
2021 Most Read and Cited

Academy of Management Annals

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  1. Abbie J. Shipp, Karen J. Jansen
    The “Other” Time: A Review of the Subjective Experience of Time in Organizations
  2. Madeline Toubiana, Milo Shaoqing Wang, Rongrong Zhang, Royston Greenwood
    Stigma Beyond Levels: Advancing Research on Stigmatization
  3. Brian S. Silverman, Gokhan Ertug, Ilya R. P. Cuypers, Jean-François Hennart
    Transaction Cost Theory: Past Progress, Current Challenges, and Suggestions for the Future
  4. Davide Ravasi, Innan Sasaki, Jochem Kroezen, Monika Żebrowska, Roy Suddaby
    Configurations of Craft: Alternative Models for Organizing Work
  5. Brent A. Scott, Catherine E. Kleshinski, Julia M. Stevenson-Street, Kelly Schwind Wilson
    Principled Leader Behaviors: An Integrative Framework and Extension of Why Leaders Are Fair, Ethical, and Nonabusive
  6. Martin Kilduff, Stefano Tasselli
    Network Agency
  7. Henrich R. Greve, Ivana Naumovska, Vibha Gaba
    The Diffusion of Differences: A Review and Reorientation of 20 Years of Diffusion Research
  8. Anna T. Mayo, Christopher G. Myers, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe
    Organizational Science and Health Care
  9. Adam D. Galinsky, Jackson G. Lu, Salvatore J. Affinito, William W. Maddux
    Multicultural Experiences: A Systematic Review and New Theoretical Framework
  10. Kent K. Alipour, Ramon Rico, Susan Mohammed
    Team Cognition at a Crossroad: Toward Conceptual Integration and Network Configurations


  1. Adam D. Galinsky, Jackson G. Lu, Salvatore J. Affinito, William W. Maddux
    Multicultural Experiences: A Systematic Review and New Theoretical Framework
  2. Brian S. Silverman, Gokhan Ertug, Ilya R. P. Cuypers, Jean-François Hennart
    Transaction Cost Theory: Past Progress, Current Challenges, and Suggestions for the Future
  3. Abbie J. Shipp, Karen J. Jansen
    The “Other” Time: A Review of the Subjective Experience of Time in Organizations
  4. Mariella Miraglia and Gary Johns
    The Social and Relational Dynamics of Absenteeism From Work: A Multilevel Review and Integration
  5. Madeline Toubiana, Milo Shaoqing Wang, Rongrong Zhang, Royston Greenwood
    Stigma Beyond Levels: Advancing Research on Stigmatization
  6. Martin Kilduff, Stefano Tasselli
    Network Agency
  7. Brent A. Scott, Catherine E. Kleshinski, Julia M. Stevenson-Street, Kelly Schwind Wilson
    Principled Leader Behaviors: An Integrative Framework and Extension of Why Leaders Are Fair, Ethical, and Nonabusive
  8. Elham Asgari, Richard A. Hunt, Daniel A. Lerner, David M. Townsend, Mathew L. A. Hayward and Kip Kiefer
    Red Giants or Black Holes? The Antecedent Conditions and Multilevel Impacts of Star Performers
  9. Mel Fugate, Beatrice van der Heijden, Ans De Vos, Anneleen Forrier and Nele De Cuyper
    Is What’s Past Prologue? A Review and Agenda for Contemporary Employability Research
  10. Ivana Naumovska, Vibha Gaba and Henrich R. Greve
    The Diffusion of Differences: A Review and Reorientation of 20 Years of Diffusion Research
  11. Sharon K. Parker, M.K. Ward and Gwenith G. Fisher
    Can High-Quality Jobs Help Workers Learn New Tricks? A Multidisciplinary Review of Work Design for Cognition
  12. Kent K. Alipour, Ramon Rico, Susan Mohammed
    Team Cognition at a Crossroad: Toward Conceptual Integration and Network Configurations

