The workshops include general presentations about the individual journal by members of that journal's editorial team, as well as roundtable discussions that focus on providing authors with practical and developmental feedback aimed at strengthening and improving their papers. The workshops are open to all Academy members, as well as non-members.
Join us for a virtual Paper Development Workshop to learn about publishing in the Academy of Management Annals. Talk to this year’s Best Articles winners, participate in our Q&A, and learn how to write a proposal that can lead to a paper being published in Annals!
Please join us on Friday, 12 November from 10:30-12:00 EDT (UTC-4/GMT-4) for a virtual PDW to learn about publishing in the Academy of Management Annals. Talk to this year’s Best Articles winners, participate in our Q&A, and learn how to write a proposal that can lead to a paper being published in Annals!