions and symposia:

  1. Paper sessions are composed of presentations of original and fully developed manuscripts. Author(s) submit a manuscript for consideration to be included in the annual meeting's scholarly program. If accepted, the manuscript is typically assigned by the Program Chair to a session that includes other papers on related topics.
  2. Symposia can be submitted as either panel or presenter format: 
  • Panel Symposia
  • Presenter Symposia

Additional details about the submission process can be found here.

Direct any questions about the submission process to the OB Division's Program Chair Gilad Chen, or the OB Division's Symposium Chair, Keith Leavitt.

Theme for AOM 2024: Innovating for the Future: Policy, Purpose, and Organizations.

OB Division Spotlight 2024: Elevating Research Integrity: Focusing on Trustworthy Science

The OB Division will continue the Spotlight, an initiative to focus attention on a pertinent issue that is relevant to organizational research and practice. For the 2024 meeting, our Spotlight is on Research Integrity, and its implications for the future of OB research. The Spotlight program track will address the critical importance of research ethics, transparency, and accountability in the academic and scientific communities. We welcome submissions investigating any aspect of research integrity; some possible examples include:

  • The Ethics of Discovery:  Sessions exploring the moral dimensions of research, addressing issues such as authorship, data management, and conflicts of interest.
  • Transparency and Open Science: Sessions focusing on using digital information to enhance research integrity through the transparency of open access and data sharing.
  • Culture, Training and Accountability:  Sessions on how to nurture a culture of research integrity. This includes discussions on ethics training for researchers, promoting responsible mentorship, and fostering a shared sense of responsibility within the research community.

We invite submitters to propose sessions that are engaging, provocative and meaningful.  All sessions will go through the usual submission process and be classified afterwards into a “Spotlight Track.” If you have any questions, please contact the Past Organization Behavior Division Chair, Rebecca Bennett.

OB Division Awards

The Division celebrates many awards at the Annual Meeting. Among these are the following awards given for submissions to the conference.

  1. OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Best Paper Award, recognizing the best overall paper (may be co-authored); sponsored by Sage on behalf of Group & Organization Management
  2. OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Best Dissertation-Based Paper Award, given to the best paper based on a doctoral dissertation completed within the past three years (must be sole-authored; sponsored by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Journal of Organizational Behavior)
  3. OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Innovative Student Paper Award, for the best paper in which a student was in the lead role (a student must be the sole or first-author) 
  4. OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Outstanding Practical Implications for Management Paper Award, for the paper with the most significant managerial implications (may be co-authored; sponsored by the Mercer Workforce Sciences Institute)
  5. OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Best Paper with International Implications Award, recognizing the paper whose theme and content best reflects an awareness of business and management across national boundaries (may be co-authored)
  6. OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Best Symposium Award, given to the symposium on the Academy program that best exemplifies interesting, important, and high impact research
  7. OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Best Paper with Entrepreneurship Implications Award, given to the paper with the most significant implications for entrepreneurship scholarship (sponsored by the Kaufmann Foundation)
  8. OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Best Student Paper with Entrepreneurship Implications Award, given to the paper in which a student was in the lead role (a student must be the first or sole author), and that has the most significant implications for entrepreneurship scholarship (sponsored by the Kaufmann Foundation)

Please note: To be considered for any of the following awards, you could select the appropriate orientation when you submit your paper in the online Submission Center, as follows:

  1. For the OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Best Dissertation-Based Paper Award, select "Newman Award Nominee"
  2. For the OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Most Innovative Student Paper Award, select "Student Paper"
  3. For the OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Most Outstanding Practical Implications for Management Award, select "Practice"
  4. For the OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Best Paper with International Implications Award, select "International"
  5. For the OB Division AOM Meeting 2024 Best Paper with Entrepreneurship Implications, select "Entrepreneurship"
  6. For the OB Division 2024 AOM Meeting Best Student Paper with Entrepreneurship Implications Award, select "Kauffman student paper"

Visit the OB Division website  for additional information about the Division, criteria for these awards, or past winners.

84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024)

9-13 August 2024
Chicago, IL, USA

AOM 2024 Key Dates

  • Registration/Housing Open:
    5 March 2024
  • Decision Notifications:
    Late March 2024
  • Annual Meeting Program
    Available June 2024
  • Early Registration Rate Deadline:
    7 May 2024
  • Regular Registration Rate Deadline:
    16 July 2024
  • Late Registration Rates
    17 July-13 August 2024
  • Hotel Reservations Deadline:
    17 July 2024
  • 84th Annual Meeting:
    9-13 August 2024
    Chicago, IL, USA
    In-person @AOM 2024
    11 August 2024

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555 Pleasantville Road, Suite N200, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, USA