Academy of Management Discoveries

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  1. Christopher G. Myers, Ryan W. Quinn, Shirli Kopelman, Stefanie Simmons
    How Did You Do That? Exploring the Motivation to Learn from Others’ Exceptional Success
  2. Bernadette Doerr, Charles A. O’Reilly, Jennifer A. Chatman
    When “Me” Trumps “We”: Narcissistic Leaders and the Cultures They Create
  3. Ann Majchrzak, Arvind Malhotra, Michael A. Zaggl
    How Open Crowds Self-Organize
  4. Amy C. Edmondson, Anna T. Mayo, Michaela J. Kerrissey
    Joint Problem-Solving Orientation in Fluid Cross-Boundary Teams
  5. Laura J. Kray, Sameer B. Srivastava, Sanaz Mobasseri
    A Brief Social-Belonging Intervention in the Workplace: Evidence from a Field Experiment
  6. Anne S. Tsui
    Responsible Research and Responsible Leadership Studies
  7. David A. Kirsch, Heejung Byun
    The Morning Inbox Problem: Email Reply Priorities and Organizational Timing Norms
  8. Katleen De Stobbeleir, Philip Rogiers, Stijn Viaene
    Stretch Yourself: Benefits and Burdens of Job Crafting That Goes Beyond the Job
  9. Amanda P. Cowen, Kelly Raz, Kristin J. Behfar, Melissa Thomas-Hunt
    In Pursuit of Status: Disentangling Status-Seeking Goals, Motives, and Behavior
  10. Gary Johns
    Departures from Conventional Wisdom: Where’s the Next Opposite Effect?

Academy of Management Journal

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  1. Elad N. Sherf, Michael R. Parke, Sofya Isaakyan
    Distinguishing Voice and Silence at Work: Unique Relationships with Perceived Impact, Psychological Safety, and Burnout
  2. Giuseppe Soda, Pier Vittorio Mannucci, Ronald S. Burt
    Networks, Creativity, and Time: Staying Creative through Brokerage and Network Rejuvenation
  3. Adam M. Grant, Jihae Shin
    When Putting Work Off Pays Off: The Curvilinear Relationship between Procrastination and Creativity
  4. Karl Taeuscher, Ricarda Bouncken, Robin Pesch
    Gaining Legitimacy by Being Different: Optimal Distinctiveness in Crowdfunding Platforms
  5. Elizabeth R. Tenney, Kristin Bain, Nathan L. Meikle, Tamar A. Kreps
    Amplifying Voice in Organizations
  6. Hudson Sessions, Kate P. Zipay, Marie S. Mitchell, Michael D. Baer, Robert J. Bies
    Lenient Reactions to Misconduct: Examining the Self-Conscious Process of Being Lenient to Others at Work
  7. Guanglei Zhang, Jie Feng, Michael C. Sturman, Shao-Long Li, Wei He
    When Does Pay for Performance Motivate Employee Helping Behavior? The Contextual Influence of Performance Subjectivity
  8. Elizabeth M. Campbell, Traci Sitzmann
    The Hidden Cost of Prayer: Religiosity and the Gender Wage Gap
  9. Emma L. Frank, Fadel K. Matta, Margaret M. Luciano, Michael D. Baer, Ned Wellman
    Undertrusted, Overtrusted, or Just Right? The Fairness of (In)Congruence between Trust Wanted and Trust Received
  10. Juliane Reinecke, Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari
    Microfoundations of Framing: The Interactional Production of Collective Action Frames in the Occupy Movement


  1. Elad N. Sherf, Michael R. Parke, Sofya Isaakyan
    Distinguishing Voice and Silence at Work: Unique Relationships with Perceived Impact, Psychological Safety, and Burnout
  2. Karl Taeuscher, Ricarda Bouncken, Robin Pesch
    Gaining Legitimacy by Being Different: Optimal Distinctiveness in Crowdfunding Platforms
  3. Juliane Reinecke, Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari
    Microfoundations of Framing: The Interactional Production of Collective Action Frames in the Occupy Movement
  4. Jessica R. Methot, Emily H. Rosado-Solomon, Patrick E. Downes and Allison S. Gabriel
    Office Chitchat as a Social Ritual: The Uplifting Yet Distracting Effects of Daily Small Talk at Work
  5. Mark R. DesJardine and Wei Shi
    How Temporal Focus Shapes the Influence of Executive Compensation on Risk Taking
  6. Trey Sutton, Richard A. Devine, Bruce T. Lamont and R. Michael Holmes, Jr.
    Resource Dependence, Uncertainty, and the Allocation of Corporate Political Activity across Multiple Jurisdictions
  7. Mark R. DesJardine, Emilio Marti and Rodolphe Durand
    Why Activist Hedge Funds Target Socially Responsible Firms: The Reaction Costs of Signaling Corporate Social Responsibility
  8. Mirzokhidjon Abdurakhmonov, Jason W. Ridge and Aaron D. Hill
    Unpacking Firm External Dependence: How Government Contract Dependence Affects Firm Investments and Market Performance
  9. Giulia Cappellaro, Amelia Compagni and Eero Vaara
    Maintaining Strategic Ambiguity for Protection: Struggles over Opacity, Equivocality, and Absurdity around the Sicilian Mafia
  10. Wei He, Shao-Long Li, Jie Feng, Guanglei Zhang and Michael C. Sturman
    When Does Pay for Performance Motivate Employee Helping Behavior? The Contextual Influence of Performance Subjectivity
  11. Shi Tang, Sucheta Nadkarni, Liqun Wei and Stephen X. Zhang
    Balancing the Yin and Yang: TMT Gender Diversity, Psychological Safety, and Firm Ambidextrous Strategic Orientation in Chinese High-Tech SMEs

