Academy of Management members are invited to participate in an important survey. In light of the shifting needs of our profession, AOM Leadership is exploring the programs and services that represent the core value proposition of our membership organization. Late in 2022, the Board of Governors affirmed the following value proposition for AOM:
The Academy of Management is a community of engaged members who teach and conduct research in the area of management. We offer a platform for exchange around the creation and dissemination of rigorous and relevant knowledge pertaining to management scholarship, teaching and practice. We harness the power of our global members as volunteers to advance the professional development and careers of management scholars in all stages of the academic life-cycle.
We have designed a survey to gather your input on how valuable our current programs and services are to your career success and to identify potential additional programs and services we might offer in the future. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete, and all responses will be anonymous. As a token of our gratitude for your participation, you will be provided with an opportunity to enter into a drawing for a complimentary registration to the 2023 AOM Annual Meeting. Submit your responses by 5 April 2023.
Please check your email for the link to access the survey or contact for a copy of the survey invitation.