2024 Professional Development Workshops (PDW): Call for Proposals
The OMT Division is an inclusive community of scholars that draws on a rich intellectual heritage to build and test theory about organizations, their members, their management, organization-environment relations, organizing processes and broader markets and fields. We actively promote and develop the community of researchers, educators, and practitioners who advance OMT scholarship. To this end, we invite proposals for PDW sessions that will take place during the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024) held 9–13 August 2024 in Chicago, IL, USA. PDW sessions will take place Friday-Sunday, 9-11 August.
PDW sessions provide an opportunity to explore emerging or understudied research questions, advance novel theoretical perspectives, develop innovative empirical approaches, and encourage engagement with relevant but underexplored phenomena around organizations and organizing. PDWs can be organized in a great variety of formats such as workshops, tutorials, debates, roundtable discussions, town hall meetings, and many more. Most importantly, PDW sessions are intended for professional development of the participants; this means that active engagement by participants is an essential ingredient of a successful PDW.
We look forward to PDW sessions that will contribute to the Division’s mission of advancing robust theoretical understanding of organizations, organizing, and management and we encourage submissions that address the overall AOM 2024 Academy theme:
Innovating for the Future - Policy, Purpose, and Organization.
To create a proposal
Please follow the AOM submission guidelines to create your PDW proposal. In addition to the AOM guidelines, please add a statement of proposed takeaways you would like participants to develop as a result of participating.
To submit your proposal
Upload your proposal to the AOM Submission Center by the submission deadline of Tuesday, 9 January 2024 at 17:00 ET (UTC-5/GMT-5).
PDWs will be evaluated on their potential to:
- Help OMT members develop professionally, such as by advancing theoretical conversations, building skills for research, teaching and service, fostering connections and networks, and enabling greater inclusion;
- Offer a creative and interactive format for engaging participants; and
- Appeal to a broad range of existing and potential OMT members across different career stages, nationalities, roles, and so forth.
Questions? Feel free to reach out to Joel Gehman.