    Academy of Management Learning & Education

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    1. Leon Prieto, Lilia Giugni, Neil Stott, Simone Phipps
      Teaching (Cooperative) Business: The “Bluefield Experiment” and the Future of Black Business Schools
    2. Anne Mesny, David Pastoriza Rivas, Serge Poisson-De Haro
      Business School Professors’ Teaching Approaches and How They Change
    3. Laura Parks-Leduc, Leigh Mulligan, Matthew A. Rutherford
      Can Ethics Be Taught? Examining the Impact of Distributed Ethical Training and Individual Characteristics on Ethical Decision-Making
    4. André Spicer, Caroline Wiertz, Zahira Jaser
      The Future of the Business School: Finding Hope in Alternative Pasts
    5. Lisa Thomas, Veronique Ambrosini
      The Future Role of the Business School: A Value Cocreation Perspective
    6. Carole Elliott, Jamie L. Callahan, Valerie Anderson
      Power, Powerlessness, and Journal Ranking Lists: The Marginalization of Fields of Practice
    7. Behlül Üsdiken, Lars Engwall, Matthias Kipping
      Professional School Obsession: An Enduring Yet Shifting Rhetoric by U.S. Business Schools
    8. Eugene Sadler-Smith, Irina Cojuharenco
      Business Schools and Hubris: Cause or Cure?
    9. Damian O’Doherty
      Nothing Succeeds Like Failure: The Sad History of American Business Schools
    10. Alexandra Pitsis, Marco Berti, Natalia Nikolova, Walter Jarvis
      Embodied Phronetic Pedagogy: Cultivating Ethical and Moral Capabilities in Postgraduate Business Students


    1. Ghazal Zulfiqar and Ajnesh Prasad
      Challenging Social Inequality in the Global South: Class, Privilege, and Consciousness-Raising Through Critical Management Education
    2. Carole Elliott, Jamie L. Callahan, Valerie Anderson
      Power, Powerlessness, and Journal Ranking Lists: The Marginalization of Fields of Practice
    3. Eugene Sadler-Smith, Irina Cojuharenco
      Business Schools and Hubris: Cause or Cure?
    4. Alexandra Pitsis, Marco Berti, Natalia Nikolova, Walter Jarvis
      Embodied Phronetic Pedagogy: Cultivating Ethical and Moral Capabilities in Postgraduate Business Students
    5. Laura Parks-Leduc, Leigh Mulligan, Matthew A. Rutherford
      Can Ethics Be Taught? Examining the Impact of Distributed Ethical Training and Individual Characteristics on Ethical Decision-Making
    6. André Spicer, Caroline Wiertz, Zahira Jaser
      The Future of the Business School: Finding Hope in Alternative Pasts
    7. Sergio Wanderley, Rafael Alcadipani and Amon Barros
      Recentering the Global South in the Making of Business School Histories: Dependency Ambiguity in Action

    Academy of Management Perspectives



    1. Carmelo Cennamo
      Competing in Digital Markets: A Platform-Based Perspective
    2. Allan Afuah, Annabelle Gawer, Arati Srinivasan, David McIntyre, Tobias Kretschmer
      Multisided Platforms as New Organizational Forms
    3. Michael A. Hitt, Patricia Klarner, Toru Yoshikawa
      A Capability-Based View of Boards: A New Conceptual Framework for Board Governance
    4. Jay B. Barney, Shad S. Morris, Sharon A. Alvarez
      Dancing with the Stars: The Practical Value of Theory in Managing Star Employees
    5. Carol Flinchbaugh, Clint Chadwick
      Searching for Competitive Advantage in the HRM-Firm Performance Relationship
    6. Rebecca R. Kehoe
      Revisiting the Concepts of Vertical and Horizontal Fit in HRM: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and Where We Might Go
    7. Soo-Hoon Lee
      An Attention-Based View of Strategic Human Resource Management
    8. Scott A. Snell, Shad S. Morris
      Time for Realignment: The HR Ecosystem
    9. Alain Verbeke, Thomas Hutzschenreuter
      The Dark Side of Digital Globalization
    10. David B. Balkin, Rudi K. F. Bresser
      Scholarly Books as Complementary Contributions to “A’s”


