
Paper Development Workshops are designed to provide authors with guidance and expertise in the development of their manuscript for potential submission to an Academy journal.

The workshops include general presentations about the individual journal by members of that journal's editorial team, as well as roundtable discussions that focus on providing authors with practical and developmental feedback aimed at strengthening and improving their papers. The workshops are open to all Academy members, as well as non-members.

AMLE Virtual Paper Development Workshop

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Submissions on all management learning and management education topics, using all types of theory, at all levels of analysis, and using all empirical methods are invited.

Academy of Management Learning & Education
Journal of Management Education
Management Learning


Paper Development Workshop

Hosted by the

Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management


Application Submission Deadline: 3 November 2021

Confirmation Date: 18 November 2021

PDW event: 1-2 December 2021, Workshop Date and Time TBA


  • Professor Paul Hibbert, Editor-in-Chief, Academy of Management Learning & Education
  • Associate Professor Todd Bridgman, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Management Learning
  • Professor Martyna Sliwa, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Management Learning
  • Professor Jennifer Leigh, Co-Editor, Journal of Management Education
  • Dr Marissa Kate Edwards, Co-Editor, Journal of Management Education

This developmental workshop offers the opportunity for researchers at all levels, specializing in management learning and education areas, to develop papers toward submission to a leading MLE journal. Submissions on all management learning and management education topics, using all types of theory, at all levels of analysis, and using all empirical methods are invited for submission to the workshop. Submissions will be accepted for inclusion in the workshop based on their potential fit, following development, with the journal on which they are focused.

Application and Participation Process

To apply to participate you must:

• Submit a draft paper (15-40 pages) that you would like to develop through constructive critique, that fits with ONE of the journals’ focus and content areas:


o JME:

o ML:   

• Send us your draft paper (no less than 15 and no more than 40 double-spaced pages, inclusive of references, diagrams and tables) in Word or PDF format, no later than 3 November 2021. The paper can be the same as submitted to the main ANZAM conference, or different.

• Your paper must have a cover page that includes: the author name(s) and affiliation(s); three-four keywords; and an email address for the lead author. An abstract of up to 200 words should be provided on the first page of the paper.

• Agree to your paper being discussed in a small group with other participants, as arranged by the workshop facilitators.

• Be willing and able to provide a short (five-minute maximum) overview of your paper to others in the discussion group.

• Commit to attending the whole workshop, if your paper is accepted. Conference registration is free for ANZAM members, but membership fees must be covered by participants.

The workshop will take this format:

The first 60 minutes of the workshop will include a welcome, introductions to editorial teams, and overview of each journal.

Following this, editors will run discussions with small groups of authors lasting approximately 30 minutes.

The workshop will conclude with a 40-minute panel discussion with the journal editors.

Paper Submission Process

To apply please send your draft paper to the relevant email address with the message header “ANZAM PDW Submission”:

The deadline to apply for the workshop is 3 November 2021

If your application is successful, we will confirm your place by 18 November 2021.

Some portions of these workshops may be photographed or videotaped for potential promotion that AOM may create on behalf of the publications. If you have concerns about potentially appearing as a participant in the photographs and/or videos and would like to opt out, please email Susan Zaid within one week of the workshop date to let us know your concern. If you choose to opt out, please also send us your picture so we know who to block from the photos and/or video. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you are comfortable with potential inclusion in this regard.
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