    1. Carmelo Cennamo
      Competing in Digital Markets: A Platform-Based Perspective
    2. Douglas J. Cumming, Tom Vanacker and Shaker A. Zahra
      Equity Crowdfunding and Governance: Toward an Integrative Model and Research Agenda
    3. Carol Flinchbaugh, Clint Chadwick
      Searching for Competitive Advantage in the HRM-Firm Performance Relationship
    4. David McIntyre, Arati Srinivasan, Allan Afuah, Annabelle Gawer and Tobias Kretschmer
      Multisided Platforms as New Organizational Forms
    5. Donato Cutolo and Martin Kenney
      Platform-Dependent Entrepreneurs: Power Asymmetries, Risks, and Strategies in the Platform Economy
    6. Alex Murray, Scott Kuban, Matt Josefy and Jon Anderson
      Contracting in the Smart Era: The Implications of Blockchain and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations for Contracting and Corporate Governance
    7. Albert M. Ahn and Margarethe F. Wiersema
      Activist Hedge Funds: Beware the New Titans
    8. Scott A. Snell, Shad S. Morris
      Time for Realignment: The HR Ecosystem
    9. Patrick M. Wright and Spenser M. Essman
      Carrots, Sticks, and Performance: Is It Commitment, or Commitment Plus Control?
    10. Derron G. Bishop, Jennifer L. Eury, Dennis A. Gioia, Linda Klebe Treviño and Glen E. Kreiner
      In the Heart of a Storm: Leveraging Personal Relevance Through “Inside-Out” Research

    Academy of Management Review

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    1. Alf Steiner Sætre, Andrew Van de Ven
      Generating Theory by Abduction
    2. Audrey L. Holm, Michel Anteby, Stine Grodal
      Achieving Rigor in Qualitative Analysis: The Role of Active Categorization in Theory Building
    3. Sebastian Krakowski, Sebastian Raisch
      Artificial Intelligence and Management: The Automation–Augmentation Paradox
    4. Daan van Knippenberg, Jeroen Stouten, Matthew A. Cronin
      The Theory Crisis in Management Research: Solving the Right Problem
    5. Andrew Lynn
      Why “Doing Well by Doing Good” Went Wrong: Getting Beyond “Good Ethics Pays” Claims in Managerial Thinking
    6. Evgeny Kaganer, Harris Kyriakou, Ola Henfridsson, Robert Wayne Gregory
      The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Data Network Effects for Creating User Value
    7. John Amis, Morela Hernandez, Patrick Haack, Shelly Brickson
      Taking Inequality Seriously
    8. Alex Murray, David G. Sirmon, Jen Rhymer
      Humans and Technology: Forms of Conjoined Agency in Organizations
    9. Adam J. Wowak, Donald C. Hambrick
      CEO Sociopolitical Activism: A Stakeholder Alignment Model
    10. John C. Dencker, Marc Gruber, Melvin Haas, Sophie Bacq
      Reconceptualizing Necessity Entrepreneurship: A Contextualized Framework of Entrepreneurial Processes Under the Condition of Basic Needs


    1. Audrey L. Holm, Michel Anteby, Stine Grodal
      Achieving Rigor in Qualitative Analysis: The Role of Active Categorization in Theory Building
    2. John C. Dencker, Sophie Bacq, Marc Gruber and Melvin Haas
      Reconceptualizing Necessity Entrepreneurship: A Contextualized Framework of Entrepreneurial Processes Under the Condition of Basic Needs
    3. Sebastian Krakowski, Sebastian Raisch
      Artificial Intelligence and Management: The Automation–Augmentation Paradox
    4. Michael Power
      Modelling the Micro-Foundations of the Audit Society: Organizations and the Logic of the Audit Trail
    5. Matthew S. Wood, Rene M. Bakker and Greg Fisher
      Back to the Future: A Time-Calibrated Theory of Entrepreneurial Action
    6. Adam J. Wowak, Donald C. Hambrick
      CEO Sociopolitical Activism: A Stakeholder Alignment Model
    7. Evgeny Kaganer, Harris Kyriakou, Ola Henfridsson, Robert Wayne Gregory
      The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Data Network Effects for Creating User Value
    8. Marco Berti and Ace V. Simpson
      The Dark Side of Organizational Paradoxes: The Dynamics of Disempowerment
    9. Tobias Hahn and Eric Knight
      The Ontology of Organizational Paradox: A Quantum Approach
    10. Alex Murray, David G. Sirmon, Jen Rhymer
      Humans and Technology: Forms of Conjoined Agency in Organizations


    Most read - Atypon report 1/1/2021 - 12/9/2021
    Most cited - Web of Science report 12/16/2021

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